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- Aggressive Cows
- Count The Reversals
- Count Distinct Elements in Every Window
- Longest Substring without Repeating characters
- Merge Overlaping Subintervals
- Rabin Karp Algorithm
- Remove outermost parenthesis
- Remove Duplicate Element from an array using extra space
- Remove Duplicate Element from an array without using Extra Space
- Spiral Matrix
- String to Int(atoi)
- Longest Common Prefix
- Target Sum Triplets
- Check for Subsequence
- Binary Tree
- Detect Loop in Linked List
- Linked List
- Linked List ~ Reverse
- Matrix Sorting
- Queue Basic Functionalities
- Implementation of Queue using stack & vice-versa
- Queue
- Segment Tree
- Sparse Matrix
- Stack ~ Linked List Implementation
- Stack Implementation-of-queue-using-stack
- Tree Traversal(preorder traversal)
- Tree Traversal(postorder traversal)
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Using Priority Queue
- Prim's Algorithm
- Count Number Of Digits
- Euler's Totient Function
- Iterative
- Recursive
- String Method
- Binary Exponentiation
- Complex numbers
- Double Factorial
- Extended Euclid Algorithm
- Segmented_Sieve
- Sieve of Atkin
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Kandane Algorithm
- Longest common subsequence
- Maximum sum rectangle of 2D array
- Kandane Algorithm
- CoinChange DP
- Coin Change Problem Using DP
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- BeadSort
- Bubble Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Cocktail Sort
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Minimum number of swaps to sort an array of N unordered consecutive integers
- Optimized Bubble Sort
- PancakeSort
- Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
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- All possible codes
- Find first missing positive number
- First non-repeating character in a string
- Maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1's
- Merge 2 Sorted arrays in O(1) extra space
- Minimum Sum Partition
- Painter Partition problem
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Recursion Counting of Substring in given String
- Search Insert Position
- Sudoku solver
- Swap Nibbles
- Tower of Hanoi problem
- Unique 3