Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
id | getId() | setId($value) | string | The card's unique ID, if any. | [optional] |
card_brand | getCardBrand() | setCardBrand($value) | string | The card's brand (such as `VISA`). See CardBrand for all possible values. | [optional] |
last_4 | getLast4() | setLast4($value) | string | The last 4 digits of the card's number. | [optional] |
exp_month | getExpMonth() | setExpMonth($value) | int | The month of the card's expiration date. This value is always between `1` and `12`, inclusive. | [optional] |
exp_year | getExpYear() | setExpYear($value) | int | The four-digit year of the card's expiration date. | [optional] |
cardholder_name | getCardholderName() | setCardholderName($value) | string | The cardholder name. This value is present only if this object represents a customer's card on file. | [optional] |
billing_address | getBillingAddress() | setBillingAddress($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Address | The card's billing address. This value is present only if this object represents a customer's card on file. | [optional] |
fingerprint | getFingerprint() | setFingerprint($value) | string | The unique string fingerprint for the card. The fingerprint is based on the credit card number and is unique to the merchant. If a card is used at multiple locations for the same merchant, it will have the same fingerprint in each case. Note: Fingerprint may not exist on old transactions. | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.