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Lesson 9: Web APIs

Recap: loops

What are loops?

repeatedly run a block of code - until a certain condition is met.

What kind of loops did we talk about?

  • while loop
  • for loop

How does a while loop look like?

while (condition){
  // code

How does a while loop work?

while (condition){
  // code
  1. check condition
  • if it is false, STOP!
  • if it is true:
  1. execute the code in the block { ... }
  2. go to 1.

How does a for loop look like?

for (init; condition; update) {
  // code

How does a for loop work?

for (init; condition; update) {
  // code
  1. execute init
  2. check condition
  • if it is false, STOP!
  • if it is true:
  1. execute the code in the block { ... }
  2. execute update
  3. go to 2.

Loops are very powerful in combination with Arrays!

Recap: arrays

Arrays are ordered containers that holds multiple values.

How do we create an array?

let cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];

// we create an array using []
let emptyArray = [];

// we put the values we want in square brackets
// separated by commas
let ages = [19, 33, 25, 40];

We can access elements in the array by number using square brackets "[]"

The numbering starts at 0, and the last element always has the number: (array.length - 1).

let books = ["Harry Potter", "The Hobbit", "Game of Thrones"];

console.log(books[0]); // "Harry Potter"
console.log(books[books.length - 1]); // "Game of Thrones"

We can use loops to go through elements of an array.

let cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];

for (let i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {

// we can also change the values in the array
cars[1] = "Fiat";

// and add additional items at the end of the array


You have written a program that tells you how likely it is to rain outside (in percent %).

Unfortunately, it is not very accurate, it sometimes gives you more than 100% or less that 0%.

These are the values you got:

[55.1, 45.6, 145.01, 10, -0.5, 0.001, 110, -0.001]

Write some code that replaces all values less than 0 with 0, and bigger than 100 with 100.

Exercise: part 1

write a function called "introduce" that takes a name and an age.

the function should log to the console: "My name is {name}, I am {age} years old"

Exercise: part 2

You have the following information about your friends:

let names = ['John Carmack', 'Frances Northcutt', 'John Nash'];
let ages = [23, 25, 66];

write a loop that uses the function from before to output the introduction for everyone of them.

The name of a person and the age of a person belong together; it feels very ugly to solve the problem using two separate arrays.

Today we are going to talk about a new type that will solve this exact problem!

Recap - DOM

  • DOM is an API
  • It allows us to add/remove/change any element of a web page
  • We can make TODO lists, games and cool CSS animations
  • But how would we create a web page with "dynamic" data, for example today's weather?

Web APIs

Basic building blocks

We need to first learn about a few concepts:

  1. JSON - How to exchange data
  2. REST API - How to talk with a server
  3. fetch API - How to connect to a server

Object notation

  • In JavaScript, we can put all keys of objects in quotes. This is purely optional:
let me = {
    "name": "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    "hobbies": [ "Eat", "Sleep" ]

console.log(; // "John"


  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation
  • It is a string representation of a JavaScript object
  • All keys in our key value pairs must be in quotes
  • Must contain only these types:
    • string, number, boolean, array
    • null
    • another JSON object
  • These types are forbidden:
    • function, undefined


JSON example

    "name": "Bob",
    "instructor": true,
    "hobbies": [ "eat", "sleep" ],
    "age": 86,
    "workAddress": {
        "street": "Invalidenstraße",
        "number": 116,
        "city": "Berlin"

object <-> JSON

JavaScript offers us an API to convert an object to JSON and vice versa:

let obj = {
    name: "Bob",
    instructor: true

// turn our object to JSON:
let json = JSON.stringify(obj);

// turn our JSON back to an object:
let jsonAsObj = JSON.parse(json);


  • What does the following output?
typeof JSON.stringify({ name: "Bob" });
typeof JSON.parse('{"city":"Berlin"}');

Quiz - answer

typeof JSON.stringify({ name: "Bob" }); // "string"
typeof JSON.parse('{"city":"Berlin"}'); // "object"

Recap - API

  • API stands for Application Programming Interface
  • It is the contract between your application and the server



What is missing?

  • Now we know how to talk to a server: REST API
  • Now we know how to exchange data with a server: JSON
  • But how do we connect to the server from within JavaScript?

The dark past: XMLHttpRequest

let url = '';

function load(url, callback) {
 let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
   if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
 }'GET', url, true);

fetch - Promises

fetch("").then(function(response) {
    return response.json();
  }).then(function(json) {
    console.log("got json: " + json);

fetch - async/await

async function fetchMyApi() {
  let response = await fetch("");
  let result = await response.json();


  • Fetching data from the internet might take a lot of time
  • We must not block our browser while waiting for the reply!
  • XMLHttpRequest was working with callbacks. The API is ugly, error-prone and difficult to use
  • fetch with promises is a bit better, but still complex to use
  • fetch with await/async is the cleanest, easiest


  • JavaScript introduced two new keywords: async and await
  • We can use the await keyword only in async functions!
  • await executes the call, continues executing the code which comes after the async function
  • once the result of the await is available, the code in the async function resumes
  • This allows us to execute long-running functions without blocking the browser

Full fetch example

async function fetchMyApi() {
  // connects to
  let response = await fetch("");
  // "downloads" the resource, converts the JSON for us.
  // We don't need to call JSON.parse()!
  let result = await response.json();

console.log("after calling fetchMyApi()");

Recap: Quiz

  1. Quiz sample URL:
  2. Were you able to download that URL from within JavaScript?
  3. Were you able to read/explain the response?
  4. Were you able to extract the relevant data from the response?
  5. Were you able to render that data in HTML?
  6. Were you able to add the logic of shuffling / state management?

Let's play

Now, from JavaScript

async function fetchDog() {
  let response = await fetch("");
  let result = await response.json();
  • Create a <img> element, set its src attribute to the message you got from and append it to document.body!


async function fetchDog() {
  let response = await fetch("");
  let result = await response.json();
  let image = document.createElement("img");
  image.src = result.message;


  • Can you fetch the URL below and check the output?
    let apiKey = 'XXX'; // check slack channel
    let url = ",13.384742&q=cafe&apiKey=" + apiKey;

Search reply

  • We're getting a JSON object with one property called result
  • The type of result is an array.
    let response = await fetch(url);
    let reply = await response.json();
    for (let result of reply.resulsts) {
        // ...


  • Every result has a couple of properties
  • position looks interesting - it has the lat/lon coordinate
  • title contains the name of the place
  • Can you create one marker on our map for every result?


  • Add a button called "search" that searches around the currently visible area for cafes
  • Add an input field that lets the user specify other search terms than "cafe"
  • Note - Use encodeURIComponent to escape the user input

Further Practices