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199 lines (129 loc) · 7.58 KB

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199 lines (129 loc) · 7.58 KB

Change Log

Version 1.18.0


  • Update target SDK to API 31.
  • Kotlin 1.5.31.
  • Coroutines 1.5.2.
  • Material Components 1.4.0.
  • Update AndroidX.

Version 1.17.0


  • Breaking change: RobotActions.selectBottomNavigationItem(@IdRes bottomNavigationViewResId: Int, navItemTitle: String) has been replaced with RobotActions.selectNavigationBarItem(@IdRes navigationBarViewResId: Int, navItemTitle: String) to accommodate changes in Material Components 1.4.0.
  • Breaking change: RobotAssertions.bottomNavigationViewItemSelected(@IdRes bottomNavigationViewResId: Int, @IdRes selectedItemResId: Int) has been replaced with RobotAssertions.navigationBarViewItemSelected(@IdRes navigationBarViewResId: Int, @IdRes selectedItemResId: Int) to accommodate changes in Material Components 1.4.0.
  • Material Components 1.4.0-rc01.
  • Update AndroidX.

Version 1.16.0


  • Fix clickTextInputLayoutErrorIcon(viewId) and longClickTextInputLayoutErrorIcon(viewId).
  • Kotlin 1.5.10.
  • Coroutines 1.5.0.
  • Update AndroidX.

Version 1.15.0


  • Breaking change: activity.showKeyboard() and Activity.hideKeyboard(focusedView: View) have been replaced with Window.showSoftKeyboard() and Window.hideSoftKeyboard() using the WindowInsetsControllerCompat APIs.
  • Replace deprecated systemUiVisibility with WindowInsetsControllerCompat.
  • Enable IR compiler.
  • Kotlin 1.4.31.
  • Coroutines 1.4.2.
  • Update AndroidX and MDC.

Version 1.14.1


  • Disable IR compiler.

Version 1.14.0


  • Breaking change: fun Context.resolveColorAttr(@AttrRes colorAttr: Int): Int has been removed. Use MaterialColors from MDC instead.
  • Update AppCompatTextView.setPrecomputedTextFuture(charSequence: charSequence, executor: Executor? = null) to allow passing in null as charSequence.
  • Update MDC and Kotlin.
  • Enable IR compiler.
  • Generate API docs with Dokka 1.4.

Version 1.13.0


  • New RobotAssertions.viewNotExists(@IdRes vararg viewIds: Int) for asserting that views are not present in the view hierarchy.
  • New withItemViewType(@IdRes recyclerViewId: Int, itemViewType: Int): Matcher<View> for matching RecyclerView item by itemViewType.

Version 1.12.0


  • Update to Kotlin 1.4.0 and Coroutines 1.3.9.
  • Enable explicit API mode.
  • Update AndroidX and MDC.

Version 1.11.0


  • Move all AndroidX dependencies to the latest stable version.

Version 1.10.0


  • New RobotAssertions.viewEndsWithText(@IdRes viewId: Int, expected: String) for asserting that a view has text that ends with the expected string.
  • Fix RobotAssertions.viewStartsWithText(@IdRes viewId: Int, expected: String).
  • Depend on kotlin-sdtlib instead of kotlin-stdlib-jdk8
  • Update Coroutines, AndroidX and MDC.

Version 1.9.0


  • Breaking change: clickTextInputLayoutIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int, endIcon: Boolean) has been refactored into clickTextInputLayoutStartIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int) and clickTextInputLayoutEndIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int).
  • Breaking change: longClickTextInputLayoutIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int, endIcon: Boolean) has been refactored into longClickTextInputLayoutStartIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int) and longClickTextInputLayoutEndIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int).
  • New clickTextInputLayoutErrorIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int) and longClickTextInputLayoutErrorIcon(@IdRes viewId: Int) extensions on the TextInputLayout.
  • Update AGP, Gradle, Coroutines, RxJava 3, AndroidX, MDC, detekt.

Version 1.8.1


  • Fix a publishing issue.

Version 1.8.0


  • Breaking change: Context.isAnimationOn is now a property extension.
  • Update Kotlin, AGP, Coroutines, RxJava 3, AndroidX, detekt, LeakCanary.
  • Coroutines sample has been updated to replace LiveData with the new StateFlow introduced in Coroutines 1.3.6.

Version 1.7.1


  • Update Kotlin, AGP, RxJava 2, RxJava 3, RxKotlin 3, AndroidX, detekt.

Version 1.6.0


  • New clearToolbarScrollFlags(@IdRes toolbarId: Int) for clearing any scrolling behavior on the toolbar.
  • Internal improvements on blueprint-testing-robot.

Version 1.5.0


  • New onRecyclerViewIdle(@IdRes recyclerViewId: Int) for waiting until RecyclerView has no more pending updates.
  • Fix RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion's param type nullability.
  • Update Kotlin, AGP, Gradle, RxJava 2, RxJava 3, RxKotlin 3, RxAndroid 3, LeakCanary, AndroidX, MDC, detekt.

Version 1.4.0


  • Breaking change: blueprint-threading-coroutines has been renamed to blueprint-async-coroutines.
  • Breaking change: blueprint-threading-rx2 has been renamed to blueprint-async-rx2.
  • Breaking change: blueprint-threading-rx3 has been renamed to blueprint-async-rx3.
  • Update Kotlin, AGP, Gradle, RxJava 2, RxJava 3, LeakCanary, AndroidX, MDC, JUnit, detekt.

Version 1.3.1


  • Fix RobotAssertions.textInputLayoutHasNoError which wasn't properly checking whether error message is empty.
  • Update Kotlin, AGP, Gradle, RxJava 2, LeakCanary, AndroidX, MDC, kluent, detekt.

Version 1.3.0


  • New RobotAction for selecting a navigation item from the drawer.
  • New RobotAction for clicking TextInputLayout's start / end icon.
  • New RobotAction for long clicking TextInputLayout's start / end icon.
  • Migrate to custom Gradle plugin for managing build configs.
  • Update AGP, Gradle, RxJava 2, Coroutines, AndroidX, MDC, kluent, detekt.
  • Improve samples.

Version 1.2.0


  • blueprint-ui - Added new extension for setting precomputed text on AppCompatTextView.
  • Refactor blueprint-ui internals.
  • Disable BuildConfig generation for Android library modules.
  • Stop exposing resources from transitive dependencies for Android library modules.
  • Update AGP, Gradle, RxJava 2, Coroutines, detekt, LeakCanary.
  • Improve documentation.

Version 1.1.0


  • New RobotAction for clicking on the action button on the currently displayed snackbar.
  • Refactor / simplify blueprint-testing-robot internals.
  • Update RxJava 3 to RC2 - this is a breaking change as RxJava 3 base package now has rxjava3.
  • Update AGP, AndroidX, Coroutines, detekt.
  • Improve documentation.

Version 1.0.1


Fix a publishing issue. All artifacts should now be available on Maven Central.

Version 1.0.0


This is the initial release of Blueprint - a collection of Architectural frameworks and toolkits for bootstrapping modern Android codebases.

  • New: blueprint-interactor-coroutines artifact - supports building Interactors based on Kotlin Coroutines and Flow.
  • New: blueprint-interactor-rx2 artifact - supports building Interactors based on RxJava 2.
  • New: blueprint-interactor-rx3 artifact - supports building Interactors based on RxJava 3. Note that it currently uses RxJava 3.0.0-RC1, and RxAndroid has not yet been updated to target RxJava 3.x yet.
  • New: blueprint-threading-coroutines artifact - provides encapsulation of threading behavior with Kotlin CoroutineDispatcher.
  • New: blueprint-threading-rx2 artifact - provides encapsulation of threading behavior with RxJava 2 Scheduler.
  • New: blueprint-threading-rx3 artifact - provides encapsulation of threading behavior with RxJava 3 Scheduler. Note that it currently uses RxJava 3.0.0-RC1, and RxAndroid has not yet been updated to target RxJava 3.x yet.
  • New: blueprint-ui artifact - Kotlin extensions and widgets for working with the Android UI toolkit.
  • New: blueprint-testing-robot artifact - UI testing framework and DSL for authoring structured, readable, and framework-agnostic UI tests.