diff --git a/resource/reactivedrop_swedish.txt b/resource/reactivedrop_swedish.txt index 1fd7ff74d..68ee4ff6a 100644 --- a/resource/reactivedrop_swedish.txt +++ b/resource/reactivedrop_swedish.txt @@ -6345,10 +6345,10 @@ // Nam Humanum objectives "[english]nh_logisticsarea_1_title" "Hack through the service entrance" "nh_logisticsarea_1_title" "Hacka genom serviceingången" - "[english]nh_logisticsarea_1a" "We've found the logistics sector to be the quickest and safest passage inside the installation. Dropship Snakebite will drop you off nearby. As well as our point of entry, your survey of the area will serve as a primary assertion of any potential threat." - "nh_logisticsarea_1a" "We've found the logistics sector to be the quickest and safest passage inside the installation. Dropship Snakebite will drop you off nearby. As well as our point of entry, your survey of the area will serve as a primary assertion of any potential threat." - "[english]nh_logisticsarea_1b" "Given the state of Lugdunum, expect instability in power and lock mechanisms. You'll most definitely want to bring a tech along." - "nh_logisticsarea_1b" "Given the state of Lugdunum, expect instability in power and lock mechanisms. You'll most definitely want to bring a tech along." +"[english]nh_logisticsarea_1a" "We've found the logistics sector to be the quickest and safest passage inside the installation. Dropship Snakebite will drop you off nearby. As well as our point of entry, your survey of the area will serve as a primary assertion of any potential threat." +"nh_logisticsarea_1a" "Vi har upptäckt att logistiksektorn är den snabbaste och säkraste passagen inuti installationen. Dropship Snakebite kommer att släppa av dig i närheten. Förutom vår ingångspunkt kommer din undersökning av området att fungera som ett primärt påstående om eventuella hot." +"[english]nh_logisticsarea_1b" "Given the state of Lugdunum, expect instability in power and lock mechanisms. You'll most definitely want to bring a tech along." +"nh_logisticsarea_1b" "Med tanke på tillståndet av Lugdunum, förvänta dig instabilitet i kraft och låsmekanismer. Du kommer definitivt att vilja ta med en tekniker." "[english]nh_logisticsarea_2_title" "Reach the transit doors" "nh_logisticsarea_2_title" "Nå transitdörrarna" "[english]nh_logisticsarea_2" "Get inside the sector and await further instructions." @@ -6381,22 +6381,22 @@ "nh_platformXVII_2" "Håll dig på din vakt medan du rör dig ovan jord." "[english]nh_platformXVII_3_title" "Fix the blockage" "nh_platformXVII_3_title" "Fixa blockaden" - "[english]nh_platformXVII_3a" "Seeing as we're never short of problems, predictions are that the rail mesh will most likely malfunction past a certain point." - "nh_platformXVII_3a" "Seeing as we're never short of problems, predictions are that the rail mesh will most likely malfunction past a certain point." - "[english]nh_platformXVII_3b" "That's where you're grateful for your tech." - "nh_platformXVII_3b" "That's where you're grateful for your tech." - "[english]nh_platformXVII_4_title" "Reach the research facility's entrance" - "nh_platformXVII_4_title" "Reach the research facility's entrance" - "[english]nh_platformXVII_4" "Proceed to the railway's terminal where your next objective awaits." - "nh_platformXVII_4" "Proceed to the railway's terminal where your next objective awaits." +"[english]nh_platformXVII_3a" "Seeing as we're never short of problems, predictions are that the rail mesh will most likely malfunction past a certain point." +"nh_platformXVII_3a" "Eftersom vi aldrig har ont om problem, är förutsägelser att rälsnätet med största sannolikhet kommer att fungera fel efter en viss punkt." +"[english]nh_platformXVII_3b" "That's where you're grateful for your tech." +"nh_platformXVII_3b" "Det är där du är tacksam för din tekniker." +"[english]nh_platformXVII_4_title" "Reach the research facility's entrance" +"nh_platformXVII_4_title" "Nå forskningsanläggningens ingång" +"[english]nh_platformXVII_4" "Proceed to the railway's terminal where your next objective awaits." +"nh_platformXVII_4" "Fortsätt till järnvägens terminal där ditt nästa mål väntar." "[english]nh_platformXVII_5_title" "Bring down the barriers" "nh_platformXVII_5_title" "Ta ner barriärerna" - "[english]nh_platformXVII_5" "Should you come across barriers in your path, please restrain from jumping over. Bring them down to cross the chasm safely." - "nh_platformXVII_5" "Should you come across barriers in your path, please restrain from jumping over. Bring them down to cross the chasm safely." - "[english]nh_platformXVII_6_title" "Take the elevator shaft down" - "nh_platformXVII_6_title" "Take the elevator shaft down" - "[english]nh_platformXVII_6" "The elevator at the end of the sector will lead you to the research complex." - "nh_platformXVII_6" "The elevator at the end of the sector will lead you to the research complex." +"[english]nh_platformXVII_5" "Should you come across barriers in your path, please restrain from jumping over. Bring them down to cross the chasm safely." +"nh_platformXVII_5" "Skulle du stöta på hinder i din väg, vänligen undvik att rulla. Ta ner dem för att korsa avgrunden på ett säkert sätt." +"[english]nh_platformXVII_6_title" "Take the elevator shaft down" +"nh_platformXVII_6_title" "Ta hisschaktet ner" +"[english]nh_platformXVII_6" "The elevator at the end of the sector will lead you to the research complex." +"nh_platformXVII_6" "Hissen i slutet av sektorn leder dig till forskningskomplexet." "[english]nh_platformXVII_hint" "All marines must be on the platform." "nh_platformXVII_hint" "Alla mariner måste vara på plattformen." @@ -6405,20 +6405,20 @@ "[english]nh_groundworklabs_1_title" "Reach the labs' junction" "nh_groundworklabs_1_title" "Nå labbets korsning" - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_1a" "Change of plans: we're tearing down this place for good. Gaining access to one of the colony's power cores is our best lead at burying it whole. Thermal readings are all over the place, so be advised as to alien presence." - "nh_groundworklabs_1a" "Change of plans: we're tearing down this place for good. Gaining access to one of the colony's power cores is our best lead at burying it whole. Thermal readings are all over the place, so be advised as to alien presence." - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_1b" "New goal, same deal. This is where it all began. Have someone who knows their stuff in electronics, and give it all you have." - "nh_groundworklabs_1b" "New goal, same deal. This is where it all began. Have someone who knows their stuff in electronics, and give it all you have." +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_1a" "Change of plans: we're tearing down this place for good. Gaining access to one of the colony's power cores is our best lead at burying it whole. Thermal readings are all over the place, so be advised as to alien presence." +"nh_groundworklabs_1a" "Ändring av planer: vi river den här platsen för gott. Att få tillgång till en av kolonins kraftkärnor är vår bästa ledning för att begrava den hel. Termiska avläsningar finns överallt, så var uppmärksam på utomjordingar." +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_1b" "New goal, same deal. This is where it all began. Have someone who knows their stuff in electronics, and give it all you have." +"nh_groundworklabs_1b" "Nytt mål, samma affär. Det var här allt började. Ha någon som kan sin sak inom elektronik och ge allt du har." "[english]nh_groundworklabs_1c" "Good luck, marines." "nh_groundworklabs_1c" "Lycka till, marinsoldater." - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_2_title" "Clear your way with the defense system" - "nh_groundworklabs_2_title" "Clear your way with the defense system" - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_2" "It's not exactly clear as to why, but we've grounds to believe that the labs' turret defense system was activated sometime prior to the attacks. Use it to whatever purpose is necessary in reaching your objective." - "nh_groundworklabs_2" "It's not exactly clear as to why, but we've grounds to believe that the labs' turret defense system was activated sometime prior to the attacks. Use it to whatever purpose is necessary in reaching your objective." - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_3_title" "Assume control of the power core" - "nh_groundworklabs_3_title" "Assume control of the power core" - "[english]nh_groundworklabs_3a" "If there's a way to bury Lugdunum, the answer lies in the colony's main energy source. Make sure the power core controls are secured and into IAF's hands." - "nh_groundworklabs_3a" "If there's a way to bury Lugdunum, the answer lies in the colony's main energy source. Make sure the power core controls are secured and into IAF's hands." +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_2_title" "Clear your way with the defense system" +"nh_groundworklabs_2_title" "Rensa vägen med försvarssystemet" +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_2" "It's not exactly clear as to why, but we've grounds to believe that the labs' turret defense system was activated sometime prior to the attacks. Use it to whatever purpose is necessary in reaching your objective." +"nh_groundworklabs_2" "Det är inte helt klart varför, men vi har skäl att tro att labbens tornförsvarssystem aktiverades någon gång före attackerna. Använd den till vilket syfte som helst för att nå ditt mål." +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_3_title" "Assume control of the power core" +"nh_groundworklabs_3_title" "Ta kontroll över kraftkärnan" +"[english]nh_groundworklabs_3a" "If there's a way to bury Lugdunum, the answer lies in the colony's main energy source. Make sure the power core controls are secured and into IAF's hands." +"nh_groundworklabs_3a" "Om det finns ett sätt att begrava Lugdunum, ligger svaret i kolonins huvudsakliga energikälla. Se till att strömkärnans kontroller är säkrade och i IAF:s händer." "[english]nh_groundworklabs_3b" "Here's hoping one tech is enough for this one." "nh_groundworklabs_3b" "Här hoppas vi att en tekniker räcker för den här." "[english]nh_groundworklabs_4_title" "Overheat the reactor" @@ -6442,69 +6442,69 @@ // Tilarus-5 strings "[english]t5_midnight_1_title" "Gain access to GeoTerra Facility" "t5_midnight_1_title" "Få tillgång till GeoTerra Anläggningen" - "[english]t5_midnight_1a" "This Landing bay was locked down under quarantine after the initial Swarm attack. You need to hack into a docking bay computer, and unlock one of the Side Doors to gain entrance to the main complex." - "t5_midnight_1a" "This Landing bay was locked down under quarantine after the initial Swarm attack. You need to hack into a docking bay computer, and unlock one of the Side Doors to gain entrance to the main complex." +"[english]t5_midnight_1a" "This Landing bay was locked down under quarantine after the initial Swarm attack. You need to hack into a docking bay computer, and unlock one of the Side Doors to gain entrance to the main complex." +"t5_midnight_1a" "Denna landningsvik låstes i karantän efter den första svärmattacken. Du måste hacka dig in i en dockningsdator och låsa upp en av sidodörrarna för att komma in i huvudkomplexet." "[english]t5_midnight_2_title" "Open main gate" "t5_midnight_2_title" "Öppna huvudporten" - "[english]t5_midnight_2a" "Use controls located in the Main Server Room to open the gates to go towards the Dawn Colony." - "t5_midnight_2a" "Use controls located in the Main Server Room to open the gates to go towards the Dawn Colony." - "[english]t5_midnight_3_title" "Procede Towards Long Dawn" - "t5_midnight_3_title" "Procede Towards Long Dawn" - "[english]t5_midnight_3a" "Procede towards the Colony of Long Dawn, To help the Remaining colonists escape." - "t5_midnight_3a" "Procede towards the Colony of Long Dawn, To help the Remaining colonists escape." - - "[english]t5_roadtodawn_1_title" "Take Dock Overseer's ID" - "t5_roadtodawn_1_title" "Take Dock Overseer's ID" - "[english]t5_roadtodawn_1a" "Download the Dock Overseer's ID & Profile of the Nearest Interface, to gain access to the Main Road leading to the colony." - "t5_roadtodawn_1a" "Download the Dock Overseer's ID & Profile of the Nearest Interface, to gain access to the Main Road leading to the colony." - "[english]t5_roadtodawn_2_title" "Activate SuperBlast doors" - "t5_roadtodawn_2_title" "Activate SuperBlast doors" - "[english]t5_roadtodawn_2a" "Close the blast doors, to give the colonists more time to escape." - "t5_roadtodawn_2a" "Close the blast doors, to give the colonists more time to escape." +"[english]t5_midnight_2a" "Use controls located in the Main Server Room to open the gates to go towards the Dawn Colony." +"t5_midnight_2a" "Använd kontrollerna i huvudserverrummet för att öppna portarna för att gå mot Dawn Colony." +"[english]t5_midnight_3_title" "Procede Towards Long Dawn" +"t5_midnight_3_title" "Fortsätt mot Long Dawn" +"[english]t5_midnight_3a" "Procede towards the Colony of Long Dawn, To help the Remaining colonists escape." +"t5_midnight_3a" "Fortsätt mot Colony of Long Dawn, för att hjälpa de återstående kolonisterna att fly." + +"[english]t5_roadtodawn_1_title" "Take Dock Overseer's ID" +"t5_roadtodawn_1_title" "Ta hamnövervakarens ID" +"[english]t5_roadtodawn_1a" "Download the Dock Overseer's ID & Profile of the Nearest Interface, to gain access to the Main Road leading to the colony." +"t5_roadtodawn_1a" "Ladda ner dockövervakarens ID och profil från närmaste dator för att få tillgång till huvudvägen som leder till kolonin." +"[english]t5_roadtodawn_2_title" "Activate SuperBlast doors" +"t5_roadtodawn_2_title" "Aktivera SuperBlast-dörrarna" +"[english]t5_roadtodawn_2a" "Close the blast doors, to give the colonists more time to escape." +"t5_roadtodawn_2a" "Stäng sprängdörrarna för att ge kolonisterna mer tid att fly." "[english]t5_roadtodawn_3_title" "Hold Position" "t5_roadtodawn_3_title" "Håll positionen" "[english]t5_roadtodawn_3a" "Hold Position, and make sure those Blast Doors close." "t5_roadtodawn_3a" "Håll positionen, och se till att de där sprängdörrarna stängs." "[english]t5_roadtodawn_4_title" "Go to next area" "t5_roadtodawn_4_title" "Gå till nästa område" - "[english]t5_roadtodawn_4a" "Unless you want to stay here, with a load of angry trapped bugs, you should go to next area." - "t5_roadtodawn_4a" "Unless you want to stay here, with a load of angry trapped bugs, you should go to next area." - - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1_title" "Gain access into the facility" - "t5_arcticinfiltration_1_title" "Gain access into the facility" - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1a" "We received a distress call from a SynTek facility saying that they are under swarm attack." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_1a" "We received a distress call from a SynTek facility saying that they are under swarm attack." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1b" "Proceed from the landing zone to the front entrance of the facility. Look for any survivors on your way." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_1b" "Proceed from the landing zone to the front entrance of the facility. Look for any survivors on your way." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1c" "The temperatures are extremely cold outside and the weather isn't clearing anytime soon. A storm is heading your way, so you need to move quickly." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_1c" "The temperatures are extremely cold outside and the weather isn't clearing anytime soon. A storm is heading your way, so you need to move quickly." +"[english]t5_roadtodawn_4a" "Unless you want to stay here, with a load of angry trapped bugs, you should go to next area." +"t5_roadtodawn_4a" "Om du inte vill stanna här, med en mängd arga fångade insekter, bör du gå till nästa område." + +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1_title" "Gain access into the facility" +"t5_arcticinfiltration_1_title" "Få tillgång till anläggningen" +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1a" "We received a distress call from a SynTek facility saying that they are under swarm attack." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_1a" "Vi fick ett nödsamtal från en SynTek-anläggning som sa att de är under svärmattack." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1b" "Proceed from the landing zone to the front entrance of the facility. Look for any survivors on your way." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_1b" "Fortsätt från landningszonen till den främre ingången till anläggningen. Leta efter eventuella överlevande på vägen." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_1c" "The temperatures are extremely cold outside and the weather isn't clearing anytime soon. A storm is heading your way, so you need to move quickly." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_1c" "Temperaturerna är extremt kalla ute och vädret klarnar inte snart. En storm är på väg mot dig, så du måste röra dig snabbt." "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_2_title" "Power up the generators" "t5_arcticinfiltration_2_title" "Starta upp generatorerna" - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_2a" "Our initial scans show that the facility is currently out of power. Find out what caused this and deal with it." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_2a" "Our initial scans show that the facility is currently out of power. Find out what caused this and deal with it." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_2b" "You need to power up the generators in order to proceed any further into the facility." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_2b" "You need to power up the generators in order to proceed any further into the facility." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3_title" "Download data from the computers" - "t5_arcticinfiltration_3_title" "Download data from the computers" - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3a" "We don't have much information about this facility and its layout. They do some highly classified stuff in this complex." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_3a" "We don't have much information about this facility and its layout. They do some highly classified stuff in this complex." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3b" "However, we know this much that there is a computer access not far from the entrance. Located west of the generators." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_3b" "However, we know this much that there is a computer access not far from the entrance. Located west of the generators." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3c" "Access the computer and download any data you find, so we can proceed further into the complex." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_3c" "Access the computer and download any data you find, so we can proceed further into the complex." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_2a" "Our initial scans show that the facility is currently out of power. Find out what caused this and deal with it." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_2a" "Våra första skanningar visar att anläggningen för närvarande är strömlös. Ta reda på vad som orsakade detta och ta itu med det." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_2b" "You need to power up the generators in order to proceed any further into the facility." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_2b" "Du måste slå på generatorerna för att gå vidare in i anläggningen." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3_title" "Download data from the computers" +"t5_arcticinfiltration_3_title" "Ladda ner data från datorerna" +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3a" "We don't have much information about this facility and its layout. They do some highly classified stuff in this complex." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_3a" "Vi har inte mycket information om den här anläggningen och dess layout. De gör några högklassiga saker i det här komplexet." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3b" "However, we know this much that there is a computer access not far from the entrance. Located west of the generators." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_3b" "Vi vet dock så mycket att det finns en datoråtkomst inte långt från entrén. Ligger väster om generatorerna." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_3c" "Access the computer and download any data you find, so we can proceed further into the complex." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_3c" "Gå in på datorn och ladda ner all data du hittar, så att vi kan gå vidare in i komplexet." "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_4_title" "Proceed deeper into the facility" "t5_arcticinfiltration_4_title" "Fortsätt djupare in i anläggningen" - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_4a" "At this point, you should be good to go further into the facility." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_4a" "At this point, you should be good to go further into the facility." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_4b" "We will continue from there according to the data you recovered from the computers." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_4b" "We will continue from there according to the data you recovered from the computers." - - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief1" "Great work, team. We have the generators online so the facility is now fully powered." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief1" "Great work, team. We have the generators online so the facility is now fully powered." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief2" "IAF Tech Division had a look at the data you retrieved from the computers. They managed to extract information about the facility inlcuding a layout of it." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief2" "IAF Tech Division had a look at the data you retrieved from the computers. They managed to extract information about the facility inlcuding a layout of it." - "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief3" "Now we have a pretty good idea where you should proceed. More details will be available in the briefing of the next mission." - "t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief3" "Now we have a pretty good idea where you should proceed. More details will be available in the briefing of the next mission." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_4a" "At this point, you should be good to go further into the facility." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_4a" "Vid det här laget bör det vara säkert att gå längre in i anläggningen." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_4b" "We will continue from there according to the data you recovered from the computers." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_4b" "Vi kommer att fortsätta därifrån enligt den data som du återställt från datorerna." + +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief1" "Great work, team. We have the generators online so the facility is now fully powered." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief1" "Bra jobbat, team. Vi har generatorerna online så anläggningen är nu fullt driven." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief2" "IAF Tech Division had a look at the data you retrieved from the computers. They managed to extract information about the facility inlcuding a layout of it." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief2" "IAF Tekniska Divisionen tittade på data som du hämtade från datorerna. De lyckades få fram information om anläggningen inklusive en layout av den." +"[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief3" "Now we have a pretty good idea where you should proceed. More details will be available in the briefing of the next mission." +"t5_arcticinfiltration_debrief3" "Nu har vi en ganska bra idé var du ska gå vidare. Mer information kommer att finnas tillgänglig i genomgången av nästa uppdrag." "[english]t5_arcticinfiltration_hint" "Hack this panel to open the door." "t5_arcticinfiltration_hint" "Hacka denna panel för att öppna dörren." @@ -6987,61 +6987,61 @@ "red2_1_title" "Vänta för upplockning" "[english]red2_1a_title" "You are now enroute to your new posting." "red2_1a_title" "Du är nu på väg till ditt nya uppdrag." - "[english]red2_1b_title" "The crew of Dropship Chaos 3 have agreed to let you hitch a ride in their ship." - "red2_1b_title" "The crew of Dropship Chaos 3 have agreed to let you hitch a ride in their ship." - "[english]red2_1c_title" "You should arrive at your new base in an hour or so. So hang tight." - "red2_1c_title" "You should arrive at your new base in an hour or so. So hang tight." - "[english]red2_1d_title" "(If the trip seems long, try ''knocking'' on the pilot's door...)" - "red2_1d_title" "(If the trip seems long, try ''knocking'' on the pilot's door...)" - - "[english]red2_2_title" "Prepare then Deploy from Dropship" - "red2_2_title" "Prepare then Deploy from Dropship" - "[english]red2_2a_title" "Prepare then deploy from Dropship Chaos 3." - "red2_2a_title" "Prepare then deploy from Dropship Chaos 3." - "[english]red2_2b_title" "You will need to dump explosive cargo first!" - "red2_2b_title" "You will need to dump explosive cargo first!" +"[english]red2_1b_title" "The crew of Dropship Chaos 3 have agreed to let you hitch a ride in their ship." +"red2_1b_title" "Besättningen på Dropship Chaos 3 har gått med på att låta dig hoppa med på en tur i deras skepp." +"[english]red2_1c_title" "You should arrive at your new base in an hour or so. So hang tight." +"red2_1c_title" "Du bör anlända till din nya bas om någon timme. Så håll ut." +"[english]red2_1d_title" "(If the trip seems long, try ''knocking'' on the pilot's door...)" +"red2_1d_title" "(Om resan verkar lång, försök ''knacka'' på pilotens dörr...)" + +"[english]red2_2_title" "Prepare then Deploy from Dropship" +"red2_2_title" "Förbered och sedan hoppa ut från Dropship" +"[english]red2_2a_title" "Prepare then deploy from Dropship Chaos 3." +"red2_2a_title" "Förbered och sedan hoppa ut från Dropship Chaos 3." +"[english]red2_2b_title" "You will need to dump explosive cargo first!" +"red2_2b_title" "Du måste dumpa explosiv last först!" "[english]red2_3_title" "Search for the Objective" "red2_3_title" "Sök efter målet" - "[english]red2_4_title" "Repair the Listening Network" - "red2_4_title" "Repair the Listening Network" - "[english]red2_4a_title" "Reset or repair each node of the listening network in this area." - "red2_4a_title" "Reset or repair each node of the listening network in this area." - "[english]red2_4b_title" "Antennae nodes are cloaked - keep a sharp eye out for them." - "red2_4b_title" "Antennae nodes are cloaked - keep a sharp eye out for them." +"[english]red2_4_title" "Repair the Listening Network" +"red2_4_title" "Reparera lyssningsnätverket" +"[english]red2_4a_title" "Reset or repair each node of the listening network in this area." +"red2_4a_title" "Återställ eller reparera varje nod i lyssningsnätverket i detta område." +"[english]red2_4b_title" "Antennae nodes are cloaked - keep a sharp eye out for them." +"red2_4b_title" "Antennnoder är täckta - håll ett skarpt öga efter dem." "[english]red2_5_title" "Follow the Guide" "red2_5_title" "Följ guiden" "[english]red2_5a_title" "Follow the GuideBot." "red2_5a_title" "Följ GuideBot." - "[english]red2_5b_title" "It will arrive at the last node that was reset." - "red2_5b_title" "It will arrive at the last node that was reset." - "[english]red2_5c_title" "Your destination is a door that will decloak." - "red2_5c_title" "Your destination is a door that will decloak." +"[english]red2_5b_title" "It will arrive at the last node that was reset." +"red2_5b_title" "Den kommer till den sista noden som återställdes." +"[english]red2_5c_title" "Your destination is a door that will decloak." +"red2_5c_title" "Ditt mål är en dörr som kommer att försvinna." "[english]red2_5d_title" "Watch for Crawlers!" "red2_5d_title" "Se upp för Crawlers!" - "[english]red2_6_title" "Find your Way Through the Labyrinth" - "red2_6_title" "Find your Way Through the Labyrinth" - "[english]red2_6a_title" "Enter the labyrinth and find your way through it." - "red2_6a_title" "Enter the labyrinth and find your way through it." - "[english]red2_6b_title" "Watch closely for hidden doors that uncloak." - "red2_6b_title" "Watch closely for hidden doors that uncloak." +"[english]red2_6_title" "Find your Way Through the Labyrinth" +"red2_6_title" "Hitta din väg genom labyrinten" +"[english]red2_6a_title" "Enter the labyrinth and find your way through it." +"red2_6a_title" "Gå in i labyrinten och leta dig igenom den." +"[english]red2_6b_title" "Watch closely for hidden doors that uncloak." +"red2_6b_title" "Se noga efter dolda dörrar som öppnar sig." "[english]red2_7_title" "Reveal Yourself" "red2_7_title" "Avslöja dig själv" "[english]red2_7a_title" "Go to the edge of the cliff." "red2_7a_title" "Gå till kanten av klippan." - "[english]red2_gametext_1" "OP PARIAH: AFTER-ACTION REPORT" - "red2_gametext_1" "OP PARIAH: AFTER-ACTION REPORT" - "[english]red2_gametext_2" "Dropship ''Chaos 3'' missing. Presumed destroyed." - "red2_gametext_2" "Dropship ''Chaos 3'' missing. Presumed destroyed." - "[english]red2_gametext_3" "Operative callsign ''Darkwater'' now listed KIA." - "red2_gametext_3" "Operative callsign ''Darkwater'' now listed KIA." - "[english]red2_gametext_4" "(Reports suggest detonation of wing ordnance outside safe parameters.)" - "red2_gametext_4" "(Reports suggest detonation of wing ordnance outside safe parameters.)" +"[english]red2_gametext_1" "OP PARIAH: AFTER-ACTION REPORT" +"red2_gametext_1" "OP PARIAH: EFTER-ACTION RAPPORT" +"[english]red2_gametext_2" "Dropship ''Chaos 3'' missing. Presumed destroyed." +"red2_gametext_2" "Dropship ''Chaos 3'' försvunnen. Förmodas förstörd." +"[english]red2_gametext_3" "Operative callsign ''Darkwater'' now listed KIA." +"red2_gametext_3" "Operativt anropssignal ''Darkwater'' nu listad KIA." +"[english]red2_gametext_4" "(Reports suggest detonation of wing ordnance outside safe parameters.)" +"red2_gametext_4" "(Rapporter tyder på detonation av vingmateriel utanför säkra parametrar.)" "[english]red2_gametext_5" "To be continued..." "red2_gametext_5" "Fortsättning följer..." "[english]red2_gametext_6" "One solar year earlier..." @@ -7049,8 +7049,8 @@ "[english]red2_gametext_7" "Somewhere in the Outer Systems..." "red2_gametext_7" "Någonstans i de yttre systemen..." - "[english]red3_1_title" "Establish Comms with BigDog" - "red3_1_title" "Establish Comms with BigDog" +"[english]red3_1_title" "Establish Comms with BigDog" +"red3_1_title" "Etablera kommunikation med BigDog" "[english]red3_2_title" "Get to the Train" "red3_2_title" "Ta dig till tåget" @@ -7078,41 +7078,41 @@ "[english]red5_1_title" "Report in" "red5_1_title" "Rapportera" - "[english]red5_1a_title" "Good morning, Squad. And welcome to the Safe Zone. Report in to local command." - "red5_1a_title" "Good morning, Squad. And welcome to the Safe Zone. Report in to local command." +"[english]red5_1a_title" "Good morning, Squad. And welcome to the Safe Zone. Report in to local command." +"red5_1a_title" "God morgon, trupp. Och välkommen till den säkra zonen. Rapportera till lokalt kommando." - "[english]red5_2_title" "Open the Boxcar with Chainsaw" - "red5_2_title" "Open the Boxcar with Chainsaw" +"[english]red5_2_title" "Open the Boxcar with Chainsaw" +"red5_2_title" "Öppna lådbilen med motorsågen" - "[english]red5_3_title" "Find the Overhead Crane" - "red5_3_title" "Find the Overhead Crane" - "[english]red5_3a_title" "It is parked somewhere in the rafters." - "red5_3a_title" "It is parked somewhere in the rafters." +"[english]red5_3_title" "Find the Overhead Crane" +"red5_3_title" "Hitta traverskranen" +"[english]red5_3a_title" "It is parked somewhere in the rafters." +"red5_3a_title" "Den står parkerad någonstans i takbjälken." "[english]red5_3b_title" "Look for it." "red5_3b_title" "Leta efter det." - "[english]red5_4_title" "Move the Weapon to the Carriage" - "red5_4_title" "Move the Weapon to the Carriage" - "[english]red5_4a_title" "Use the crane to remove the boxcar wreckage." - "red5_4a_title" "Use the crane to remove the boxcar wreckage." - "[english]red5_4b_title" "Then pick up the Weapon and move it to the Carriage." - "red5_4b_title" "Then pick up the Weapon and move it to the Carriage." - - "[english]red5_5_title" "Prep the Carriage and an Exit" - "red5_5_title" "Prep the Carriage and an Exit" - "[english]red5_5a_title" "Ready the Carriage to take the Weapon." - "red5_5a_title" "Ready the Carriage to take the Weapon." - "[english]red5_5b_title" "You'll need to create an opening for the Carriage to exit." - "red5_5b_title" "You'll need to create an opening for the Carriage to exit." - "[english]red5_5c_title" "Make sure the opening is free of debris." - "red5_5c_title" "Make sure the opening is free of debris." +"[english]red5_4_title" "Move the Weapon to the Carriage" +"red5_4_title" "Flytta vapnet till vagnen" +"[english]red5_4a_title" "Use the crane to remove the boxcar wreckage." +"red5_4a_title" "Använd kranen för att ta bort vagnvraket." +"[english]red5_4b_title" "Then pick up the Weapon and move it to the Carriage." +"red5_4b_title" "Ta sedan upp vapnet och flytta det till vagnen." + +"[english]red5_5_title" "Prep the Carriage and an Exit" +"red5_5_title" "Förbered vagnen och en utgång" +"[english]red5_5a_title" "Ready the Carriage to take the Weapon." +"red5_5a_title" "Förbered vagnen för att ta vapnet." +"[english]red5_5b_title" "You'll need to create an opening for the Carriage to exit." +"red5_5b_title" "Du måste skapa en öppning så att vagnen kan gå ut." +"[english]red5_5c_title" "Make sure the opening is free of debris." +"red5_5c_title" "Se till att öppningen är fri från skräp." "[english]red5_6_title" "Meet at the Bridge" "red5_6_title" "Möts vid bron" - "[english]red5_6a_title" "Meet at the jump-off point to prepare for the next mission." - "red5_6a_title" "Meet at the jump-off point to prepare for the next mission." - "[english]red5_6b_title" "Jump-off for next mission will be at the bridge." - "red5_6b_title" "Jump-off for next mission will be at the bridge." +"[english]red5_6a_title" "Meet at the jump-off point to prepare for the next mission." +"red5_6a_title" "Träffas vid startpunkten för att förbereda dig för nästa uppdrag." +"[english]red5_6b_title" "Jump-off for next mission will be at the bridge." +"red5_6b_title" "Avhopp för nästa uppdrag kommer att vara vid bron." "[english]red5_gametext_1" "R E D U C T I O N" "red5_gametext_1" "R E D U C E R I N G" @@ -7128,37 +7128,37 @@ "[english]red5_voted_skip_count" "Voted to Skip:" "red5_voted_skip_count" "Röstade att hoppa över:" - "[english]red6_1_title" "Escort the Carriage to Outpost Charlie. NOTE: All Sentryguns will be Confiscated" - "red6_1_title" "Escort the Carriage to Outpost Charlie. NOTE: All Sentryguns will be Confiscated" - "[english]red6_1a_title" "Do NOT bring sentry-guns... Sentries are in high demand and will be commandeered for use on the frontlines." - "red6_1a_title" "Do NOT bring sentry-guns... Sentries are in high demand and will be commandeered for use on the frontlines." - - "[english]red6_2_title" "Report in to Outpost Charlie CO" - "red6_2_title" "Report in to Outpost Charlie CO" - "[english]red6_2a_title" "When you are ready to end the mission, report in to Outpost Charlie Command." - "red6_2a_title" "When you are ready to end the mission, report in to Outpost Charlie Command." - - // IAF Marine Academy strings - "[english]ma_chat_ammo" "%s1Taking ammo with you is not allowed." - "ma_chat_ammo" "%s1Taking ammo with you is not allowed." - "[english]ma_chat_score_reached" "%s1Score %s2%s3 %s1reached, certain item ammo regeneration has started." - "ma_chat_score_reached" "%s1Score %s2%s3 %s1reached, certain item ammo regeneration has started." - "[english]ma_chat_note" "%s1Note: Alien Blood is no longer gained from killing aliens after the teleporter has appeared." - "ma_chat_note" "%s1Note: Alien Blood is no longer gained from killing aliens after the teleporter has appeared." +"[english]red6_1_title" "Escort the Carriage to Outpost Charlie. NOTE: All Sentryguns will be Confiscated" +"red6_1_title" "Eskortera vagnen till utposten Charlie. OBS: Alla Vaktgevär kommer att konfiskeras" +"[english]red6_1a_title" "Do NOT bring sentry-guns... Sentries are in high demand and will be commandeered for use on the frontlines." +"red6_1a_title" "Ta INTE med vaktgevär... Vaktgevär är mycket efterfrågade och kommer att befallas för användning vid frontlinjen." + +"[english]red6_2_title" "Report in to Outpost Charlie CO" +"red6_2_title" "Rapportera till Outpost Charlie CO" +"[english]red6_2a_title" "When you are ready to end the mission, report in to Outpost Charlie Command." +"red6_2a_title" "När du är redo att avsluta uppdraget, rapportera in till Outpost Charlie Command." + +// IAF Marine Academy strings +"[english]ma_chat_ammo" "%s1Taking ammo with you is not allowed." +"ma_chat_ammo" "%s1Det är inte tillåtet att ta med sig ammunition." +"[english]ma_chat_score_reached" "%s1Score %s2%s3 %s1reached, certain item ammo regeneration has started." +"ma_chat_score_reached" "%s1Poäng %s2%s3 %s1uppnått, viss ammunitionsregenerering har påbörjats." +"[english]ma_chat_note" "%s1Note: Alien Blood is no longer gained from killing aliens after the teleporter has appeared." +"ma_chat_note" "%s1Notera: Alien blod inte längre tjänas på att döda utomjordingar efter att teleporteraren har dykt upp." "[english]ma_chat_difficulty" "%s1Current Difficulty: %s2%s3" "ma_chat_difficulty" "%s1Aktuell svårighetsgrad: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_blood_earned" "%s1Alien Blood earned from area: %s2%s3" - "ma_chat_blood_earned" "%s1Alien Blood earned from area: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_cmp" "%s1Alien Blood gain per alien: %s2%s3" - "ma_chat_cmp" "%s1Alien Blood gain per alien: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_hr" "%s1Health Regeneration per completion: %s2%s3" - "ma_chat_hr" "%s1Health Regeneration per completion: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_htime" "%s1Holdout Time: %s2%s3" - "ma_chat_htime" "%s1Holdout Time: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_queen_health" "%s1Queen Health: %s2%s3" - "ma_chat_queen_health" "%s1Queen Health: %s2%s3" - "[english]ma_chat_local_record" "%s1Local server record beaten!" - "ma_chat_local_record" "%s1Local server record beaten!" +"[english]ma_chat_blood_earned" "%s1Alien Blood earned from area: %s2%s3" +"ma_chat_blood_earned" "%s1Alien blod intjänat från område: %s2%s3" +"[english]ma_chat_cmp" "%s1Alien Blood gain per alien: %s2%s3" +"ma_chat_cmp" "%s1Alien blod intjänat per alien: %s2%s3" +"[english]ma_chat_hr" "%s1Health Regeneration per completion: %s2%s3" +"ma_chat_hr" "%s1Hälsoförnyelse per slutförande: %s2%s3" +"[english]ma_chat_htime" "%s1Holdout Time: %s2%s3" +"ma_chat_htime" "%s1Utehållstid: %s2%s3" +"[english]ma_chat_queen_health" "%s1Queen Health: %s2%s3" +"ma_chat_queen_health" "%s1Drottningsliv: %s2%s3" +"[english]ma_chat_local_record" "%s1Local server record beaten!" +"ma_chat_local_record" "%s1Lokal server rekord slagen!" // context: it's a currency for the map, gained from killing aliens and you can spend it for buying items "[english]ma_hud_alienblood" "Alien Blood" @@ -7192,14 +7192,14 @@ "asw_buy_freeze" "Köp Frysgranater" "[english]asw_buy_firemines" "Buy Incendiary Mines" "asw_buy_firemines" "Köp Brandminor" - "[english]asw_buy_hr" "Buy Health Regeneration" - "asw_buy_hr" "Buy Health Regeneration" - "[english]asw_buy_cmp" "Buy Currency Multiplier" - "asw_buy_cmp" "Buy Currency Multiplier" - - // Operation Cleansweep strings - "[english]ocs_storagefacility_1_title" "Gain access to the storage facility." - "ocs_storagefacility_1_title" "Gain access to the storage facility." +"[english]asw_buy_hr" "Buy Health Regeneration" +"asw_buy_hr" "Köp hälsoregenerering" +"[english]asw_buy_cmp" "Buy Currency Multiplier" +"asw_buy_cmp" "Köp valutamultiplikator" + +// Operation Cleansweep strings +"[english]ocs_storagefacility_1_title" "Gain access to the storage facility." +"ocs_storagefacility_1_title" "Få tillgång till förrådsanläggningen." "[english]ocs_storagefacility_1a" "The main entrance to the landing bay area is overrun with infestation. Use the 'back door' to gain access to the storage facility, that leads to the landing bays." "ocs_storagefacility_1a" "The main entrance to the landing bay area is overrun with infestation. Use the 'back door' to gain access to the storage facility, that leads to the landing bays." "[english]ocs_storagefacility_2_title" "Enter the landing bay area"