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Commit 79d6aa8

Browse files
[CI] update translation progress
1 parent 070ce92 commit 79d6aa8

File tree

2 files changed

lines changed

2 files changed

lines changed

Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
| [Swedish](#swedish-svenska) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 436 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 81 |
| [Thai](#non-curated-languages) | 971 | 1993 | 51 | 4480 | 271 | 212 | 736 | 147 |
| [Turkish](#non-curated-languages) | 56 | 137 | 43 | 3233 | 271 | 212 | 972 | 147 |
| [Ukrainian](#ukrainian-українська) | 32 | 131 | 33 | 2778 | 271 | 212 | 932 | 147 |
| [Ukrainian](#ukrainian-українська) | 32 | 131 | 33 | 2799 | 271 | 212 | 932 | 147 |
| [Vietnamese](#vietnamese-tiếng-việt) | 1 | 2004 | ✔️ | 3518 | 19 | 3 | ✔️ | 85 |
### Legend
- ***Non-capitalized column headers*** are the most important specific files and their number of missing strings. All of these txt-files are located in the resources folder. Except statsweb, which lies in community/stats_website, it's an vdf-file.
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@
- [basemodui_ukrainian.txt](resource/basemodui_ukrainian.txt) has 32 untranslated strings.
- [closecaption_ukrainian.txt](resource/closecaption_ukrainian.txt) has 131 untranslated strings.
- [gameui_ukrainian.txt](resource/gameui_ukrainian.txt) has 33 untranslated strings.
- [reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt](resource/reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt) has 2778 untranslated strings.
- [reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt](resource/reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt) has 2799 untranslated strings.
- [valve_ukrainian.txt](resource/valve_ukrainian.txt) has 266 untranslated strings.

### Steam Store and Community


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
"name_vietnamese": "Súng trường tấn công 22A3-1",
"description_brazilian": "[i]O 22A3-1 é a arma de combate padrão dada a um fuzileiro das Forças Armadas Interestelares. Com alta cadência de tiro, projéteis com ponta explosiva de alta velocidade e um lançador de granadas suspenso, essa arma oferece uma versatilidade significativa em campo, capaz de derrubar alvos pequenos e grandes. O tamanho padrão do cartucho é de 98 projéteis.[/i]\n",
"description_dutch": "[i]De 22A3-1 is de standaard uitgave gevecht geweer gegeven aan de Intergalactische Gewapende Machten mariniers. Dit wapen biedt zowel een hoge vuursnelheid als explosieve munitie met een hoge snelheid en een granaatwerper aan de onderkant. Het biedt een grote veelzijdigheid in het veld en is in staat om zowel kleine als grote doelen neer te halen. Normale magazijn grootte is 98 kogels.[/i]\n",
"description_english": "[i]The 22A3-1 is the standard issue combat weapon given to an Interstellar Armed Forces marine. Offering high rate of fire and high velocity explosive rounds for the underslung grenade launcher, this weapon offers significant versatility in the field, capable of taking down both small and large targets. Standard clip size is 98 rounds.[/i]\n",
"description_english": "[i]The 22A3-1 is the standard issue combat weapon given to an Interstellar Armed Forces marine. Offering high rate of fire and high velocity explosive rounds for the underslung grenade launcher, this weapon offers significant versatility in the field, capable of taking down both small and large targets. Standard mag size is 98 rounds.[/i]\n",
"description_finnish": "[i]22A3-1 on Tähtienvälisten Asevoimien jääkärin palveluskivääri. Tämä ase tarjoaa sekä suuren tulinopeuden, suuren nopeuden räjähdekärjellä varustetut ammukset että alhaalla olevan kranaatinheittimen, joten se tarjoaa merkittävää monipuolisuutta kentällä ja kykenee tuhoamaan sekä pieniä että suuria kohteita. Lippaan koko on 98 laukausta.[/i]\n",
"description_french": "[i]Le 22A3-1 est l'arme de combat standard donnée à tous les Marines de l'Interstellar Armed Forces. Dotée d'une cadence de tir élevée, de munitions explosives à grande vitesse et d'un lance-grenades inférieur, cette arme offre une grande polyvalence sur le terrain, capable d'abattre des cibles de petite ou de grande taille. La capacité d'un chargeur est de 98 balles.[/i]\n",
"description_german": "[i]Die 22A3-1 ist die Standardwaffe eines Soldaten der Interstellaren Streitkräfte. Mit ihrer hohen Feuerrate, den Hochgeschwindigkeitsgeschossen mit Explosivladung und dem Granatwerfer an der Unterseite ist diese Waffe sehr vielseitig einsetzbar und kann sowohl kleine als auch große Ziele ausschalten. Das Standardmagazin hat eine Kapazität von 98 Schuss.[/i]\n",

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