diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2a1cd3a..940b417 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,26 +1,13 @@ -# Laravel Filament Modular +![Cover](https://filament.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/521/tFyehKIVV346TS3Emhqj5vhGYbFGbW-metaVW50aXRsZWQtMS0wMS5qcGc=-.jpg) ## Introduction The Filament module package is a Laravel package that integrates with the popular nwidart/laravel-modules package to provide seamless integration with Filament, a modern and elegant admin panel for Laravel applications. -Filament module package simplifies the process of integrating Filament into your Laravel application by providing a set of pre-built modules that can be easily installed and configured. +### Read Full Doc +https://filamentphp.com/plugins/realmrhex-modular -- Features include: - - - Coming on the way.... - -- Latest versions of PHP and PHPUnit and PHPCsFixer - -- Best practices applied: - - [`README.md`][link-readme] - - [`LICENSE`][link-license] - - [`composer.json`][link-composer-json] - - [`phpunit.xml`][link-phpunit] - - [`.gitignore`][link-gitignore] - - [`.php-cs-fixer.php`][link-phpcsfixer] - -## Installation +### Installation Require this package with composer.