Nice 7z is a wrapper of source code to extract a .7z archive to a specific folder. This was build to be used on Android and iOS.
You can build the source code as shared libraries for Android with
You need to provide ANDROID_NDK
as an environment variable.
$ ./
env ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android/ndk ./
The shared libraries will be in the prebuilt/release directory.
You can build the source code for iOS with script.
You need to provide APPLE_TEAM_ID
as an environment variable. You can find it on your apple developper account.
env APPLE_TEAM_ID=my_team_id ./
The xcframework will be in the build_ios directory
typedef ProgressCallback = Void Function(Double);
typedef Extract7zArchiveC = Int32 Function(
Pointer<Utf8> source,
Pointer<Utf8> dest,
Pointer<NativeFunction<ProgressCallback>> progress,
typedef Extract7zArchiveDart = int Function(
Pointer<Utf8> source,
Pointer<Utf8> dest,
Pointer<NativeFunction<ProgressCallback>> progress,
class Nice7z {
static late DynamicLibrary _nice7z;
static late Extract7zArchiveDart _nice7zExtract;
static Nice7z? _instance;
factory Nice7z() => _instance ??= Nice7z._();
void init() {
_nice7z = Platform.isAndroid ?'') : DynamicLibrary.process();
_nice7zExtract =