The placement for this app within the side navigation is established in the cloud-services-config repo. This document provides more detail on the general guidance for navigation configuration provided in the cloud-services config readme.
Manifests has an unusual navigation placement, in that it is a sub-app of a sub-app, under subscriptions. Here is the current configuration setup to allow this to show up in the proper place:
In the main.yml:
title: Manifests
channel: '#subscription-central'
appName: manifests
scope: manifests
module: ./RootApp
- /insights/subscriptions/manifests
reload: subscriptions/manifests
And under the subscriptions config there is this line:
- id: manifests
In the federated modules config, there is this section:
"manifests": {
"manifestLocation": "/apps/manifests/fed-mods.json",
"modules": [
"id": "manifests",
"module": "./RootApp",
"routes": [
Also in the rhel-navigation file there is this section:
"appId": "manifests",
"title": "Manifests",
"href": "/insights/subscriptions/manifests",
"product": "Subscription Watch"
You will need to create a separate PR in cloud-services-config for each branch corresponding to the environment you want to add this to.
The manifest-specific lines outlined in the "Making changes to nav configuration" section above will need to be added to their respective files in a new PR to each branch. It should be added to ci-stable (which should make changes visible automatically, to, and then prod-stable, at which point the app's menu links will be live.
When making the navigation changes live for the first time in each environment (i.e., in the cloud-services-config repo), you will need to separately push the manifests repo (i.e., this repo, subscription-central-ui) through the same branches (ci-stable and prod-stable) so that the app is pushed live at the same time as the menu updates. It is advised to push this (subscription-central-ui) app to the appropriate branch prior to making it live on the nav side.
These requirements may change over time. If you start a PR in the cloud-services-config repo, the console dot team will be able to assist you to ensure that the configuration updates are correct so that app is loading properly in each environment.