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Full list of commands

A full list of commands that can be used by trm-client can be found by simply typing


in your CLI.


By default, the CLI logger is used but every command can be executed with the option

-log, --logType <logType>

where logType can be one of the following values:

  • CLI: CLI logger with colored informations
  • CLI_LOG: Same as the CLI logger but will save the log output to a file
  • CONSOLE: Simple logger
  • VOID: No logger

Debug data

To enable logging of debug data, add this option

-dbg, --debug

to any command.

It's recommended to log debug data only if needed, as, depending on the command, the output can be quite long.

Client/Server info or configuration

Client settings

Show or edit setting values.

These settings will overwrite default values.

Settings are saved in plain text in the AppData settings.ini file.

Possible settings are:

  • loggerType: Default logger

  • logOutputFolder: Default log file output folder

  • Command settings

  • Options

    • -s, --set <property> - string

      Set a value in the form of KEY=VALUE

Client/Server versions

Show installed client/server versions.

  • Command info
  • Options
    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

System alias

Because a connection to an SAP ECC/S4 system has a quite a few parameters, connecting to a system by typing all of them via CLI can be challenging.

To solve this problem, you can create a system alias.

A system alias is an easy way to store all of the connection attributes, including login data, of an SAP ECC/S4 system.

System aliases are saved in plain text in the AppData systems.ini file.

Generally, all commands that require a connection to a system have the option

-a, --systemAlias <systemAlias>

where, once an alias is saved, can be used to quickly connect to a system.

Manage alias

List and manage aliases.

  • Command trm alias
  • Options
    • -a, --systemAlias <SYSTEM_ALIAS> - string

      Alias to manage.

Create alias

Create a new system alias.

  • Command createAlias <alias>

  • Parameters

    • alias - string

      Name of the alias to create. Alias names are unique.

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

Delete alias

Delete alias.

  • Command deleteAlias <alias>
  • Parameters
    • alias - string

      Name of the alias to delete.


Similar to system aliases, connections to registries can be saved in plain text in the AppData registry.ini file.

Generally, all commands that require a connection to a registry have the option

-r, --registry <registry>

where, once a registry is saved, can be used to quickly connect.

By default, and if no other registry is added, trm will use the public registry.

All new registries are considered private registries.

Add registry

Create a new registry connection.

  • Command addRegistry <registryName>

  • Parameters

    • registryName - string

      Name of the registry to create. Registry names are unique.

  • Options

    • -e, --endpoint <endpoint> - string

      Registry endpoint.

    • -a, --authentication <authentication> - JSON

      Authentication data.

"public" is a reserved keyword and can't be used as a new registry name.

Remove registry

Remove a registry connection.

Create a new registry connection.

  • Command removeRegistry <registryName>

  • Parameters

    • registryName - string

      Name of the registry to remove.

  • Options

    • -f, --force - boolean

      Force remove (skip confirmation prompt).


Log into registry.

If no private registries were added, it will default to the public registry.

  • Command login
  • Options
    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry name.

    • -f, --force - boolean

      Force login (ignore if you're already logged in).

    • -a, --authentication <authentication> - JSON

      Authentication data.

This command has no effect when trying to login into a registry that doesn't require authentication.

User data

Get currently logged in user data.

If no private registries were added, it will default to the public registry.

  • Command whoami
  • Options
    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry name.

This command has no effect when trying to get user info from a registry that doesn't require authentication.


Log out of a registry.

If no private registries were added, it will default to the public registry.

  • Command logout
  • Options
    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry name.

This command has no effect when trying to logout from a registry that doesn't require authentication.


Generally, all packages related commands require both a connection to a system and a registry.

List installed packages

List all the packages installed on a system.

  • Command list

This command doesn't require trm-server installed on the system.

View package data

View package data (manifest values).

  • Command view <package>

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package.

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

This command doesn't require trm-server installed on the system.

If the package is not found on the system, it will automatically fall back to the data provided by the registry, granted it exists.

Compare package between different systems

Compare the same package on one or more systems.

  • Command compare <package>

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package.

  • Options

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

    • -c, --connections <json> - JSON

      Path to JSON file or string with array of aliases to compare.

This command doesn't require trm-server installed on the system.

Publish package release

Publish a new package release on the registry.

When no version is defined, it will automatically set to:

  • When it's the first release ever: 1.0.0
  • When it's already published: the latest available released with patch increased by 1

When it's the first publish, full manifest definition is asked (unless running with flags that will disable it).

When a release is already published, the latest available manifest is used and no overwrite is expected (unless specified by flags).

Translation transport is only generated for packages that contain one or more objects with translations (unless skipped by flags).

Customizing transport is only generated if a valid list of customizing transports is provided (unless skipped by flags).

If a default manifest with dependencies is provided in conjunction with the automatic dependency generation, results will be merged.

  • Command publish <package> [version]

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package to publish. If registry uses authentication, the user must be authorized to publish a release under this package name.

    • version - string

      Version of the release (default: check description above).

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

    • -d, --devclass <devclass> - string

      Devclass (SAP package) that contains user custom developments to publish.

    • -t, --target <target> - string

      TMS Target (Used for transport release).

    • -m, --manifest <manifestJson> - string

      Path to JSON file or JSON string containing manifest publish default values.

    • -rm, -readme <readme> - string

      Path to or text containing the package default value for the readme.

    • -fm, --forceManifest - boolean

      Force manifest prompt even when it's not required (default: false). Has no effect with silent flag.

    • -sl, --skipLang - boolean

      Skip translation transport (default: false).

    • -sc, --skipCustomizing - boolean

      Skip customizing transport (default: false).

    • -ct, --customizingTransports - string

      Customizing transports to include, separated by comma. Only root transports are required, tasks are automatically included.

    • -sd, --skipDependencies - boolean

      Skip automatic dependencies search (default: false).

    • -ses, --skipEditSapEntries - boolean

      Skip SAP entries edit prompt (default: false). Has no effect with silent flag.

    • -sed, --skipEditDependencies - boolean

      Skip dependencies edit prompt (default: false). Has no effect with silent flag.

    • -srm, --skipReadme - boolean

      Skip readme prompt (default: false). Has no effect with silent flag.

    • -s, --silent - boolean

      No manual inputs (default: false).

    • -to, --releaseTimeout <timeout> - number

      Release timeout (in seconds) (default: 180).

Unpublish package from registry

Unpublish a release of a package from its registry.

  • Command unpublish <package> <version>

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package.

    • version - string

      Release version to unpublish.

  • Options

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

Install package release

Install a package release into a system.

This command won't let you update/downgrade a package unless specified differently with the appropriate flag.

  • Command install <package> [version]

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package to install. If registry uses authentication, the user must be authorized to view this package.

    • version - string

      Version of the release (default: latest).

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

    • -tl, --transportLayer <transportLayer> - string

      Transport layer used for package generation (default: System default).

    • -f, --force - boolean

      Force install of the package: no checks on dependencies/SAP Entries or object types, overwrites if already exists (default: false).

    • -k, --keepOriginals - boolean

      Keep original package names (no checks if a package with the same name already exists) (default: false).

    • -to, --importTimeout <timeout> - number

      Import timeout (in seconds) (default: 180).

    • -wg, --workbenchGen - boolean

      Generate a workbench transport containing the package for later transport in the landscape (default: true).

    • -ss, --skipSapEntries - boolean

      Skip SAP Entries check (default: false). Has no effect with flag force.

    • -so, --skipObjectsCheck - boolean

      Skip object types check (default: false). Has no effect with flag force.

    • -sl, --skipLang - boolean

      Skip translation transport (default: false).

    • -sc, --skipCustomizing - boolean

      Skip customizing transport (default: false).

    • -sd, --skipDependencies - boolean

      Skip dependencies (default: false). Has no effect with flag force.

    • -wt, --workbenchTarget <target> - string

      Workbench transport target system. Only used if workbench transport is set to generate (default: none).

    • -s, --silent - boolean

      No manual inputs (default: false).

    • -pr, --packageReplacements <mapJson> - JSON

      Path to JSON file or JSON string containing package replacement map.

      In order to be valid, the JSON must be an array of objects with the following properties:

        - `originalDevclass` - `string`
        	Name of the original devclass.
        - `installDevclass` - `string`
        	Name of the target devclass.

      If one or more devclass has no replacement found in the array, you'll be prompted for a value.

    • -ra, --replaceAllowed - boolean

      Allow package update/downgrade (default: false). Has no effect with flag force.

Update package

Upgrade/downgrade package.

Has the same affect as Install package release with the -ra, --replaceAllowed flag set to true.


These commands can be useful before installing or publishing a package release.


Ping trm-server on a system: if setup correctly, you should see a PONG response.

  • Command ping
  • Options
    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

Analyze package status

Analyze dependencies and/or SAP entries of a package.

  • Command check <package>

  • Parameters

    • package - string

      Name of the package to analyze.

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

    • -r, --registry <registry> - string

      Registry (default: public).

    • -at, --analysisType - string

      Analysis type. Possible values are DEPENDENCIES, SAPENTRIES and ALL.

Find package dependencies

Find dependencies of an SAP package with other packages/trm packages/SAP Entries.

  • Command findDependencies <devclass>

  • Parameters

    • devclass - string

      Devclass (SAP package) that contains user custom developments.

  • Options

    • -de, --dest <dest> - string

      System ID.

    • -ah, --ashost <ashost> - string

      System application server address.

    • -sn, --sysnr <sysnr> - string

      System instance number.

    • -sr, --saprouter <sapRouter> - string

      System SAPRouter string.

    • -cl, --client <client> - string

      System logon client.

    • -us, --user <user> - string

      System logon user.

    • -pw, --passwd <passwd> - string

      System logon password.

    • -a, --systemAlias <systemAlias> - string

      System alias.

    • -se, --sapEntries - boolean

      Include SAP entries dependencies (default: false).