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Wingtips - wingtips-zipkin

Wingtips is a distributed tracing solution for Java based on the Google Dapper paper.

This module is a plugin extension module of the core Wingtips library and contains support for converting Wingtips spans to Zipkin spans and sending them to a Zipkin server.


This module is an optional plugin for the wingtips-core library. See the wingtips-core documentation for more detailed information on distributed tracing in general and the Wingtips implementation in particular.


For a basic Zipkin integration using the minimum-dependencies default implementation provided by this submodule add the following line as early in your application startup procedure as possible (ideally before any requests hit the service that would generate spans) and you'll see the Wingtips spans show up in the Zipkin UI with the proper client-send, client-receive, server-send, and server-receive annotations:

    new WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener("some-service-name", 

Parameters for this basic WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener constructor:

  • serviceName - The name of this service. This is used to build the Zipkin Endpoint that will be used for client/server/local Zipkin annotations when sending spans to Zipkin.
  • localComponentNamespace - The zipkin.Constants.LOCAL_COMPONENT namespace that will be used when creating certain Zipkin annotations when the Wingtips span's Span.getSpanPurpose() is LOCAL_ONLY. See the zipkin.Constants.LOCAL_COMPONENT javadocs for more information on what this is and how it's used by the Zipkin server, so you know what value you should send.
  • postZipkinSpansBaseUrl - The base URL of the Zipkin server. This should include the scheme, host, and port (if non-standard for the scheme). e.g. http://localhost:9411, or

Using Native Zipkin Brave SpanCollectors

The default ZipkinSpanSender implementation provided by this submodule (used under the hood when you follow the Quickstart instructions above) for sending spans to the Zipkin server should work decently for many use cases, however it is limited to HTTP transport and does not have some of the features provided by Zipkin SpanCollectors, which serve a similar purpose.

Zipkin's Brave libraries provide numerous Zipkin SpanCollector implementations that you could use as a Wingtips ZipkinSpanSender by creating a simple adapter that implements the ZipkinSpanSender interface but uses the concrete Zipkin Brave SpanCollector under the hood to do the work.

Simply pull in the Zipkin Brave dependencies into your project that are necessary to have access to the SpanCollector implementation you want to use, and create an adapter like the following:

public class BraveSpanCollectorAdapter implements ZipkinSpanSender {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
    private final HttpSpanCollector braveCollector;
    private final ExecutorService forcePurgeExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

    public BraveSpanCollectorAdapter(HttpSpanCollector braveCollector) {
        this.braveCollector = braveCollector;

    public void handleSpan(zipkin.Span span) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            logger.warn("An error occurred while adding a span to the Brave collector.", ex);

    public void flush() {
        forcePurgeExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    logger.warn("An error occurred while flushing the Brave collector.", ex);

    public com.twitter.zipkin.gen.Span toBraveSpan(zipkin.Span zipkinSpan) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implementation of this method left as an exercise to the reader");

Once you have an adapter, you can register it with Wingtips like this:

    new WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener("some-service-name", 
                                          new WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterImpl(), 
                                          new BraveSpanCollectorAdapter(braveCollectorAdapter))

The only difference between this and the Quickstart instructions is that here you are using the WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener constructor that allows you to specify the WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverter you want to use (in this case the default implementation) and the ZipkinSpanSender you want to use (in this case the adapter backed by a real Zipkin Brave SpanCollector).