- Renato Farruggio
- Caroline Steiblin
Implement an interface that allows two Android phones to send and receive QR codes between each other, using Zxing library. Synchronize any database from BACnet from an Android device to another Android device over qr codes.
We offer the following API to group 12 (logSync) for sending and receiving messages over qr:
public byte[] rd_callback() // called when logSync wants to receive
public int wr_callback(byte[]) // called when logSync wants to send
The usage should be similar to send() and recv() from UDP.
In return, we will need a method to start logSync:
startLogSync(rdcb, wrcb);
Sequence of control will be as follows:
- We start logSync server as part of the logic behind the UI:
startLogSync(rd_callback, wr_callback);
Control is then handed over to the python application (logSync).
- logSync calls callback to receive or to send.
- logSync retains control until sync is completed.
Code on python side should look like this:
def startLogSync(rdcb, wrcb):
t = threading.Thread(Log_Sync_Thread, args=(rdcb,wrcb))
class Log_Sync_Thread:
def __init__(self):
def run(rdcb, wrcb):
self.recv = rdcb
self.send = wrcb
while True:
... # Main loop
Packet format compatible with BACnet log requirements. But we can send any bytes that standard UDP packets can send. We have adapted our code to the transport interface of logSync.
All meeting notes are located in the diary.
Write proper READMEAccess front cameraImplement asking user for permission to use cameraTest if QR code gets recognized through front camera (It does!)Implement beep sound as feedback for qr code recognitionDisable screen rotationImplement Android Image Dialog/Popup and test if it works as expected.In case, above Image Dialog does not work, find another way to display qr code while having the camera open.Implement dialog over qr codeMake qr code size adaptive to screen size (maximal but not bigger than screen)Implement packet splitting (doesn't seem like we need that)Find out how many bps we can send (around 500bytes/packet, maybe up to 2k) should be fine !Add Chaquopy to our project to run python filesFix fatal bug: Chaquopy can't import python library "cbor2" (Fix by downgrading to cbor)Encode and Decode qr code in base64 encoding (Does not work with our current setup afaik)If Chaquopy works as exspected, add it to the documentation over on BACnetMerge readme from BACnet into this readme.Figure out how to use the eventCreationTool on our android app, according to thisMake a license file (preferably the same, BACnet uses)Get a license for ChaquopySpecify Interface with group 12 (syncLog). In the ideal case, we can import their code like the eventCreationTool above.Import logSyncInterface testing: Can we import logSync?Interface testing: Do callbacks work from python back to java?- Rewrite API
- Rewrite Execution
- Rewrite Python-Example
- Remote add this repo to BACnet and pull
Implement packet splitting- Write down theoretical advanced transport protocol
Implement advanced transport protocol- Integrate updated logSync code
- Integrate path of exKotlinUI
- Add 2 input variables for ScanCodeActivity. One for Path (by calling getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getPath()), One for Device ('A' or 'B')
Get logSync to run successfully- Fix audio errors
- Add functionality to exit qr code at any time.
- (Figure out where "[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]" error is coming from)