The purpose of Pipeline is to showcase diverse technical creators in Nashville, TN.
This is an open source, searchable database for anyone desiring to find diverse talent.
- Create a Github account
- Add a REAL, clear image of yourself on the account
- Submit your information for approval
Go to the project board, select a ticket to work on, then create a PR referencing the ticket.
Your PR will be reviewed and either approved and merged or commented.
Once your PR is merged, you will be added as a contributor to the project.
Clone the project to your machine
First, do the installations, then run the development server:
npm i
npm run prepare
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Start the storybook server
npm run storybook
Open port 6006
- On netlify navigate to Team > Domains > Add or Register a domain
- Enter the subdomain in full (i.e.
- Create nettlify app
- Create 2 new CNAME records
- Host record: subdomain (i.e. pipeline + www.pipeline)
- Points to: use assigned Netlify url
- TTL - leave blank