Ethereum Private Key Signature Provider.
is a typescript library part of the Request Network protocol.
Implementation of the signature provider from the private keys. The signature provider is used to make signature in the Request Network Protocol (e.g.: see Request Logic).
It uses the Request Network Protocol concepts of Identity
and Signature
described in the request logic specification.
npm install @requestnetwork/epk-signature
import { IdentityTypes, SignatureTypes } from '@requestnetwork/types'
import EthereumPrivateKeySignatureProvider from '@requestnetwork/epk-signature'
const signatureParametersExample: SignatureTypes.ISignatureParameters = {
method: SignatureTypes.METHOD.ECDSA,
privateKey: '0xc87509a1c067bbde78beb793e6fa76530b6382a4c0241e5e4a9ec0a0f44dc0d3',
// Identity from the previous signature parameter
const identityExample: IdentityTypes.IIdentity = {
type: IdentityTypes.TYPE.ETHEREUM_ADDRESS,
value: '0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57'
// Construct the provider with a
const signatureProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeySignatureProvider(signatureParametersExample);
// can list the identity usable
const listOfAvailableIdentity = signatureProvider.getAllRegisteredIdentities(); // [identityExample]
// can sign data with identity
const dataToSign = { ... };
const signedData = await signatureProvider.sign(dataToSign, identityExample); // { data: { ... }, signature: { method: SignatureTypes.METHOD.ECDSA, value: '0x...' }}
// can add a new signature parameters
signatureProvider.addSignatureParameters({method: ..., privateKey: ...});
// can remove a signature parameters from its identity
signatureProvider.removeRegisteredIdentity({type: ..., value: ...});
// can remove all signature parameters
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