Docker image for Pterodactyl Resonite headless server. This egg is intended only for specific large-scale Resonite communities to utilize. There are special configuration parameters available in the image which would only be utilized in large hosting scenarios.
Import egg-single-session-template.json for a starting point with a single session setup.
Docker image:
Install script can be found in:
, use
as the script container, and bash
as the entrypoint command.
Configuration variables: configurationVariables.json
Start command is: dotnet Resonite.dll
Start configuration is:
"done": "Starting running world:"
Stop command is: shutdown
If you encounter bugs or issues running this egg in your community, please reach out directly to @GrayBoltWolf on GitHub or Discord. Please do not ask the Resonite team for assistance with your headless if you are using this Pterodactyl egg.