=== Parsi Date === Contributors: lord_viper, man4toman, parselearn, yazdaniwp, saeedfard, iehsanir Donate link: https://wp-parsi.com/support/ Tags: shamsi, wp-parsi, wpparsi, persian, parsi, farsi, jalali, date, calendar, i18n, l10n, iran, iranian, parsidate, rtl, gutenberg, acf,woocommerce Requires at least: 5.3 Tested up to: 5.8.2 Stable tag: 5.0.0 RC1
Persian date support for WordPress
== Description ==
This package is made by Persian developers to bring so much better experience of Persian WordPress. It includes Shamsi (Jalali) calendar, character issues fixes and Right-To-Left fix for WordPress back-end environment.
List of some features:
- Shamsi (Jalali) day-picker in Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Shamsi (Jalali) jQuery UI date-picker
- WP-Planet.ir Widget
- Shamsi (Jalali) date in Posts, comments, pages, archives, search, categories
- Shamsi (Jalali) date in Permalinks
- Shamsi (Jalali) date in admin sections such as posts lists, comments lists, pages lists
- Shamsi (Jalali) date in post quick edit, comment quick edit, page quick edit of admin panel
- Shamsi (Jalali) calender widget
- Shamsi (Jalali) archive widget
- RTL and fixed tinymce editor
- Add Persian features to WooCommerce
- Add Persian features to ACF
- Powerful and fast function for fixing Arabic (ي , ك) to Persian (ی , ک)
- Powerful and fast function for Persian numbers
- Low resources usage
== Installation ==
- Upload plugin folder to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- To use the archives widget, go to 'Widgets' and choose 'بایگانی تاریخ خورشیدی'
- To use the calender widget, go to 'Widgets' and choose 'گاهشمار تاریخ خورشیدی'
== Screenshots ==
- Plugin main settings
- Number conversions settings
- Other plugin compatibility
- Persian datepicker in WooCommerce
- Persian date type in ACF
== Changelog ==
= 4.0.0 =
- This release contains huge bug fix:
- Conflict with jetpack
- Dashboard page warrning
- Conflict with DATE_W3C format
- Date problem in comments feed
- Error while save ACF fields
- Notice: Undefined index: date_i18n
- Notice error in archive.php pages
- RevSlider conflicts
- Date convertion problem in WordPress 5.3
- Conflict with get_the_modified_date
- Parsi Widget error
- Notice: Undefined index: wp_date, disable.php
- WooCommerce order detail fix
- Conflict with polylang and wpml
- Duplicate activity date in dashbaord
- Type error in editor datepicke
- Direction problem in legacy editor
- Wrong callback in get_the_time hook
- Default timezone problem
- Displaying "@" instead of "at" in Jalali version
- Persian number in WooCommerce prices
- Better support of Persian date in WooCommerce
- Persian datepicker in WooCommerce
- ACF Parsi date
- Mini support of WMPL and Polylang
- Update Calendar widgets
- Update attachments filter dropdown
- New looks and feels of settings panel
- Add Vazir font to admin area
= 3.0.3 =
- Fix widgets fatal errors
- Fix get_post_modified_time output
- Replace @ with persian character in edit posts
- Fix notice in disable section
= 3.0.2 =
- Now we support WordPress 5.3!
- Replace/add wp_date instead old function
- Small fix in Woocommerce dates
- Fix date in media files
- All core codes cleaned and beautified
= 3.0.1 =
- The Woocommerce hook has been temporarily disabled
= 3.0.0 =
- Added Shamsi (Jalali) day-picker in Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Added Shamsi (Jalali) jQuery UI date-picker
= 2.4 =
- Fix for admin_posts_where
- Added new version of planet on dashboard
- New fixes for dates
- Fix month in permalink
- New fix for hook disabler
= 2.3.4 =
- Fix diagnosis leap year function ( WPP_ParsiDate::IsLeapYear() )
= 2.3.3 =
- Fix WooCommerce Sale Price Dates (From/To)
= 2.3.2 =
- Change date based on WordPress language (Persian/Farsi)
- Compatible with WP Multilingual plugin (WPML)
= Development Log
- Fix Wrong usage of $wp_query in posts_where filter that create "old posts" issue in WP_Query!
= 2.3.1 =
- Fix date picker's month dropdown bug in admin edit post. #issue
= =
- Fix set editor font css
= 2.3 =
- Add WP-Planet.ir widget
- Fix some bug
= 2.2.3 =
- Conflict timezone with wordpress default timezone #issue
= 2.2.2 =
- Fix error in PHP 7
= 2.2.1 =
- Compatible with WP 4.7
- Fixed: Notice error in acf group page. #issue
- Fixed: Undefined variable
error in admin lists-fix.php #issue - Fixed by: Mostafa Soufi
= 2.2 =
- Fixed: Widgets bug causes Deprecated notices in WordPress >= 4.3
- Fixed: the_modified_date() is now in Shamsi. [Reported by Amirhossein Habibi]
- New: Added EDD support to convert prices digits in Persian digits.
= 2.1.7 =
- Fixed timezone bug [Reported by HANNANStd]
- Paragraph style returned to its previous style [Reported by WP-Parsi community]
= 2.1.6 =
- Fixed assets folder issue with community.
= 2.1.5 =
- Added "Droid Sans" & "Roboto" font family to back-end environment & editor by default, also an option for returning that
- Added an option for moving menu item to submenu
- Fixed timezone bug that was set to "Asia/Tehran" by default
- Cleaned codes and documentation
= 2.1.2 =
- Admin menu problem fixed
= 2.1.2 =
- Fix Broken Plugins Update Link (Farsi Locale)
= 2.1.1 =
- Fix Post permalink with custom structure (%category%/%postname%/)
= 2.1 =
- Post Permalink Fixed
- WordPress SEO OpenGraph Dates fixed
- WooCommerce order detail date fixed
- New option for set locale in plugin page settings
- LTR post editor text mode
= 2.0.0-alpha =
- Fully recorded!
- WordPress languages (Persian) files removed
- Persian calendar widget added
- Performance enhanced
- Woocommerce prices problem fixed
= 1.3.5 =
- Wordpress 4.0 ready
- languages updated
= 1.3.4 =
- unix timstamp problems fixed
- languages fixed
- core functions improved
= 1.3.3 =
- editor problems fixed
= 1.3.2 =
- update language files
= 1.3.1 =
- tested on wordpress 3.9
- added new language files
= 1.3 =
- core function enhanced
- some date function problem fixed
= 1.2 =
- fix memory error
- fix post_where hook
= 1.1 =
- Fix TinyMce text direction
- Fix sitemaps date problems
- New features on plugin settings
- Add persian numbers on the_excerpt function
- Some bugfixs on core functions
= 1.0 =
- Hello world...