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Technical Documentation

Dane Dexheimer edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 32 revisions

Functional Specifications

Filter by Site

This drop-down allows the user to filter by site on contains all of the sites included within the data set. Selecting a site will only show the data associated with that site.

Filter by Freeze Status

This drop-down allows the user to filter by freeze status. The current options are "All" (default) and "Not Ready to Freeze". Choosing a freeze status will only show subjects that are associated with that freeze status.

Filter by Subject Status

This drop-down allows the user to filter by subject status. The current options are "All" (default), "Completed", "Enrolled", and "Screen Failure". Choosing a subject status will only show subjects that are associated with that subject status.


System will allow users to subset the data using 3 pre-defined subset groupings. Each subset defaults to "All" and the subsets can be applied concurrently. The labels on these subsets are limited to 10 characters.

Display Cell Annotations

Users can select the checkbox to display the annotation for each cell. This annotation is a calculation of the percentage of completion for blue cells or the number of queries for green cells. Users can unselect the checkbox to remove the annotations in each cell.

Expand All

Users can select the checkbox to expand all of the rows nested inside the ID column. Users can unselect the checkbox to collapse the nesting and only show the high level ID data.

Show Status Subsetting

Users can select options from the drop-downs to create a heat map by site, subject, form, or field. The selection made in the first drop-down will be the high-level variable and the selections in the second and third drop-down will further subset the data; the chart will default to show the data by site, with the subjects nested beneath it.

CRF Legend

This legend indicates the percentage of completion for each form. the CRF legend uses blue shading, with light blue indicating less complete and the dark blue indicating more complete.

Queries Legend

This legend indicates the number of queries captured for each column. The Queries legend uses green shading to indicate query status, with light green indicating less complete and the dark green indicating more complete.

Column Filter Sliders

Users have the ability to filter on a column between using an interactive slider. The filter will remove any records that do not fall within range for that column. Forms can be filtered to show data that falls between 0% and 100% and queries can be filtered to show data that falls between 0 and the max number of queries included in the data. Users can apply multiple column filters at a time. Users can reset the sliders to remove all of the column filters at once by selecting the "Reset sliders" button to the left of the slider controls.


The system will show small, white gridlines in between cells to separate them and make it easier for the user to differentiate between the column data.


Cells with a denominator of 0 will "N/A" to indicate that the form is not applicable to that instance. These cells are shaded dark blue to indicate that they are complete and they are represented as 100% when the user filters on a column that includes an N/A cell.


If the user opts to turn the cell annotations off, they can still view the annotations by hovering over the cells. If the user hovers over the following fields, they will see the percentage complete for each variable: CRF's Entered, Source Data Verified, Frozen, Signed, and Locked. If the user hovers over the Open Queries or Answered Queries cells, they will see the sum of queries for each cell

Export Data

A data export button is located at the top of the page. Exports will capture the current filtered data along with the raw data. The second tab within the export spreadsheet lists which filters the user has selected to produce the current export

Regression Tests

Filters and Options

  • Confirm that the 3 dropdown filters at the top of the heat map have the following options. 1: Site, Subject ID, Folder, Form 2: Site, Subject ID, Folder, Form, None 3: Site, Subject ID, Folder, Form, None
  • Confirm that the Site drop down filter to the left of the heat map contains all of the sites included with the dataset
  • Confirm that selecting a site only will show the data associated with that site
  • Confirm that the Subject Freeze Status filter has 2 options: All (Default) and Not Ready to Freeze
  • Confirm that selecting Not Ready to Freeze shows only subjects associated with that status
  • Confirm that the Subject Status filter has the following options: All (Default), Completed, Enrolled, Screen Failure
  • Confirm that choosing a Subject Status filter will only show subjects that are associated with that status
  • Confirm that the 3 Subset filters appear
  • Confirm that the 3 Subset filters default to All
  • Confirm that the Subset labels can be applied concurrently
  • Select and De-Select the checkbox for Display Cell Annotation to confirm that the percentages and queries appear and disappear in the cells (%'s = completion percentage for blue cells and queries = number of queries for green cells)
  • Confirm that selecting the Expand All checkbox expands the ID column to show all of Subject ID's that are nested
  • Confirm that de-selecting the Expand All checkbox collapses all of the ID's and only the high level ID's are displayed
  • Confirm Users can select options from the first drop-down at the top of the page: site, subject, form, or Folder
  • Confirm the first drop down variable is set to Site as the default
  • Confirm that after selecting the first drop down variable, selecting the second and third drop down variables set the subset data
  • Confirm the CRF legend appears at the top of the page. It has %'s that range from light blue to dark blue, with the darker the blue indicating the higher % of complete
  • Confirm the Queries legend appears at the top of the page. It has the number of queries completed that range from light green to dark green with the darker green indicating the higher number of complete
  • Confirm that each column has filter sliders that appear at the top of each column
  • Confirm that Form columns have a range of 0% to 100% and Query columns have a range of 0 to the max number of queries within that dataset
  • Confirm that multiple column sliders can be adjusted simultaneously
  • Confirm that the Reset Sliders button removes the filters and returns each column filter to the default
  • Confirm that gridlines appear between cells
  • Confirm that de-selecting Display Cell Annotations removes the data from the cell fields
  • Confirm that once de-selected, hovering over the cells in following fields will still have the % data appear: CRF's Entered, Source Data Verified, Ready for Freeze, Frozen, Signed, and Locked
  • Confirm that once de-selected, hovering over the cells in following fields will still have the query sums data appear: Open Queries, Answered Queries
  • Confirm that data export buttons appear at the bottom of the page, CSV and XLSX
  • Confirm that each option is able to produce an export of the current data opened in excel
  • Confirm that each option is able to produce an export of filtered data opened in excel
  • Confirm that if using the XLSX export option, a second tab appears which lists the filter options that were selected to produce the current data export
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