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jwildfire edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 28 revisions

Custom Data Mappings

Several custom settings that are not available in the base Webcharts library have been added to the Test Results Over Time chart to facilitate data mapping. Default values are provided to map data from the AdAM Adverse Event data standard to the Webcharts configuration object. The defaults can be overwritten to use other data standards by the user when initializing a chart.

Settings Variable Variable Description Default Required?
id_col Participant ID Unique participant identifier USUBJID Y
time_col Measure Timing Timing of collection VISITN Y
measure_col Measure Name of measure TEST Y
value_col Value Value of measure STRESN Y
unit_col Unit Unit of measure STRESU Y
normal_col_low Normal Range - Low Lower limit of expected measure normal values STRNLO
normal_col_high Normal Range - High Upper limit of expected measure normal values STRNHI
group_cols Group variables Columns defining subpopulations of interest [SEX, RACE] Y

#Custom appearance Settings Two additional custom settings, not used for data mapping, are included in this library.

Parameter Default Details
start_value null Specifies a value of settings.measure_col to be displayed when the chart is loaded
rotateX true Flag indicating whether to rotate the x axis labels
missingValues ["NA",""] An array of values (found in settings.value_col) to be ignored when rendering the chart
boxplots true Flag indicating whether to render boxplots
violins false Flag indicating whether to render violin plots

Webcharts Settings

The following Webcharts settings are provided by default, but can be overwritten by the user when initializing the chart. Additional documentation for each setting is available in the Webcharts wiki

Parameter Default Details
x.column See details Synced to current value of settings.time_col
x.type "ordinal"
x.label null
x.sort "alphabetical-ascending"
x.behavior "flex"
x.tickAttr null
y.column See details Synced to current value of settings.value_col
y.stat "mean"
y.type "linear"
y.label "Value
y.behavior "flex"
y.format "0.2f"
legend.mark "square"
legend.label "cohort"
marks[0].type "line"
marks[0].per ["All"]
marks[0].attributes {"stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 1,"display":"none"}
legend.label ' '
color_by 'ALL'
resizeable false
height 500
range_band 20
margin {bottom:50}
gridlines 'xy'


Default controls are based on columns established in the custom data mappings.

Control Type Column/Setting Control Object
Filter settings.measure_col {label: "Measure", value_col: null, type: "subsetter", start: null}
Setting marks.0.per.0, color_by {label: "Group", options: ["marks.0.per.0, "color_by"], type: "dropdown", values: ["ALL"], start: "ALL"
Setting x.behavior {label: "Hide visits with no data", option: "x-behavior", type: "radio", require: true, values: ['flex', 'raw'], rebels: ['Yes', "No"]}
Setting settings.violins {label: "Violin Plots", option: "violins", type: "checkbox", inline: true}
Setting settings.boxplots {label: "Box Plots", option: "boxplots", type: "checkbox", inline: true}
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