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30.800781 L 21.1875 30.214844 L 22.714844 31.863281 C 23.554688 32.769531 24.640625 33.941406 25.125 34.472656 C 25.617188 34.996094 26.078125 35.5 26.15625 35.589844 L 26.300781 35.753906 L 25.664062 36.382812 C 25.316406 36.734375 24.980469 37.019531 24.917969 37.019531 C 24.710938 37.027344 24.210938 37.296875 24.097656 37.464844 C 23.640625 38.15625 24.027344 38.84375 24.765625 38.644531 C 25.101562 38.5625 25.464844 38.179688 25.523438 37.847656 C 25.558594 37.667969 25.738281 37.445312 26.207031 36.976562 L 26.839844 36.347656 L 27.210938 36.722656 L 27.589844 37.089844 L 26.984375 37.691406 C 26.554688 38.121094 26.300781 38.3125 26.113281 38.371094 C 25.773438 38.453125 25.421875 38.75 25.292969 39.054688 C 25.011719 39.742188 25.722656 40.25 26.398438 39.835938 C 26.636719 39.691406 26.90625 39.238281 26.914062 39 C 26.914062 38.9375 27.183594 38.625 27.519531 38.292969 L 28.117188 37.699219 L 28.273438 37.839844 C 28.359375 37.910156 28.488281 38.066406 28.566406 38.171875 L 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49.09375 C 34.390625 49.539062 35.394531 49.015625 35.394531 48.320312 C 35.394531 48.207031 35.601562 47.953125 36.058594 47.5 L 36.71875 46.851562 L 37.019531 47.152344 C 37.183594 47.316406 37.320312 47.488281 37.320312 47.527344 C 37.320312 47.5625 37.019531 47.882812 36.664062 48.242188 C 36.230469 48.667969 35.90625 48.914062 35.738281 48.972656 C 35.457031 49.054688 35.089844 49.417969 35.003906 49.679688 C 34.925781 49.917969 35.03125 50.300781 35.203125 50.421875 C 35.417969 50.570312 35.886719 50.554688 36.136719 50.394531 C 36.40625 50.214844 36.605469 49.898438 36.605469 49.644531 C 36.605469 49.472656 36.726562 49.3125 37.226562 48.816406 C 37.570312 48.46875 37.882812 48.195312 37.925781 48.195312 C 37.960938 48.195312 38.140625 48.355469 38.308594 48.554688 L 38.625 48.914062 L 37.988281 49.542969 C 37.640625 49.890625 37.296875 50.175781 37.226562 50.175781 C 36.957031 50.175781 36.597656 50.40625 36.429688 50.703125 C 36.199219 51.085938 36.207031 51.3125 36.441406 51.589844 C 36.621094 51.800781 36.65625 51.816406 36.992188 51.78125 C 37.289062 51.75 37.382812 51.707031 37.617188 51.460938 C 37.789062 51.269531 37.890625 51.101562 37.890625 50.980469 C 37.890625 50.839844 38.046875 50.632812 38.507812 50.167969 C 38.851562 49.820312 39.152344 49.539062 39.171875 49.539062 C 39.222656 49.539062 40.796875 51.226562 49.792969 60.925781 C 55.644531 67.238281 59.007812 70.855469 61.277344 73.273438 C 62.859375 74.949219 63.664062 75.933594 63.976562 76.554688 C 64.175781 76.941406 64.246094 77.804688 64.125 78.300781 C 64.011719 78.738281 62.9375 81.492188 62.429688 82.636719 C 61.53125 84.660156 61.3125 85.195312 60.976562 86.160156 C 60.078125 88.78125 59.691406 91.1875 59.835938 93.257812 C 59.984375 95.304688 60.25 96.371094 60.917969 97.714844 C 62.167969 100.183594 64.675781 102.652344 67.199219 103.875 C 68.703125 104.609375 70.171875 104.929688 72.03125 104.929688 C 74.390625 104.929688 76.542969 104.40625 78.839844 103.289062 C 80.09375 102.671875 81.097656 102.023438 82.273438 101.058594 C 83.222656 100.28125 87.847656 95.742188 90.128906 93.351562 C 91.054688 92.382812 92.339844 91.046875 92.988281 90.378906 C 95.160156 88.152344 97.339844 85.203125 98.269531 83.238281 C 98.839844 82.027344 99.359375 80.359375 99.585938 78.996094 C 99.742188 78.0625 99.742188 76.449219 99.585938 75.5625 C 99.210938 73.429688 98.074219 71.382812 96.230469 69.488281 C 94.78125 68.003906 93.5 67.140625 92.066406 66.695312 C 89.464844 65.882812 86.742188 65.847656 83.441406 66.589844 C 82.542969 66.792969 81.21875 67.203125 79.367188 67.839844 C 78.390625 68.179688 75.367188 69.078125 74.824219 69.191406 C 73.984375 69.367188 73.144531 69.242188 72.367188 68.824219 C 71.765625 68.511719 70.15625 67.0625 69.1875 65.972656 C 68.132812 64.785156 64.824219 61.191406 61.433594 57.550781 C 55.765625 51.46875 53.585938 49.113281 52.964844 48.433594 C 52.152344 47.535156 48.703125 43.816406 43.019531 37.726562 C 40.570312 35.09375 38.324219 32.675781 38.03125 32.351562 C 35.816406 29.882812 29.464844 23.023438 19.03125 11.839844 C 16.433594 9.0625 9.636719 1.757812 8.9375 1 L 8.253906 0.257812 Z M 9.441406 2.929688 C 10.875 4.445312 17.9375 12.03125 19.257812 13.46875 C 19.878906 14.140625 20.640625 14.96875 20.941406 15.292969 L 21.488281 15.886719 L 21.152344 16.132812 C 20.96875 16.269531 20.335938 16.855469 19.742188 17.441406 L 18.671875 18.496094 L 17.816406 17.734375 C 17.355469 17.308594 16.328125 16.394531 15.542969 15.703125 C 14.761719 15.003906 14.105469 14.410156 14.089844 14.375 C 14.074219 14.335938 14.148438 14.21875 14.246094 14.117188 C 14.675781 13.671875 14.839844 12.902344 14.640625 12.238281 C 14.503906 11.785156 13.992188 11.3125 13.492188 11.167969 C 12.273438 10.824219 10.945312 11.828125 10.945312 13.101562 C 10.945312 14.34375 12.117188 15.164062 13.3125 14.761719 L 13.71875 14.621094 L 15.109375 16.253906 C 15.871094 17.152344 16.785156 18.226562 17.132812 18.636719 L 17.78125 19.386719 L 17.339844 19.820312 L 16.898438 20.25 L 11.714844 16.480469 C 8.867188 14.410156 6.390625 12.605469 6.214844 12.464844 C 6.035156 12.328125 5.050781 11.3125 4.027344 10.207031 C 3 9.105469 2.085938 8.113281 1.988281 8.015625 L 1.816406 7.832031 L 4.761719 5.144531 C 6.378906 3.660156 7.824219 2.316406 7.980469 2.160156 C 8.132812 1.996094 8.308594 1.867188 8.367188 1.882812 C 8.429688 1.898438 8.914062 2.363281 9.441406 2.929688 Z M 13.546875 11.550781 C 13.882812 11.707031 14.183594 12.003906 14.289062 12.285156 C 14.4375 12.675781 14.382812 13.261719 14.160156 13.644531 C 13.535156 14.734375 12.015625 14.789062 11.46875 13.757812 C 10.796875 12.492188 12.242188 10.949219 13.546875 11.550781 Z M 11.625 16.59375 C 14.253906 18.496094 16.492188 20.117188 16.597656 20.207031 L 16.796875 20.363281 L 16.457031 20.703125 L 16.105469 21.035156 L 15.257812 20.320312 C 14.789062 19.925781 12.75 18.226562 10.734375 16.542969 C 7.488281 13.835938 6.386719 12.882812 6.742188 13.078125 C 6.796875 13.113281 9 14.699219 11.625 16.59375 Z M 16.492188 16.742188 C 17.632812 17.753906 18.574219 18.582031 18.574219 18.589844 C 18.574219 18.59375 18.417969 18.75 18.222656 18.941406 L 17.882812 19.28125 L 16.648438 17.804688 C 15.964844 16.996094 15.066406 15.929688 14.640625 15.433594 C 14.21875 14.945312 13.871094 14.523438 13.871094 14.492188 C 13.871094 14.4375 13.761719 14.34375 16.492188 16.742188 Z M 11.125 17.082031 C 12.1875 17.953125 13.707031 19.203125 14.511719 19.855469 C 15.316406 20.511719 15.980469 21.070312 15.992188 21.097656 C 16 21.128906 15.863281 21.289062 15.6875 21.460938 L 15.367188 21.777344 L 14.703125 21.105469 C 14.332031 20.738281 12.871094 19.261719 11.4375 17.816406 C 10.011719 16.382812 8.921875 15.269531 9.023438 15.347656 C 9.121094 15.433594 10.070312 16.210938 11.125 17.082031 Z M 21.003906 18.101562 L 19.679688 19.402344 L 19.5 19.226562 L 19.320312 19.046875 L 20.640625 17.753906 L 21.960938 16.453125 L 22.144531 16.621094 L 22.328125 16.792969 Z M 15.289062 21.792969 C 15.332031 21.820312 15.144531 22.027344 15.074219 22.027344 C 15.023438 22.027344 10.953125 17.691406 10.5625 17.214844 C 10.484375 17.117188 11.503906 18.105469 12.835938 19.410156 C 14.167969 20.710938 15.273438 21.785156 15.289062 21.792969 Z M 22.886719 17.40625 C 22.992188 17.519531 23.578125 18.15625 24.191406 18.835938 C 24.804688 19.515625 25.515625 20.265625 25.765625 20.496094 C 26.476562 21.167969 35.628906 31.023438 36.863281 32.449219 C 37.097656 32.710938 38.132812 33.84375 39.171875 34.960938 C 47.902344 44.324219 50.339844 46.957031 51.78125 48.5625 C 52.074219 48.886719 52.9375 49.8125 53.707031 50.632812 C 58.074219 55.28125 66.1875 64.027344 68.132812 66.1875 C 69.40625 67.609375 70.882812 68.988281 71.644531 69.480469 C 72.558594 70.070312 73.75 70.308594 74.855469 70.125 C 75.515625 70.011719 78.921875 68.992188 80.335938 68.492188 C 84.9375 66.835938 88.515625 66.554688 91.789062 67.578125 C 93.640625 68.160156 95.695312 69.878906 97.140625 72.0625 C 98.832031 74.609375 99.152344 76.902344 98.304688 80.265625 C 97.890625 81.894531 97.207031 83.40625 96.195312 84.929688 C 94.925781 86.835938 93.820312 88.195312 91.96875 90.089844 L 90.804688 91.292969 L 90.191406 90.890625 C 88.609375 89.84375 87.214844 89.46875 86.40625 89.878906 L 86.074219 90.042969 L 85.382812 89.292969 C 84.996094 88.882812 84.527344 88.371094 84.332031 88.167969 L 83.976562 87.792969 L 85.914062 85.867188 C 86.984375 84.808594 87.855469 83.910156 87.855469 83.875 C 87.855469 83.832031 87.269531 83.222656 86.550781 82.507812 L 85.253906 81.222656 L 83.363281 83.097656 C 81.796875 84.652344 81.46875 84.949219 81.425781 84.835938 C 81.390625 84.738281 26.234375 26.105469 21.152344 20.765625 L 20.191406 19.753906 L 21.433594 18.496094 C 22.117188 17.804688 22.679688 17.230469 22.6875 17.222656 C 22.691406 17.222656 22.785156 17.300781 22.886719 17.40625 Z M 19.464844 19.339844 C 19.59375 19.480469 19.59375 19.492188 19.171875 19.910156 L 18.75 20.335938 L 18.421875 19.953125 L 18.792969 19.578125 C 19.007812 19.367188 19.207031 19.195312 19.257812 19.195312 C 19.300781 19.195312 19.394531 19.261719 19.464844 19.339844 Z M 50.707031 52.550781 L 81.355469 85.097656 L 81.039062 85.402344 C 80.871094 85.566406 80.71875 85.691406 80.707031 85.671875 C 80.691406 85.65625 67.339844 71.5625 51.03125 54.347656 C 34.730469 37.132812 20.898438 22.527344 20.296875 21.890625 L 19.207031 20.730469 L 19.585938 20.347656 C 19.792969 20.144531 19.976562 19.980469 20.007812 19.988281 C 20.027344 20.003906 33.839844 34.65625 50.707031 52.550781 Z M 18.359375 20.71875 C 18.1875 20.894531 18.023438 21.035156 17.996094 21.035156 C 17.96875 21.035156 17.875 20.972656 17.78125 20.902344 L 17.609375 20.757812 L 17.96875 20.40625 L 18.316406 20.046875 L 18.496094 20.222656 L 18.671875 20.398438 Z M 17.761719 21.015625 L 17.9375 21.128906 L 17.5625 21.507812 C 17.355469 21.714844 17.167969 21.882812 17.148438 21.882812 C 17.125 21.882812 17.035156 21.820312 16.933594 21.742188 L 16.757812 21.609375 L 17.113281 21.246094 C 17.304688 21.054688 17.488281 20.894531 17.519531 20.894531 C 17.554688 20.894531 17.660156 20.945312 17.761719 21.015625 Z M 49.363281 53.003906 C 66.035156 70.605469 79.871094 85.203125 80.105469 85.453125 L 80.546875 85.890625 L 80.242188 86.1875 C 79.984375 86.449219 79.929688 86.476562 79.84375 86.386719 C 78.730469 85.195312 20.234375 23.222656 19.527344 22.476562 L 18.507812 21.410156 L 18.738281 21.191406 C 18.859375 21.0625 18.980469 20.972656 19.007812 20.980469 C 19.03125 20.992188 32.6875 35.398438 49.363281 53.003906 Z M 49.136719 54.269531 L 79.734375 86.667969 L 79.402344 87.058594 C 79.214844 87.269531 79.039062 87.425781 79.003906 87.402344 C 78.964844 87.382812 77.8125 86.164062 76.4375 84.703125 C 75.058594 83.230469 73.734375 81.832031 73.5 81.574219 C 73.257812 81.320312 60.796875 68.066406 45.808594 52.117188 C 30.820312 36.171875 18.359375 22.921875 18.125 22.683594 L 17.691406 22.238281 L 18.003906 21.917969 C 18.308594 21.609375 18.324219 21.601562 18.429688 21.726562 C 18.488281 21.804688 32.308594 36.445312 49.136719 54.269531 Z M 16.925781 21.820312 L 17.097656 21.960938 L 16.542969 22.519531 L 15.980469 23.085938 L 15.816406 22.886719 C 15.664062 22.699219 15.664062 22.699219 15.792969 22.5625 C 15.929688 22.421875 15.9375 22.421875 16.128906 22.597656 L 16.328125 22.769531 L 16.15625 22.570312 L 15.980469 22.378906 L 16.328125 22.027344 C 16.519531 21.828125 16.699219 21.671875 16.71875 21.671875 C 16.742188 21.679688 16.835938 21.742188 16.925781 21.820312 Z M 48.503906 55.40625 L 78.789062 87.621094 L 78.375 88.046875 C 78.140625 88.273438 77.941406 88.449219 77.925781 88.4375 C 77.875 88.371094 71.039062 81.074219 44.519531 52.753906 C 29.757812 36.996094 17.484375 23.886719 17.242188 23.609375 L 16.796875 23.113281 L 17.46875 22.449219 L 17.839844 22.816406 C 18.046875 23.023438 31.84375 37.691406 48.503906 55.40625 Z M 46.898438 55.726562 C 63.433594 73.386719 77.148438 88.019531 77.371094 88.246094 L 77.769531 88.648438 L 77 89.410156 L 76.238281 90.167969 L 77.578125 91.5 L 78.910156 92.820312 L 79.679688 92.058594 L 80.449219 91.292969 L 81.566406 91.5625 C 82.179688 91.710938 83.441406 92 84.363281 92.207031 L 86.035156 92.574219 L 86.359375 93.175781 C 86.535156 93.507812 86.835938 93.996094 87.019531 94.261719 C 87.207031 94.53125 87.355469 94.78125 87.339844 94.828125 C 87.304688 94.964844 82.230469 99.898438 81.582031 100.4375 C 79.578125 102.085938 77.234375 103.210938 74.617188 103.761719 C 73.785156 103.9375 73.5625 103.953125 72.136719 103.960938 C 70.414062 103.960938 70.027344 103.910156 68.851562 103.535156 C 66.679688 102.828125 64.410156 101.132812 62.835938 99.015625 C 61.695312 97.472656 61.21875 96.386719 60.898438 94.589844 C 60.753906 93.761719 60.777344 90.777344 60.933594 89.921875 C 61.332031 87.8125 61.988281 85.832031 62.992188 83.667969 C 63.511719 82.558594 64.867188 79.148438 65.023438 78.570312 C 65.179688 77.953125 65.167969 77.113281 64.976562 76.5625 C 64.683594 75.683594 63.632812 74.320312 61.746094 72.316406 C 60.992188 71.519531 59.941406 70.402344 59.414062 69.835938 C 58.886719 69.261719 57.667969 67.960938 56.707031 66.929688 C 55.746094 65.894531 53.714844 63.703125 52.179688 62.054688 C 50.65625 60.40625 48.601562 58.195312 47.625 57.140625 C 46.65625 56.09375 45.542969 54.914062 45.160156 54.523438 C 44.78125 54.132812 41.929688 51.085938 38.832031 47.753906 C 35.003906 43.644531 33.019531 41.574219 32.671875 41.304688 C 32.386719 41.085938 32.101562 40.867188 32.039062 40.816406 C 31.796875 40.632812 31.511719 40.363281 31.4375 40.257812 C 31.367188 40.144531 31.125 39.792969 30.710938 39.167969 C 30.582031 38.964844 30.320312 38.644531 30.132812 38.460938 C 29.683594 38.007812 27.953125 36.136719 27.582031 35.695312 C 27.417969 35.511719 24.972656 32.875 22.152344 29.847656 C 19.320312 26.8125 17.027344 24.308594 17.039062 24.28125 C 17.0625 24.253906 17.027344 24.195312 16.96875 24.148438 C 16.90625 24.097656 16.757812 23.933594 16.640625 23.78125 C 16.457031 23.554688 16.433594 23.488281 16.507812 23.40625 C 16.585938 23.304688 16.613281 23.3125 16.714844 23.453125 C 16.769531 23.546875 30.355469 38.066406 46.898438 55.726562 Z M 86.320312 82.847656 L 87.320312 83.839844 L 85.144531 85.996094 C 83.949219 87.183594 82.957031 88.144531 82.929688 88.140625 C 82.90625 88.125 82.472656 87.65625 81.953125 87.09375 L 81.019531 86.066406 L 81.320312 85.761719 C 81.484375 85.601562 81.644531 85.472656 81.6875 85.480469 C 81.730469 85.492188 82.175781 85.9375 82.679688 86.46875 C 83.1875 87.007812 83.613281 87.445312 83.636719 87.445312 C 83.664062 87.445312 83.5625 87.324219 83.429688 87.175781 C 82.550781 86.242188 81.796875 85.402344 81.796875 85.351562 C 81.796875 85.289062 85.222656 81.859375 85.289062 81.859375 C 85.308594 81.859375 85.773438 82.304688 86.320312 82.847656 Z M 81.902344 87.207031 L 82.886719 88.230469 L 82.179688 88.9375 L 81.253906 87.933594 C 80.75 87.390625 80.320312 86.902344 80.304688 86.867188 C 80.292969 86.816406 80.847656 86.171875 80.914062 86.171875 C 80.914062 86.171875 81.363281 86.640625 81.902344 87.207031 Z M 81.078125 88.003906 C 81.589844 88.542969 82.011719 89.015625 82.011719 89.050781 C 82.011719 89.085938 81.824219 89.292969 81.605469 89.511719 L 81.191406 89.90625 L 80.511719 89.164062 C 80.140625 88.753906 79.707031 88.28125 79.558594 88.101562 L 79.28125 87.792969 L 79.664062 87.402344 C 79.871094 87.191406 80.0625 87.019531 80.09375 87.019531 C 80.113281 87.019531 80.554688 87.46875 81.078125 88.003906 Z M 80.140625 88.9375 C 80.65625 89.484375 81.082031 89.949219 81.082031 89.976562 C 81.082031 90.007812 80.875 90.238281 80.621094 90.488281 C 80.222656 90.882812 80.140625 90.925781 80.058594 90.839844 C 80.007812 90.785156 79.574219 90.308594 79.09375 89.785156 L 78.226562 88.839844 L 78.675781 88.386719 C 78.917969 88.144531 79.136719 87.941406 79.160156 87.941406 C 79.179688 87.941406 79.621094 88.386719 80.140625 88.9375 Z M 84.859375 88.929688 C 85.679688 89.792969 85.808594 89.957031 85.832031 90.183594 C 85.835938 90.332031 85.835938 90.472656 85.816406 90.5 C 85.789062 90.542969 83.984375 89.136719 83.328125 88.5625 C 83.273438 88.507812 83.757812 87.941406 83.871094 87.941406 C 83.898438 87.941406 84.339844 88.386719 84.859375 88.929688 Z M 84.46875 89.703125 C 85.140625 90.226562 85.6875 90.664062 85.703125 90.671875 C 85.714844 90.679688 85.714844 90.785156 85.703125 90.902344 L 85.679688 91.117188 L 84.46875 90.410156 C 83.804688 90.019531 83.085938 89.609375 82.871094 89.488281 L 82.488281 89.269531 L 82.792969 88.964844 C 82.964844 88.796875 83.136719 88.675781 83.179688 88.699219 C 83.222656 88.726562 83.804688 89.179688 84.46875 89.703125 Z M 79.058594 89.992188 C 79.566406 90.535156 79.984375 91.011719 80 91.039062 C 80.007812 91.066406 79.757812 91.34375 79.445312 91.652344 L 78.875 92.21875 L 77.863281 91.207031 L 76.84375 90.203125 L 77.449219 89.601562 C 77.777344 89.269531 78.066406 89 78.097656 89 C 78.117188 89 78.554688 89.449219 79.058594 89.992188 Z M 84.105469 90.378906 C 85.332031 91.074219 85.730469 91.335938 85.765625 91.464844 C 85.84375 91.773438 86.023438 91.824219 82.945312 90.628906 L 81.640625 90.121094 L 81.980469 89.773438 C 82.175781 89.582031 82.367188 89.433594 82.410156 89.441406 C 82.460938 89.453125 83.222656 89.871094 84.105469 90.378906 Z M 88.148438 90.339844 C 88.972656 90.613281 90.46875 91.511719 90.40625 91.6875 C 90.371094 91.78125 87.847656 94.375 87.789062 94.375 C 87.71875 94.375 87.128906 93.554688 86.851562 93.074219 L 86.613281 92.65625 L 86.828125 92.714844 C 87.070312 92.777344 88.203125 92.820312 88.332031 92.769531 C 88.382812 92.75 88.425781 92.699219 88.425781 92.664062 C 88.425781 92.601562 87.613281 91.683594 86.765625 90.792969 L 86.480469 90.492188 L 86.722656 90.351562 C 87.035156 90.160156 87.621094 90.15625 88.148438 90.339844 Z M 83.726562 91.117188 L 85.835938 91.914062 L 85.914062 92.171875 C 85.957031 92.3125 85.988281 92.433594 85.980469 92.4375 C 85.964844 92.445312 84.207031 92.035156 81.808594 91.46875 L 80.570312 91.171875 L 81.027344 90.71875 C 81.269531 90.472656 81.503906 90.28125 81.546875 90.296875 C 81.582031 90.308594 82.566406 90.679688 83.726562 91.117188 Z M 87.277344 91.492188 C 87.710938 91.949219 88.070312 92.339844 88.070312 92.359375 C 88.070312 92.394531 87.457031 91.910156 86.457031 91.089844 C 86.328125 90.980469 86.300781 90.902344 86.328125 90.785156 C 86.359375 90.691406 86.402344 90.628906 86.429688 90.640625 C 86.457031 90.65625 86.84375 91.039062 87.277344 91.492188 Z M 86.914062 91.632812 C 87.214844 91.875 87.511719 92.113281 87.570312 92.171875 C 87.664062 92.269531 87.65625 92.269531 87.5 92.171875 C 87.398438 92.113281 87.085938 91.929688 86.808594 91.765625 C 86.445312 91.5625 86.285156 91.425781 86.285156 91.335938 C 86.285156 91.257812 86.308594 91.195312 86.328125 91.195312 C 86.351562 91.195312 86.613281 91.390625 86.914062 91.632812 Z M 87.15625 92.113281 C 87.460938 92.285156 87.699219 92.433594 87.691406 92.445312 C 87.667969 92.460938 86.421875 91.992188 86.394531 91.957031 C 86.378906 91.945312 86.351562 91.859375 86.320312 91.761719 C 86.273438 91.597656 86.273438 91.589844 86.4375 91.695312 C 86.527344 91.761719 86.855469 91.945312 87.15625 92.113281 Z M 87.226562 92.445312 C 87.613281 92.585938 87.910156 92.714844 87.890625 92.734375 C 87.824219 92.800781 86.648438 92.601562 86.585938 92.515625 C 86.492188 92.394531 86.429688 92.183594 86.480469 92.183594 C 86.5 92.183594 86.835938 92.296875 87.226562 92.445312 Z M 87.226562 92.445312 "/>
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