In this Solution / Repo I have several Console Apps that I demo various SK examples. I often leverage console apps to learn new concepts and to play with different patterns as it's a quick way to get up an running. I hope you find this repo useful.
The MIT License applies to all the solutions / projects / examples included in this repository.
In this example, I create a custom SK plugin for the Uniswap V3 Subgraph. I also make use of ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions setting so the Kernel will automatically determine if there is a Native Function it needs to invoke.
When you run the example, you can ask general questions like you would with any ChatBot, but if you ask a question that aligns to the description of the SK Function the Kernel will invoke the function passing in a GraphQL query. What is interesting about this, is the the AI will general the GraphQL query for you, or you can actually provide a GraphQL query.
In this example, I am not streaming the Chat Completion so you have to wait for the AI to finish. If you are interesting in seeing a Streaming example, take a look at the next example.
This is the same example as the above, but I have implementing Streaming logic, which results in a better Chat experience, and would be the recommended approach for a production solution.
In this example, I demo how you can nest multiple Native Functions and have the Kernel automatically call each one based on the prompt. If you have a use case that has very specific tasks that need to be invoked depending on the scenario, this is a super easy to understand example that will get you headed in the right direction.
This concept could be used with any GraphQL endpoint. I will explore with other GraphQL endpoints when I have time, but the UniSwap V3 GraphQL endpoint is very well know in the Crypto space.
Rename the App.config.bak to App.config
Modify the App.config with your LLM/AI details.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AzureOpenAIEndpoint" value="<AzureOpenAI Endpoint URI>" /> <add key="AzureOpenAIKey" value="AzureOpenAI KEY" /> <add key="AzureOpenAIModel" value="AzureOpenAI Model Name" /> </appSettings> </configuration>