Python / C control for a LED matrix
Create the software for a hardware project which can drive a LED matrix with a extendable number of rows and columns
To drive the rows, the MIC2981 driver IC is used. It can source up to 500mA per pin, which mean 25 columns @ 20mA / column. To sink the columns, the TPIC6C595 is used. I needs to be able to sink one column (20mA) per pin, so for an 8 bit shift register the total IC must be able to sink 8*20mA. The TPIC6C595 is able to sink up to 100mA per pin. The rows should multiplexed, i.e. they should not be one at the same time.
Suitable candidates:
- PIGpio Python library using DMA control
- Directly talking to SPI hardware in C using IOCTL
- If multiple rows are active, current is split / LEDS are in parallel with respect to the sinking column.
- We probably need a resistor per sink / column
For this model, we use two programs: OpenSCAD and FreeCAD. OpenSCAD is used to program the model. To make the model readable for KiCad:
- Open FreeCAD
- Select View->Workbench->OpenSCAD
- Open the *.scad file (File->Open)
- In Combo View->Model->Labels & Attributes->2088BS select union
- Go to File->Export
- Export the model as a STEP with colors (*.step *.stp)
- 100 Ohm 1206 [3216 Metric]: Vishay CRCW1206100RFKEA (,
- 10 kOhm 1206 [3216 Metric]: Vishay CRCW120610K0FKEA (,
- 100 nF (0.1 uF) 1206 [3216 Metric] capacitor: Vishay VJ1206Y104KXQCW1BC (,
- Pin header male:,
- Pin header female:,