#HMIS Dictionary (02/03/2017)
Web application for DHIS2 (open source, medical information system developped by Oslo University - https://www.dhis2.org/) made to simplify user access the terminology associated with information collected by MSF OCBA. NB: HMIS refers to Health Information Management System
- Dossiers: complies names, descriptions, etc. of data elements and indicators by service as medical reference for MSF OCBA HMIS users
- Search: a search tool to access directly any piece of medical reference within MSF OCBA HMIS
- Admin: administration of HMIS Dictionary App
- Graph: graphical visualiser of MSF OCBA HMIS data model, in development...
The configuration relies on the following elements that have to be defined through the Maintenance app:
- an organisationUnitGroupSet that gather all the elements of the typology of services,
- the typology of services itself, each one is an organisationUnitGroup with a unique code: "OUG_HSV_#CODE#", their description are stored in tranlsations (description is only available in translations as of dhis v2.25),
- then dataSets and indicatorGroups have one attribute, repectively "DS_#CODE1##CODE2#..." and "ING#CODE2#" that permits the direct association with the typology of services (association with multiple services is allowed),
- finally the dataElements are associated via the sections to the dataSets and the indicators are associated directly to the indicatorGroups (dataElements outside of sections would not appear).
- in indicators the descriptions of numerators and denominators cannot be translated (as of dhis v2.25) so the key words "NUM:" and "DENOM:" (both compulsory) are used in indicators descriptions (which have a translation).
Some elements are defined at the Admin panel:
- The uid of the organisationUnitGroupSet
- The name of the group of user with editing right in the Dossier panel and the Admin panel too
- dataSets and indicatorGroups can be blacklisted
Some elements are still hardcoded:
- The search panel will not show dataElements or indicators that are not associated to a dataSet or an indicatorGroup
- Only dataElements in the aggregated domain are currently taken into account: app/search/search.services.js#L7, app/search/search.services.js#L11 and app/search/search.services.js#L14
- The app is currently translated in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and uses the content of DHIS2 in these 4 languages (as available per MSF OCBA configuration): app/app.config.js#L60, app/dossiersEditor/dossiersEditor.controllers.js#L44 and languages/.