sudo apt update
rosdep udpdate
rosdep install --from-paths src/ --ignore-src
- Laptop
export ROS_IP=
- Xavier
export ROS_IP=
tmux new -s roscore
# go to docker or ROS
To detach from tmux session:
type ctrl-b + d
(in terminal).
- Initialize hri
# Enter docker
pwd # Root directory
make hri.up # Assuming container already exists
# Build dependencies
pwd # /workspace/ws
# Source workspace
source devel/setup.bash
# Start recepcionist
roslaunch hri recepcionist_laptop.launch
roslaunch hri recepcionist_xavier.launch
- Command interpreter is working
# Listen to commands interpreted
rostopic echo /task_manager/commands
# Listen to STT
rostopic echo /speech/raw_command
# Simulate user speech
rostopic pub /speech/raw_command std_msgs/String "data: 'Go to the kitchen and grab cookies'"
# Analyze outputs
- Audio mic is working (ubuntu)
# List input devices
arecord -l
# Record audio.
# Select device with Dhw [card, device]
# -r -> rate of audio
# -c -> channel count
# -d -> duration of audio
arecord -Dhw:2,0 -f S16_LE -r 16000 -c 6 -d 10 test2.wav
- Speaker is working (ubuntu)
# List output devices
aplay -l
# Play audio.
# Select device with plughw [card, device]
# -r -> rate of audio
# -c -> channel count
# -d -> duration of audio
aplay -D plughw:1,0 -r 16000 test.wav
# Test speaker in xavier
play file.[mp3|wav]
- Audio mic is working (ros)
rostopic hz /rawAudioChunk
rostopic echo /rawAudioChunk
- Speaker is working (ros)
rostopic pub /speech/speak_now std_msgs/String "Hi, my name is Frida!"
Follow the instructions in docker/
to set up Docker and create the necessary containers.
Inside the Docker container, navigate to the workspace directory and build the workspace:
cd /workspace/ws
source devel/setup.bash
To run the speech nodes:
roslaunch speech speech.launch
To run the language processing nodes:
roslaunch frida_language_processing language_processing.launch
To test the text-to-speech functionality:
rostopic pub /speech/speak_now std_msgs/String "Hi, my name is Frida!"
To test the command interpreter:
rostopic pub /speech/raw_command std_msgs/String "Grab an apple from the table, find Tony in the kitchen and give it to him"
Use rostopic echo
to listen to the topics and verify the messages being published.
Check the logs for any errors or warnings.
httpx.ConnectError: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openai/", line 960, in _request
raise APIConnectionError(request=request) from err
openai.APIConnectionError: Connection error.
sudo service docker restart
Replace API key for porcupine, or use device used previously with key.