Control your garage using Alexa using Raspberry Pi. You can say thing like: Alexa, lock garage. Alexa, unlock garage (Alexa will ask for a 4 digit pin).
User talk to Alexa: Alexa, lock the garage. This will trigger a smart home lock skill that trigger a lambda. This Lambda will publish its desired state to AWS IoT to update device and shadow state. The raspi is also subscribe to the same IoT topic, it will trigger its GPIO pin which open / close the garage.
npm i
Copy env-sample file to .env
cp env-sample .env
# modify crontab to start the Python service after reboot
crontab -e
@reboot cd /home/pi/garage && /home/pi/garage/env/bin/python /home/pi/garage/src/iot/
# enable cron
systemctl enable cron.service
# download Raspbian Buster Lite (~500MB):
# download etcher to burn Raspbian OS to your SD card:
# enable SSH by default by creating an empty ssh file in the boot partition of the SD card
touch ssh
# copy your public key to raspi
ssh-copy-id pi@raspi_zero_ip
# update
sudo apt update
# install Nodejs LTS
sudo wget -O - | bash
# install required services
sudo apt install yarn git vim htop python3-pip wiringpi -y
# Disable the ACT LED on the Pi Zero, edit file: /boot/config.txt