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27 lines (27 loc) · 1.9 KB

File metadata and controls

27 lines (27 loc) · 1.9 KB

How to use

  • load can be used to load in a text file of commands or load in a file as a puzzle object following this syntax: load {NAMEOFFILE}.txt as {PUZZLENAME}
  • new creates a new empty puzzle if one with name doesn't already exist
  • display displays all puzzles if no other argument given, if puzzle name given displays contents of puzzle i.e. the card objects in the puzzle
  • remove deletes the puzzle specified like: remove {PUZZLENAME}
  • add adds a card to a specifed puzzle following this syntax: add {1GOO} to puzzle1
  • test tests two given cards to find the card that will make a set with it and prints it out
  • sovle solves a puzzle: solve {PUZZLENAME}
  • exit closes the CLI program

Card Formatting

Cards are formatted in the program following this sequence {Number of shapes}{Color of the shape}{Fill style of the shape}{The actual shape name}


Each of these attributes besides the number are represented by the first letter of the attribute

  • There are three possible different numbers: 1,2 or 3 of a shape
  • There are three possible different colors: red, purple, or green
  • There are three possible different fill styles: open, filled, or striped
  • There are three possible different shapes: diamond, oval, or squiggle

Example Cards

1GOO = 1 Green Open Oval 3RFD = 3 Red Filled Diamonds 2PSS = 2 Purple Striped Squiggles

Setting up a puzzle.txt file

To set up a puzzle.txt all you need to do is go to the and using the formatting up above enter all the cards shown into a text file seperating them by a single space and saving the .txt in the same directory as the executable. Additonally you can also do four in a line and go to the next line to make the text representations of the cards match with the layout on the webiste. Then load the puzzle.txt as a puzzle of a specified name and use the solve command to solve the puzzle.