As for when to use a linked list and when not, this is not the scope for a detailed discussion.
However a some very quick guidelines
When you access only a bound number of elements from the top (e.g. a stack)
When your list size is bound to a relatively small number (depends on a lot of factors but 100 should not be a problem) unless the other constrains listed here hold
When you push often to the top of the list
When you remove often from the top of the list
The length is tracked though and is of complexity
is immutable and thusly thread safe -
paired with theListOf
constraint creates an efficient way to update list attributes inDataClass
instances withO(0)
constraint validation (unless you usemerge(list: ...)
As a résumé, when your use case is similar to a stack
When the following operations which are all O(n)
may be too costly (see above for when n should not be a problem)
Random Access à la
Appending and reading the end
Traversing (that includes reversing) the list with its
API Though a typical use case is ok:-
Start with an empty list
Extensive computations pushing elements to the top
Eventually and only once reverse the list (into an array)
Given we constract a list with Nil
let(:list) { Lab42::List }
let(:my_list) { list.cons(42, Nil) }
And with the convenience constructor
let(:same_list) { List(42) }
Then they are actually the same
expect(my_list).to eq(same_list)
And the convenience constructor is actually nothing other than:
expect(List(1, 2)).to eq(, 2))
And remark also that the constructor can return Nil
expect(List()).to eq(Nil)
As mention in the length is tracked and can be computed in O(n)
And therefore
expect(List(*1..100).length).to eq(100)
expect(Nil.length).to eq(0)
By the nature of a linked list we can deconstruct it only into car
and cdr
Given a list
let(:for_match) { List(:a, :b) }
Then we can pattern match as follows:
for_match => [h, t]
expect(h).to eq(:a)
expect( eq(:b)
And for edge cases we have
List(1) => [_, t]
expect(t).to eq(Nil)
And Nil
only matches the empty list
Nil => []
⚠️ using theEnumerable
mixin meansO(n)
But if you can afford it ;)
Given a list like
let(:letters) { %w[alpha beta gamma delta epsilon sita] }
let(:a_list) { List(*letters) }
Then we can happily use the Enumerable
expect(a_list.to_a).to eq(letters)
And a lazy version might be preferable
expect(a_list.lazy).to be_kind_of(Enumerator::Lazy) # same as YHS