An interview project remade using React.
Assignment itself can be found in the assignment.pdf file.
It was not made to be optimal, instead it was made with a lot of different hooks (context, reducer, refs, state, etc.) in order to practice using them a bit. Might revise the code a bit in the future, might not.
Current functionality:
- Fetching possible units from a fake "api"
- Adding units
- Filtering per faction using the radio toggles on the top of the page
- Search by any part of name/model/whatever, lowercase or uppercase
- Editing status and conditional formatting of dropdowns (ugly but works)
- Removing units
- State persistence using localstorage
- Fix up the UI, it's all over the place and I don't like it atm, but that is secondary
- Make it responsive, also secondary
- Comment and clean up the code a bit for clarity
- Add editing functionality
- Add gear adding functionality
- Probably try doing it with Redux once I learn it
Live site: