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JS client

These utilities used for generating public / private keys / blockchain address and sign / verify messages.

There are the following modules in the src folder:

  • bip32keys --- library for generate public / private keys and sign / verify messages
    • doGenerate --- generate public (compressed and uncompresed), wif, private keys and QTUM address. flag show does mainnet or testnet used.
    • privateKeyToWif - convert private key to wif format
    • deriveQtumAddress - get Qtum address from public key
  • bip39keys --- library for generate public / private keys and sign / verify messages
    • generateMnemonic --- return mnemonic
    • generateKeysFromMnemonic --- return public and private keys, QTUM address, wif
  • pmesUtils --- library for generate public / private keys and sign / verify messages
    • fromMnemonic --- return public and private keys from mnemonic
    • doSign --- sign message with private_key
    • doVerify --- verify message with signature and public_key
    • encryptProfile --- encrypt profile with private key using sha256
    • decryptProfile --- decrypt profile with private key using sha256
    • encryptPassword --- is part of assymetric encryption algorithm. It encrypts sha256 of private_key (hash of the private_key)
    • decryptPassword --- is part of assymetric encryption algorithm. It decrypts "encrypted" string using sha256 with password. When decrypt private key encrypted with encryptPassword user receives sha256 of private_key (hash of the private_key)
    • decryptProfileByHash --- decrypt profile with password hash using sha256
  • walletInfo --- library for generate public / private keys and sign / verify messages
    • getTxHistory --- return transaction history by address
    • getBalance --- return QTUM balance by address
    • getQrcBalance --- return QRC tokens balance by address
  • walletTransactions --- library for generate public / private keys and sign / verify messages
    • generateTx --- generate transaction to send QTUM coins from one address to another
    • sendRawTx --- send transaction to the QTUM testnet
    • generateSendToContractTx --- generate transaction to send QRC tokens from one address to another
    • generateCreateContractTx --- generate transactions for creating contracts

index.html import all these modules.

Details about assymetric encryption algorithm is here

Encryption details

encryptProfile and decryptProfile functions was used for few cases:

  1. encrypt public and private keys before storing them to the keystore file.

    Keystore file should contains encrypted public and private keys.

    In this case:

    private_key - is password for encrypt data to the keystore file

    content - is the following JSON string:

        "pub_key": "qdjdfbfjbfh",
        "priv_key": "sssfsffef"
  1. encrypt profile before writing it to the blockchain:

    private_key - is user's private key

    content - is profile


Open terminal and run the following commands in the js_client project folder:

    sudo apt install npm
    npm install
    sudo npm install -g webpack webpack-cli
    webpack --config webpack.config.js


For running JS client make the following actions:

  • open index.html in the browser
  • click on the right button
  • choose "Inspect element" item
  • open "Console" tab
  • expand "Object" item

Then you will see the all available commands:
