This chapter describes the general aspects of the plugin's search functionality.
The default search string is formed in the following way:
Apid + " " + Ctid + " " + Payload
But it is possible to adjust it. More information on this topic is located here.
Above means that you can easily:
- filter out messages of the specific application - e.g. ^DLTD
- filter out messages, which originate from the specific context id of all applications - e.g. ^[\w]{1,4} CTX
- filter out messages, which originate from the specific context id of the specific application - e.g. ^SYS JOUR
- use your already existing regex expression, which does not consider the above filtering capabilities
Together with the increased speed of the search this way of filtering becomes much more comfortable, than the usage of the usual dlt-viewer's filters.
However, the search is fully compatible with the usage of the dlt-viewer's filters.
Another thing, which differs between the "dlt-viewer's search" and the "plugin's search" is that DLT Message Analyzer allows getting the continuous updates of the search results.
Simply start the search:
You will see, that in case if your HU is connected, the search will continue to proceed with adding more and more results:
The continuous search will stop in the following cases:
- loss of connection to the target
- if the user presses the "Stop search" button
Be default the search is case insensitive. But, it is easy to change that via the search input field's context menu:
The changed setting would be persisted and applied to all the next search operations.
In case if the user makes a mistake in the provided regex, the plugin will give a status bar notification with a description of the error, which was provided by the used regex engine:
Notification message contains the col number, at which an error has occurred. In addition to that, the regex line edit will jump to the error location and will select the col number character, which contains an error.
The same kind of error handling is also supported in the other menus, where user can enter the regexes, e.g. during the edit operation of the previously saved pattern:
The plugin's implementation is using the QRegularExpression regex engine, which is a PCRE one. It works much faster than the QRegExp, which is still used in the dlt-viewer's v.2.19.0.
Qt documentation itself tells:
The QRegularExpression class introduced in Qt 5 is a big improvement upon QRegExp, in terms of APIs offered, supported pattern syntax, and speed of execution.
And we've checked that. It works faster and provides deeper support of the regex syntax.