diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/CLA.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/CLA.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c2180bb38d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/CLA.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+name: CLA - Contributor License Agreement
+description: Sign the CLA for CIPP and CIPP-API
+labels: [CLA]
+- type: markdown
+ attributes:
+ value: >
+ Version 1.0
+ 1. Definitions
+ "Contribution" means any original work of authorship, including any modifications or additions to an existing work, that is intentionally submitted by You to Kelvin Tegelaar for inclusion in, or documentation of, any of the products owned or managed by Kelvin Tegelaar (the "Work"). For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to Kelvin Tegelaar or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, Kelvin Tegelaar for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a Contribution."
+ "You" (or "Your") means the copyright owner or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner that is making this Agreement with Kelvin Tegelaar. For legal entities, the entity making a Contribution and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity are considered to be a single contributor. This Agreement applies both to future Contributions and Contributions made prior to the date of this Agreement.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License
+ Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You hereby grant to Kelvin Tegelaar and to recipients of software distributed by Kelvin Tegelaar a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute Your Contributions and such derivative works for the purpose of dual licensing the application.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License
+ You grant Kelvin Tegelaar, and those who receive the Contribution directly or indirectly from Kelvin Tegelaar, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license under Your patent claims that are necessarily infringed by the Contribution or the combination of the Contribution with the Project to which it was submitted, to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise dispose of the Contribution alone or with the Project.
+ 4. Other Rights Reserved
+ Each party reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement. No additional licenses or rights whatsoever (including, without limitation, any implied licenses) are granted by implication, exhaustion, estoppel, or otherwise.
+ You are not expected to provide support for your Contributions, except to the extent you desire to provide
+ support. You may provide support for free, for a fee, or not at all. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
+ writing, you provide your Contributions on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF
+ 5. Representations
+ You represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above licenses. If your employer(s) has rights to intellectual property that you create, you represent that you have received permission to make Contributions on behalf of that employer, or that your employer has waived such rights for your Contributions to Kelvin Tegelaar.
+ You represent that each of Your Contributions is Your original creation. You represent that Your Contribution submissions include complete details of any third-party license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents and trademarks) of which you are personally aware and which are associated with any part of Your Contributions.
+ 6. Project Sale
+ In the event that the Project is sold or otherwise transferred in ownership in its entirety to a third party, a sum equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the total sale price or value of the consideration received shall be set aside. This sum shall be divided amongst all Contributors who have entered into this Agreement, with each Contributor receiving a portion proportional to the relative quantity and significance of their Contributions to the Project, as determined by Kelvin Tegelaar. The method and timeframe of the distribution shall be at the discretion of Kelvin Tegelaar and shall be communicated
+- type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Description
+ description: >
+ Type "I Agree" in the text area.
+ validations:
+ required: true
diff --git a/LICENSE.CustomLicenses b/LICENSE.CustomLicenses
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c66793baf6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.CustomLicenses
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Custom licenses are available upon agreement via Github Sponsorships. Custom licenses will not have to be published in this repository. All contributors automatically agree with this provision.
+A CLA is signed by contributors if they have contributed before these provisions. Only contributions currently in the running latest release require the CLA to be signed. The CLA is signed by creating a issue using the issue template "CLA". the agreement will be related directly to available CLA template.
diff --git a/public/version_latest.txt b/public/version_latest.txt
index 3c8ff8c36b50..240bba90696a 100644
--- a/public/version_latest.txt
+++ b/public/version_latest.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App.js b/src/App.js
index 1a632b4d87dd..3ed5f1f12ae4 100644
--- a/src/App.js
+++ b/src/App.js
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import routes from 'src/routes'
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'
import adminRoutes from './adminRoutes'
import Skeleton from 'react-loading-skeleton'
+import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
+import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en.json'
// Containers
const DefaultLayout = React.lazy(() => import('./layout/DefaultLayout'))
diff --git a/src/_nav.js b/src/_nav.js
index f0768034e29a..b6d536bb1976 100644
--- a/src/_nav.js
+++ b/src/_nav.js
@@ -127,12 +127,16 @@ const _nav = [
name: 'Alerts Wizard',
to: '/tenant/administration/alertswizard',
component: CNavItem,
name: 'Scheduled Alerts',
to: '/tenant/administration/alertsqueue',
+ {
+ component: CNavItem,
+ name: 'Enterprise Applications',
+ to: '/tenant/administration/enterprise-apps',
+ },
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ const _nav = [
component: CNavItem,
- name: 'Apply Standards',
+ name: 'Standards Wizard',
to: '/tenant/standards/apply-standard',
diff --git a/src/assets/images/datto.png b/src/assets/images/datto.png
index 623e1a4446ca..b0fad6f50233 100644
Binary files a/src/assets/images/datto.png and b/src/assets/images/datto.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/rewst.png b/src/assets/images/rewst.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d52a7838533
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/rewst.png differ
diff --git a/src/components/layout/AppFooter.js b/src/components/layout/AppFooter.js
index 03dc0ea09dfa..63975a2c9314 100644
--- a/src/components/layout/AppFooter.js
+++ b/src/components/layout/AppFooter.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { CFooter, CImage, CLink } from '@coreui/react'
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import huntressLogo from 'src/assets/images/huntress_teal.png'
import dattoLogo from 'src/assets/images/datto.png'
+import rewstLogo from 'src/assets/images/rewst.png'
const AppFooter = () => {
return (
@@ -13,9 +14,11 @@ const AppFooter = () => {
{' '}
- &
+ {' '}
diff --git a/src/components/layout/AppHeader.js b/src/components/layout/AppHeader.js
index c74f51eec2b1..e902401f52a9 100644
--- a/src/components/layout/AppHeader.js
+++ b/src/components/layout/AppHeader.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ const AppHeader = () => {
{dashboard &&
+ dashboard.length >= 1 &&
dashboard.map((item, index) => (
+ for (var x = 0; x < M365Licenses.length; x++) {
+ if (licenseAssignment.skuId == M365Licenses[x].GUID) {
+ licenses.push(M365Licenses[x].Product_Display_Name)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ return licenses.join(', ')
+CellLicense.propTypes = {
+ cell: PropTypes.object,
+export const cellLicenseFormatter = () => (row, index, column, id) => {
+ const cell = column.selector(row)
+ return CellLicense({ cell })
diff --git a/src/components/tables/CellLogo.js b/src/components/tables/CellLogo.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f1a9755d7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tables/CellLogo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
+import { CImage } from '@coreui/react'
+export function CellLogo({ cell }) {
+ if (cell?.logoUrl) {
+ return
+ } else {
+ return ''
+ }
+CellLogo.propTypes = {
+ propName: PropTypes.string,
+ cell: PropTypes.object,
+export const cellLogoFormatter = () => (row, index, column, id) => {
+ const cell = column.selector(row)
+ return CellLogo({ cell })
diff --git a/src/components/tables/CippDatatable.js b/src/components/tables/CippDatatable.js
index 77b0e5208f7a..d41dc8e342ed 100644
--- a/src/components/tables/CippDatatable.js
+++ b/src/components/tables/CippDatatable.js
@@ -3,24 +3,41 @@ import { useListDatatableQuery } from 'src/store/api/datatable'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { CippTable } from 'src/components/tables'
import { CippTablePropTypes } from 'src/components/tables/CippTable'
+import { CCallout } from '@coreui/react'
export default function CippDatatable({ path, params, ...rest }) {
const [refreshGuid, setRefreshGuid] = React.useState('')
- const [graphFilter, setGraphFilter] = React.useState('')
+ const [graphFilter, setGraphFilter] = React.useState(params?.Parameters?.$filter)
const {
data = [],
- } = useListDatatableQuery({ path, params: { refreshGuid, graphFilter, ...params } })
+ } = useListDatatableQuery({ path, params: { refreshGuid, $filter: graphFilter, ...params } })
return (
+ <>
+ {data[0]?.Queued ? (
+ <>
+ >
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ >
diff --git a/src/components/tables/CippTable.js b/src/components/tables/CippTable.js
index 0d3f0549d96f..c3cc3f0665f2 100644
--- a/src/components/tables/CippTable.js
+++ b/src/components/tables/CippTable.js
@@ -326,81 +326,109 @@ export default function CippTable({
- if (!disablePDFExport) {
- if (dynamicColumns === true) {
- const addColumn = (columnname) => {
- var index = columns.length - 1
- let alreadyInArray = columns.find((o) => o.exportSelector === columnname)
- if (!alreadyInArray) {
- columns.splice(index, 0, {
- name: columnname,
- selector: (row) => row[columnname],
- sortable: true,
- exportSelector: columnname,
- cell: cellGenericFormatter(),
- })
- } else {
- let indexOfExisting = columns.findIndex((o) => o.exportSelector === columnname)
- columns = columns.splice(indexOfExisting, 1)
- }
- setUpdatedColumns(Date())
- }
- defaultActions.push([
- {dataKeys() &&
- dataKeys().map((item, idx) => {
- return (
- addColumn(item)}>
- {columns.find((o) => o.exportSelector === item) && (
- )}{' '}
- {item}
- )
- })}
- ,
- ])
- }
- actions.forEach((action) => {
- defaultActions.push(action)
- })
- defaultActions.push([
- ])
- }
- if (!disableCSVExport) {
+ if (!disablePDFExport || !disableCSVExport) {
const keys = []
+ const exportFormatter = {}
columns.map((col) => {
if (col.exportSelector) keys.push(col.exportSelector)
+ if (col.exportFormatter) exportFormatter[col.exportSelector] = col.exportFormatter
return null
const filtered = data.map((obj) =>
// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
- keys.reduce((acc, curr) => ((acc[curr] = obj[curr]), acc), {}),
+ /* keys.reduce((acc, curr) => ((acc[curr] = obj[curr]), acc), {}),*/
+ keys.reduce((acc, curr) => {
+ const key = curr.split('/')
+ if (key.length > 1) {
+ var property = obj
+ for (var x = 0; x < key.length; x++) {
+ if (property[key[x]] !== null) {
+ property = property[key[x]]
+ } else {
+ property = 'n/a'
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ acc[curr] = property
+ } else {
+ if (typeof exportFormatter[curr] === 'function') {
+ acc[curr] = exportFormatter[curr]({ cell: obj[curr] })
+ } else {
+ acc[curr] = obj[curr]
+ }
+ }
+ return acc
+ }, {}),
- defaultActions.push([
- ])
+ if (!disablePDFExport) {
+ if (dynamicColumns === true) {
+ const addColumn = (columnname) => {
+ var index = columns.length - 1
+ let alreadyInArray = columns.find((o) => o.exportSelector === columnname)
+ if (!alreadyInArray) {
+ columns.splice(index, 0, {
+ name: columnname,
+ selector: (row) => row[columnname],
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: columnname,
+ cell: cellGenericFormatter(),
+ })
+ } else {
+ let indexOfExisting = columns.findIndex((o) => o.exportSelector === columnname)
+ columns = columns.splice(indexOfExisting, 1)
+ }
+ setUpdatedColumns(Date())
+ }
+ defaultActions.push([
+ {dataKeys() &&
+ dataKeys().map((item, idx) => {
+ return (
+ addColumn(item)}>
+ {columns.find((o) => o.exportSelector === item) && (
+ )}{' '}
+ {item}
+ )
+ })}
+ ,
+ ])
+ }
+ actions.forEach((action) => {
+ defaultActions.push(action)
+ })
+ defaultActions.push([
+ ])
+ }
+ if (!disableCSVExport) {
+ defaultActions.push([
+ ])
+ }
if (selectedRows && actionsList) {
diff --git a/src/components/utilities/CippActionsOffcanvas.js b/src/components/utilities/CippActionsOffcanvas.js
index b24aa1a28c12..bdf28fae5cff 100644
--- a/src/components/utilities/CippActionsOffcanvas.js
+++ b/src/components/utilities/CippActionsOffcanvas.js
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ import { CippOffcanvasTable } from 'src/components/tables'
import { useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery, useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery } from 'src/store/api/app'
import { Link, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'
import { stringCamelCase } from 'src/components/utilities/CippCamelCase'
-import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
-import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en.json'
import ReactTimeAgo from 'react-time-ago'
export default function CippActionsOffcanvas(props) {
diff --git a/src/components/utilities/TenantSelector.js b/src/components/utilities/TenantSelector.js
index 9a93ea7348eb..bf4020eceb62 100644
--- a/src/components/utilities/TenantSelector.js
+++ b/src/components/utilities/TenantSelector.js
@@ -75,17 +75,12 @@ const TenantSelector = ({ action, showAllTenantSelector = true, NavSelector = fa
return (
{NavSelector && (
{currentTenant?.defaultDomainName ? (
- {currentTenant.displayName}
+ {currentTenant.displayName}
) : (
diff --git a/src/components/utilities/Toasts.js b/src/components/utilities/Toasts.js
index 8ceee3836291..cfc6d99c3b4d 100644
--- a/src/components/utilities/Toasts.js
+++ b/src/components/utilities/Toasts.js
@@ -45,20 +45,10 @@ const Toast = ({ message, title, onClose, error }) => {
- setVisible(!visible)}>
- Details
- {error?.status} - {error?.message}
+ {error?.status} - {error?.message}
diff --git a/src/data/Extensions.json b/src/data/Extensions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c15dbf56878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/Extensions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ {
+ "name": "Gradient Integration",
+ "type": "Gradient",
+ "cat": "Billing & Invoicing",
+ "forceSyncButton": true,
+ "helpText": "This integration allows you to send your license counts to Gradient for billing purposes, and create tickets if your PSA supports ticket creation by Gradient.",
+ "SettingOptions": [
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "password",
+ "name": "Gradient.VendorKey",
+ "label": "Gradient Vendor API Key",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your Gradient Vendor Key."
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "password",
+ "name": "Gradient.APIKey",
+ "label": "Gradient Partner API Key",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your Gradient Partner Key. Leave blank to keep your current key."
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "checkbox",
+ "name": "Gradient.BillingEnabled",
+ "label": "Enable sending all license information to Gradient"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "checkbox",
+ "name": "Gradient.Enabled",
+ "label": "Enable Integration"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Halo PSA Ticketing Integration",
+ "type": "HaloPSA",
+ "cat": "Ticketing",
+ "forceSyncButton": false,
+ "helpText": "This integration allows you to use to send alerts to your ticketing system.",
+ "SettingOptions": [
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "input",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.ResourceURL",
+ "label": "HaloPSA Resource Server URL",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your HaloPSA Resource Server URL."
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "input",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.AuthURL",
+ "label": "HaloPSA Authorisation Endpoint URL",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your HaloPSA Authorisation Endpoint URL."
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "input",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.Tenant",
+ "label": "HaloPSA Tenant",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your HaloPSA Tenant"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "input",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.ClientID",
+ "label": "HaloPSA Client ID",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your HaloPSA Client ID"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "input",
+ "fieldtype": "password",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.APIKey",
+ "label": "HaloPSA Client Secret",
+ "placeholder": "Enter your client Secret. Leave blank to keep your current key."
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "checkbox",
+ "name": "HaloPSA.Enabled",
+ "label": "Enable Integration"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/src/data/GDAPRoles.json b/src/data/GDAPRoles.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..adc846cf3028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/GDAPRoles.json
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of app registrations and enterprise apps.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Application Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "9b895d92-2cd3-44c7-9d02-a6ac2d5ea5c3"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create application registrations independent of the \u0027Users can register applications\u0027 setting.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Application Developer",
+ "ObjectId": "cf1c38e5-3621-4004-a7cb-879624dced7c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create attack payloads that an administrator can initiate later.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attack Payload Author",
+ "ObjectId": "9c6df0f2-1e7c-4dc3-b195-66dfbd24aa8f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of attack simulation campaigns.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attack Simulation Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "c430b396-e693-46cc-96f3-db01bf8bb62a"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Assign custom security attribute keys and values to supported Azure AD objects.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attribute Assignment Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "58a13ea3-c632-46ae-9ee0-9c0d43cd7f3d"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Read custom security attribute keys and values for supported Azure AD objects.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attribute Assignment Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "ffd52fa5-98dc-465c-991d-fc073eb59f8f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Define and manage the definition of custom security attributes.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attribute Definition Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "8424c6f0-a189-499e-bbd0-26c1753c96d4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Read the definition of custom security attributes.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Attribute Definition Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "1d336d2c-4ae8-42ef-9711-b3604ce3fc2c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Allowed to view, set and reset authentication method information for any non-admin user.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Authentication Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "c4e39bd9-1100-46d3-8c65-fb160da0071f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage the authentication methods policy, tenant-wide MFA settings, password protection policy, and verifiable credentials.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Authentication Policy Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "0526716b-113d-4c15-b2c8-68e3c22b9f80"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Users assigned to this role are added to the local administrators group on Azure AD-joined devices.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Azure AD Joined Device Local Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "9f06204d-73c1-4d4c-880a-6edb90606fd8"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage Azure DevOps organization policy and settings.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Azure DevOps Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "e3973bdf-4987-49ae-837a-ba8e231c7286"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Azure Information Protection product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Azure Information Protection Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "7495fdc4-34c4-4d15-a289-98788ce399fd"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage secrets for federation and encryption in the Identity Experience Framework (IEF).",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "B2C IEF Keyset Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "aaf43236-0c0d-4d5f-883a-6955382ac081"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage trust framework policies in the Identity Experience Framework (IEF).",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "B2C IEF Policy Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "3edaf663-341e-4475-9f94-5c398ef6c070"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can perform common billing related tasks like updating payment information.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Billing Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "b0f54661-2d74-4c50-afa3-1ec803f12efe"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Cloud App Security product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Cloud App Security Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "892c5842-a9a6-463a-8041-72aa08ca3cf6"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of app registrations and enterprise apps except App Proxy.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Cloud Application Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "158c047a-c907-4556-b7ef-446551a6b5f7"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Full access to manage devices in Azure AD.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Cloud Device Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "7698a772-787b-4ac8-901f-60d6b08affd2"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of Azure AD and Microsoft services that use Azure AD identities. This role was formerly known as Global Administrator.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Company Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read and manage compliance configuration and reports in Azure AD and Microsoft 365.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Compliance Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "17315797-102d-40b4-93e0-432062caca18"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Creates and manages compliance content.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Compliance Data Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "e6d1a23a-da11-4be4-9570-befc86d067a7"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage Conditional Access capabilities.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Conditional Access Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "b1be1c3e-b65d-4f19-8427-f6fa0d97feb9"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can approve Microsoft support requests to access customer organizational data.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Customer LockBox Access Approver",
+ "ObjectId": "5c4f9dcd-47dc-4cf7-8c9a-9e4207cbfc91"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can access and manage Desktop management tools and services.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Desktop Analytics Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "38a96431-2bdf-4b4c-8b6e-5d3d8abac1a4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Device Join",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Device Join",
+ "ObjectId": "9c094953-4995-41c8-84c8-3ebb9b32c93f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Device Users",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Device Users",
+ "ObjectId": "d405c6df-0af8-4e3b-95e4-4d06e542189e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read basic directory information. Commonly used to grant directory read access to applications and guests.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Directory Readers",
+ "ObjectId": "88d8e3e3-8f55-4a1e-953a-9b9898b8876b"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Only used by Azure AD Connect service.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Directory Synchronization Accounts",
+ "ObjectId": "d29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read and write basic directory information. For granting access to applications, not intended for users.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Directory Writers",
+ "ObjectId": "9360feb5-f418-4baa-8175-e2a00bac4301"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage domain names in cloud and on-premises.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Domain Name Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "8329153b-31d0-4727-b945-745eb3bc5f31"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Dynamics 365 product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Dynamics 365 Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "44367163-eba1-44c3-98af-f5787879f96a"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Manage all aspects of Microsoft Edge.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Edge Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "3f1acade-1e04-4fbc-9b69-f0302cd84aef"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Exchange product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Exchange Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "29232cdf-9323-42fd-ade2-1d097af3e4de"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create or update Exchange Online recipients within the Exchange Online organization.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Exchange Recipient Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "31392ffb-586c-42d1-9346-e59415a2cc4e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of user flows.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "External ID User Flow Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "6e591065-9bad-43ed-90f3-e9424366d2f0"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage the attribute schema available to all user flows.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "External ID User Flow Attribute Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "0f971eea-41eb-4569-a71e-57bb8a3eff1e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can configure identity providers for use in direct federation.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "External Identity Provider Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "be2f45a1-457d-42af-a067-6ec1fa63bc45"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read everything that a Global Administrator can, but not update anything.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Global Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "f2ef992c-3afb-46b9-b7cf-a126ee74c451"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Members of this role can create/manage groups, create/manage groups settings like naming and expiration policies, and view groups activity and audit reports.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Groups Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "fdd7a751-b60b-444a-984c-02652fe8fa1c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can invite guest users independent of the \u0027members can invite guests\u0027 setting.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Guest Inviter",
+ "ObjectId": "95e79109-95c0-4d8e-aee3-d01accf2d47b"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can reset passwords for non-administrators and Helpdesk Administrators.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Helpdesk Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "729827e3-9c14-49f7-bb1b-9608f156bbb8"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage AD to Azure AD cloud provisioning, Azure AD Connect, and federation settings.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Hybrid Identity Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "8ac3fc64-6eca-42ea-9e69-59f4c7b60eb2"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Manage access using Azure AD for identity governance scenarios.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Identity Governance Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "45d8d3c5-c802-45c6-b32a-1d70b5e1e86e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Has administrative access in the Microsoft 365 Insights app.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Insights Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "eb1f4a8d-243a-41f0-9fbd-c7cdf6c5ef7c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Access the analytical capabilities in Microsoft Viva Insights and run custom queries.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Insights Analyst",
+ "ObjectId": "25df335f-86eb-4119-b717-0ff02de207e9"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can view and share dashboards and insights via the M365 Insights app.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Insights Business Leader",
+ "ObjectId": "31e939ad-9672-4796-9c2e-873181342d2d"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Intune product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Intune Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "3a2c62db-5318-420d-8d74-23affee5d9d5"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage settings for Microsoft Kaizala.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Kaizala Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "74ef975b-6605-40af-a5d2-b9539d836353"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can configure knowledge, learning, and other intelligent features.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Knowledge Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "b5a8dcf3-09d5-43a9-a639-8e29ef291470"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Has access to topic management dashboard and can manage content.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Knowledge Manager",
+ "ObjectId": "744ec460-397e-42ad-a462-8b3f9747a02c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage product licenses on users and groups.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "License Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "4d6ac14f-3453-41d0-bef9-a3e0c569773a"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Create and manage all aspects of workflows and tasks associated with Lifecycle Workflows in Azure AD.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Lifecycle Workflows Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "59d46f88-662b-457b-bceb-5c3809e5908f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read security messages and updates in Office 365 Message Center only.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Message Center Privacy Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "ac16e43d-7b2d-40e0-ac05-243ff356ab5b"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read messages and updates for their organization in Office 365 Message Center only.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Message Center Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "790c1fb9-7f7d-4f88-86a1-ef1f95c05c1b"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage network locations and review enterprise network design insights for Microsoft 365 Software as a Service applications.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Network Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "d37c8bed-0711-4417-ba38-b4abe66ce4c2"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage Office apps cloud services, including policy and settings management, and manage the ability to select, unselect and publish \u0027what\u0027s new\u0027 feature content to end-user\u0027s devices.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Office Apps Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "2b745bdf-0803-4d80-aa65-822c4493daac"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Do not use - not intended for general use.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Partner Tier1 Support",
+ "ObjectId": "4ba39ca4-527c-499a-b93d-d9b492c50246"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Do not use - not intended for general use.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Partner Tier2 Support",
+ "ObjectId": "e00e864a-17c5-4a4b-9c06-f5b95a8d5bd8"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can reset passwords for non-administrators and Password Administrators.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Password Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "966707d0-3269-4727-9be2-8c3a10f19b9d"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Manage all aspects of Entra Permissions Management.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Permissions Management Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "af78dc32-cf4d-46f9-ba4e-4428526346b5"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Power BI product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Power BI Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "a9ea8996-122f-4c74-9520-8edcd192826c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of Microsoft Dynamics 365, PowerApps and Microsoft Flow.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Power Platform Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "11648597-926c-4cf3-9c36-bcebb0ba8dcc"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of printers and printer connectors.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Printer Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "644ef478-e28f-4e28-b9dc-3fdde9aa0b1f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of printers and printer connectors.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Printer Technician",
+ "ObjectId": "e8cef6f1-e4bd-4ea8-bc07-4b8d950f4477"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Allowed to view, set and reset authentication method information for any user (admin or non-admin).",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Privileged Authentication Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "7be44c8a-adaf-4e2a-84d6-ab2649e08a13"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage role assignments in Azure AD, and all aspects of Privileged Identity Management.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Privileged Role Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "e8611ab8-c189-46e8-94e1-60213ab1f814"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read sign-in and audit reports.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Reports Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "4a5d8f65-41da-4de4-8968-e035b65339cf"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of Microsoft Search settings.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Search Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "0964bb5e-9bdb-4d7b-ac29-58e794862a40"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage the editorial content such as bookmarks, Q and As, locations, floorplan.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Search Editor",
+ "ObjectId": "8835291a-918c-4fd7-a9ce-faa49f0cf7d9"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Security Administrator allows ability to read and manage security configuration and reports.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Security Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "194ae4cb-b126-40b2-bd5b-6091b380977d"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Creates and manages security events.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Security Operator",
+ "ObjectId": "5f2222b1-57c3-48ba-8ad5-d4759f1fde6f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read security information and reports in Azure AD and Office 365.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Security Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "5d6b6bb7-de71-4623-b4af-96380a352509"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can read service health information and manage support tickets.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Service Support Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "f023fd81-a637-4b56-95fd-791ac0226033"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the SharePoint service.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "SharePoint Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "f28a1f50-f6e7-4571-818b-6a12f2af6b6c"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of the Skype for Business product.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Skype for Business Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "75941009-915a-4869-abe7-691bff18279e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage the Microsoft Teams service.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Teams Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "69091246-20e8-4a56-aa4d-066075b2a7a8"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage calling and meetings features within the Microsoft Teams service.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Teams Communications Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "baf37b3a-610e-45da-9e62-d9d1e5e8914b"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can troubleshoot communications issues within Teams using advanced tools.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Teams Communications Support Engineer",
+ "ObjectId": "f70938a0-fc10-4177-9e90-2178f8765737"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can troubleshoot communications issues within Teams using basic tools.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Teams Communications Support Specialist",
+ "ObjectId": "fcf91098-03e3-41a9-b5ba-6f0ec8188a12"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can perform management related tasks on Teams certified devices.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Teams Devices Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "3d762c5a-1b6c-493f-843e-55a3b42923d4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can see only tenant level aggregates in Microsoft 365 Usage Analytics and Productivity Score.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Usage Summary Reports Reader",
+ "ObjectId": "75934031-6c7e-415a-99d7-48dbd49e875e"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can manage all aspects of users and groups, including resetting passwords for limited admins.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "User Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "fe930be7-5e62-47db-91af-98c3a49a38b1"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Manage and share Virtual Visits information and metrics from admin centers or the Virtual Visits app.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Virtual Visits Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "e300d9e7-4a2b-4295-9eff-f1c78b36cc98"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can provision and manage all aspects of Cloud PCs.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Windows 365 Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "11451d60-acb2-45eb-a7d6-43d0f0125c13"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Can create and manage all aspects of Windows Update deployments through the Windows Update for Business deployment service.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Windows Update Deployment Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "32696413-001a-46ae-978c-ce0f6b3620d2"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Workplace Device Join",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Workplace Device Join",
+ "ObjectId": "c34f683f-4d5a-4403-affd-6615e00e3a7f"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionData": {},
+ "Description": "Manage all aspects of Yammer.",
+ "IsEnabled": true,
+ "IsSystem": true,
+ "Name": "Yammer Administrator",
+ "ObjectId": "810a2642-a034-447f-a5e8-41beaa378541"
+ }
diff --git a/src/data/M365Licenses.json b/src/data/M365Licenses.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e01a92e19e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/M365Licenses.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14074 @@
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Advanced Communications",
+ "String_Id": "ADV_COMMS",
+ "GUID": "e4654015-5daf-4a48-9b37-4f309dddd88b",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS_ADVCOMMS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "604ec28a-ae18-4bc6-91b0-11da94504ba9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Advanced Communications"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AI Builder Capacity add-on",
+ "String_Id": "CDSAICAPACITY",
+ "GUID": "d2dea78b-507c-4e56-b400-39447f4738f8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDSAICAPACITY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a7c70a41-5e02-4271-93e6-d9b4184d83f5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "AI Builder capacity add-on"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AI Builder Capacity add-on",
+ "String_Id": "CDSAICAPACITY",
+ "GUID": "d2dea78b-507c-4e56-b400-39447f4738f8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "APP CONNECT IW",
+ "String_Id": "SPZA_IW",
+ "GUID": "8f0c5670-4e56-4892-b06d-91c085d7004f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SPZA",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0bfc98ed-1dbc-4a97-b246-701754e48b17",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "APP CONNECT"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "APP CONNECT IW",
+ "String_Id": "SPZA_IW",
+ "GUID": "8f0c5670-4e56-4892-b06d-91c085d7004f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing",
+ "String_Id": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "GUID": "0c266dff-15dd-4b49-8397-2bb16070ed52",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "AAD_BASIC",
+ "GUID": "2b9c8e7c-319c-43a2-a2a0-48c5c6161de7",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c4da7f8a-5ee2-4c99-a7e1-87d2df57f6fe",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY BASIC"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY PREMIUM P1",
+ "String_Id": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "GUID": "078d2b04-f1bd-4111-bbd4-b4b1b354cef4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY PREMIUM P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY PREMIUM P1",
+ "String_Id": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "GUID": "078d2b04-f1bd-4111-bbd4-b4b1b354cef4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_DISCOVERY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "CLOUD APP SECURITY DISCOVERY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY PREMIUM P1",
+ "String_Id": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "GUID": "078d2b04-f1bd-4111-bbd4-b4b1b354cef4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY PREMIUM P1",
+ "String_Id": "AAD_PREMIUM",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for Customer Engagement Plan"
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "03acaee3-9492-4f40-aed4-bcb6b32981b6",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Social Engagement Enterprise"
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0b03f40b-c404-40c3-8651-2aceb74365fa",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Dynamics 365"
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Project Operations"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project Online Desktop Client"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINT_PROJECT",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "fe71d6c3-a2ea-4499-9778-da042bf08063",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project Online Service"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_PLAN1",
+ "GUID": "ea126fc5-a19e-42e2-a731-da9d437bffcf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights Trial",
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_AI_SERVICE_INSIGHTS",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4ade5aa6-5959-4d2c-bf0a-f4c9e2cc00f2",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Trial",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Trial",
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+ "GUID": "bc946dac-7877-4271-b2f7-99d2db13cd2c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "17efdd9f-c22c-4ad8-b48e-3b1f3ee1dc9a",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
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+ "GUID": "bc946dac-7877-4271-b2f7-99d2db13cd2c",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_PRO",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Pro"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional",
+ "GUID": "1439b6e2-5d59-4873-8c59-d60e2a196e92",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional",
+ "GUID": "1439b6e2-5d59-4873-8c59-d60e2a196e92",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
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+ },
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Additional Responses",
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+ "GUID": "446a86f8-a0cb-4095-83b3-d100eb050e3d",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Add-on"
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+ "GUID": "65f71586-ade3-4ce1-afc0-1b452eaf3782",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
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+ "GUID": "55c9eb4e-c746-45b4-b255-9ab6b19d5c62",
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+ "GUID": "55c9eb4e-c746-45b4-b255-9ab6b19d5c62",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
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+ "GUID": "55c9eb4e-c746-45b4-b255-9ab6b19d5c62",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f0e1b4e-9b33-4300-b451-b2c662cd4ff7",
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+ "GUID": "55c9eb4e-c746-45b4-b255-9ab6b19d5c62",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Dynamics 365"
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e6d7d78-73de-46ba-83b1-6d25117334ba",
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+ "GUID": "749742bf-0d37-4158-a120-33567104deeb",
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+ "GUID": "749742bf-0d37-4158-a120-33567104deeb",
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+ "GUID": "749742bf-0d37-4158-a120-33567104deeb",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR DYNAMICS 365"
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+ "GUID": "cc13a803-544e-4464-b4e4-6d6169a138fa",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "874fc546-6efe-4d22-90b8-5c4e7aa59f4b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR FINANCIALS"
+ },
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d56f3deb-50d8-465a-bedb-f079817ccac1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PLAN"
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+ "GUID": "8edc2cf8-6438-4fa9-b6e3-aa1660c640cc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e6d7d78-73de-46ba-83b1-6d25117334ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR DYNAMICS 365"
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "874fc546-6efe-4d22-90b8-5c4e7aa59f4b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR DYNAMICS 365"
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+ "GUID": "8edc2cf8-6438-4fa9-b6e3-aa1660c640cc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_ESSENTIALS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1259157c-8581-4875-bca7-2ffb18c51bda",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PROJECT ONLINE ESSENTIALS"
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+ "GUID": "8edc2cf8-6438-4fa9-b6e3-aa1660c640cc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR SALES"
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_SALES",
+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e6d7d78-73de-46ba-83b1-6d25117334ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR DYNAMICS 365"
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_SALES",
+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "NBENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "03acaee3-9492-4f40-aed4-bcb6b32981b6",
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+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "874fc546-6efe-4d22-90b8-5c4e7aa59f4b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR DYNAMICS 365"
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_SALES",
+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_ESSENTIALS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1259157c-8581-4875-bca7-2ffb18c51bda",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PROJECT ONLINE ESSENTIALS"
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_SALES",
+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "1e1a282c-9c54-43a2-9310-98ef728faace",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b6a8b974-2956-4e14-ae81-f0384c363528",
+ },
+ {
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_REGULATORY_SERVICE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c7657ae3-c0b0-4eed-8c1d-6a7967bd9c65",
+ },
+ {
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "D365_SCM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1224eae4-0d91-474a-8a52-27ec96a63fe7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e6d7d78-73de-46ba-83b1-6d25117334ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR DYNAMICS 365"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_SCM",
+ "GUID": "f2e48cb3-9da0-42cd-8464-4a54ce198ad0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "874fc546-6efe-4d22-90b8-5c4e7aa59f4b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR DYNAMICS 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2d925ad8-2479-4bd8-bb76-5b80f1d48935",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_Hiring_Free_PLAN",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f815ac79-c5dd-4bcc-9b78-d97f7b817d0d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Talent: Attract"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_Onboarding_Free_PLAN",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "300b8114-8555-4313-b861-0c115d820f50",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Talent: Onboard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5ed38b64-c3b7-4d9f-b1cd-0de18c9c4331",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for HCM Trial"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e6d7d78-73de-46ba-83b1-6d25117334ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow for Dynamics 365"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 for Talent",
+ "String_Id": "SKU_Dynamics_365_for_HCM_Trial",
+ "GUID": "3a256e9a-15b6-4092-b0dc-82993f4debc6",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "874fc546-6efe-4d22-90b8-5c4e7aa59f4b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PowerApps for Dynamics 365"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_Enterprise_Talent_Attract_TeamMember",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "643d201a-9884-45be-962a-06ba97062e5e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT - ATTRACT EXPERIENCE TEAM MEMBER"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_Enterprise_Talent_Onboard_TeamMember",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f2f49eef-4b3f-4853-809a-a055c6103fe0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT - ONBOARD EXPERIENCE"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6a54b05e-4fab-40e7-9828-428db3b336fa",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f5aa7b45-8a36-4cd1-bc37-5d06dea98645",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR OPERATIONS TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_Retail_Team_members",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c0454a3d-32b5-4740-b090-78c32f48f0ad",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR RETAIL TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_Talent_Team_members",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d5156635-0704-4f66-8803-93258f8b2678",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_DYN_TEAM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1ec58c70-f69c-486a-8109-4b87ce86e449",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR DYNAMICS 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_DYN_TEAM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "52e619e2-2730-439a-b0d3-d09ab7e8b705",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR DYNAMICS 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_ESSENTIALS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1259157c-8581-4875-bca7-2ffb18c51bda",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PROJECT ONLINE ESSENTIALS"
+ },
+ {
+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
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+ "GUID": "8e7a3d30-d97d-43ab-837c-d7701cef83dc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
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+ "String_Id": "GUIDES_USER",
+ "GUID": "0a389a77-9850-4dc4-b600-bc66fdfefc60",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1315ade1-0410-450d-b8e3-8050e6da320f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Guides",
+ "String_Id": "GUIDES_USER",
+ "GUID": "0a389a77-9850-4dc4-b600-bc66fdfefc60",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0b2c029c-dca0-454a-a336-887285d6ef07",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 Guides"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Guides",
+ "String_Id": "GUIDES_USER",
+ "GUID": "0a389a77-9850-4dc4-b600-bc66fdfefc60",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_GUIDES",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "816971f4-37c5-424a-b12b-b56881f402e7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Guides"
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+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Devices",
+ "GUID": "3bbd44ed-8a70-4c07-9088-6232ddbd5ddd",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_RETAIL_DEVICE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "ceb28005-d758-4df7-bb97-87a617b93d6c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Retail Device"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Operations - Device",
+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Devices",
+ "GUID": "3bbd44ed-8a70-4c07-9088-6232ddbd5ddd",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_OperationsDevices",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2c9fb43e-915a-4d61-b6ca-058ece89fd66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Operations Devices"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Operations - Device",
+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Devices",
+ "GUID": "3bbd44ed-8a70-4c07-9088-6232ddbd5ddd",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier2_SKU",
+ "GUID": "e485d696-4c87-4aac-bf4a-91b2fb6f0fa7",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d8ba6fb2-c6b1-4f07-b7c8-5f2745e36b54",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Operations non-production multi-box instance for standard acceptance testing (Tier 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 2:Standard Acceptance Testing",
+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier2_SKU",
+ "GUID": "e485d696-4c87-4aac-bf4a-91b2fb6f0fa7",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing",
+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier4_SKU",
+ "GUID": "f7ad4bca-7221-452c-bdb6-3e6089f25e06",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier4",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f6b5efb1-1813-426f-96d0-9b4f7438714f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Operations Enterprise Edition - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Operations - Sandbox Tier 4:Standard Performance Testing",
+ "String_Id": "Dynamics_365_for_Operations_Sandbox_Tier4_SKU",
+ "GUID": "f7ad4bca-7221-452c-bdb6-3e6089f25e06",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_P1_IW",
+ "GUID": "338148b6-1b11-4102-afb9-f92b6cdc0f8d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_P1_IW",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "056a5f80-b4e0-4983-a8be-7ad254a113c9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 P1 TRIAL FOR INFORMATION WORKERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_P1_IW",
+ "GUID": "338148b6-1b11-4102-afb9-f92b6cdc0f8d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist",
+ "GUID": "7a551360-26c4-4f61-84e6-ef715673e083",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_REMOTE_ASSIST",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0850ebb5-64ee-4d3a-a3e1-5a97213653b5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Remote Assist"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist",
+ "GUID": "7a551360-26c4-4f61-84e6-ef715673e083",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_REMOTE_ASSIST",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4f4c7800-298a-4e22-8867-96b17850d4dd",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Remote Assist"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist",
+ "GUID": "7a551360-26c4-4f61-84e6-ef715673e083",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist HoloLens",
+ "GUID": "e48328a2-8e98-4484-a70f-a99f8ac9ec89",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_REMOTE_ASSIST",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0850ebb5-64ee-4d3a-a3e1-5a97213653b5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Remote Assist"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist HoloLens",
+ "GUID": "e48328a2-8e98-4484-a70f-a99f8ac9ec89",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_REMOTE_ASSIST",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4f4c7800-298a-4e22-8867-96b17850d4dd",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Remote Assist"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Remote Assist HoloLens",
+ "GUID": "e48328a2-8e98-4484-a70f-a99f8ac9ec89",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer",
+ "String_Id": "D365_SALES_ENT_ATTACH",
+ "GUID": "5b22585d-1b71-4c6b-b6ec-160b1a9c2323",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "D365_SALES_ENT_ATTACH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3ae52229-572e-414f-937c-ff35a87d4f29",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 for Sales Enterprise Attach"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer",
+ "String_Id": "D365_SALES_ENT_ATTACH",
+ "GUID": "5b22585d-1b71-4c6b-b6ec-160b1a9c2323",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TALENT: ONBOARD",
+ "GUID": "b56e7ccc-d5c7-421f-a23b-5c18bdbad7c0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_DYN_APPS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2d925ad8-2479-4bd8-bb76-5b80f1d48935",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "COMMON DATA SERVICE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TALENT: ONBOARD",
+ "GUID": "b56e7ccc-d5c7-421f-a23b-5c18bdbad7c0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_Onboarding_Free_PLAN",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "300b8114-8555-4313-b861-0c115d820f50",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT: ONBOARD"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TALENT: ONBOARD",
+ "GUID": "b56e7ccc-d5c7-421f-a23b-5c18bdbad7c0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Dynamics_365_Talent_Onboard",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "048a552e-c849-4027-b54c-4c7ead26150a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT: ONBOARD"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TALENT: ONBOARD",
+ "GUID": "b56e7ccc-d5c7-421f-a23b-5c18bdbad7c0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TEAM MEMBERS",
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "GUID": "7ac9fe77-66b7-4e5e-9e46-10eed1cff547",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYNAMICS_365_FOR_RETAIL_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c0454a3d-32b5-4740-b090-78c32f48f0ad",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR RETAIL TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TEAM MEMBERS",
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "GUID": "7ac9fe77-66b7-4e5e-9e46-10eed1cff547",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "643d201a-9884-45be-962a-06ba97062e5e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT - ATTRACT EXPERIENCE TEAM MEMBER"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TEAM MEMBERS",
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "GUID": "7ac9fe77-66b7-4e5e-9e46-10eed1cff547",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f2f49eef-4b3f-4853-809a-a055c6103fe0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT - ONBOARD EXPERIENCE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TEAM MEMBERS",
+ "String_Id": "DYN365_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "GUID": "7ac9fe77-66b7-4e5e-9e46-10eed1cff547",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYNAMICS_365_FOR_TALENT_TEAM_MEMBERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d5156635-0704-4f66-8803-93258f8b2678",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "DYNAMICS 365 FOR TALENT TEAM MEMBERS"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "DYNAMICS 365 TEAM MEMBERS",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_DISCOVERY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Cloud App Security Discovery"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4ff01e01-1ba7-4d71-8cf8-ce96c3bbcf14",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P2"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "da24caf9-af8e-485c-b7c8-e73336da2693",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Intune for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MFA_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9b5de886-f035-4ff2-b3d8-c9127bea3620",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_A",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c1ec4a95-1f05-45b3-a911-aa3fa01094f5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Intune"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "aebd3021-9f8f-4bf8-bbe3-0ed2f4f047a1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala Pro Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4c246bbc-f513-4311-beff-eba54c353256",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Minecraft Education Edition"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "31b4e2fc-4cd6-4e7d-9c1b-41407303bd66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "UNIVERSAL_PRINT_NO_SEEDING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b67adbaf-a096-42c9-967e-5a84edbe0086",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Universal Print Without Seeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94a54592-cd8b-425e-87c6-97868b000b91",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "18250162-5d87-4436-a834-d795c15c80f3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c57d4b6-3b23-47a5-9bc9-69f17b4947b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Information Protection Premium P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_DISCOVERY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Cloud App Security Discovery"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4ff01e01-1ba7-4d71-8cf8-ce96c3bbcf14",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ContentExplorer_Standard",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2b815d45-56e4-4e3a-b65c-66cb9175b560",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection and Governance Analytics – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "da24caf9-af8e-485c-b7c8-e73336da2693",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Intune for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_unattended",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8d77e2d9-9e28-4450-8431-0def64078fc5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (unattended)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MFA_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9b5de886-f035-4ff2-b3d8-c9127bea3620",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_A",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c1ec4a95-1f05-45b3-a911-aa3fa01094f5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Intune"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "aebd3021-9f8f-4bf8-bbe3-0ed2f4f047a1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala Pro Plan 3"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4c246bbc-f513-4311-beff-eba54c353256",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Minecraft Education Edition"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "31b4e2fc-4cd6-4e7d-9c1b-41407303bd66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E3)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
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+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b67adbaf-a096-42c9-967e-5a84edbe0086",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Universal Print Without Seeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94a54592-cd8b-425e-87c6-97868b000b91",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A3 - Unattended License for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "1aa94593-ca12-4254-a738-81a5972958e8",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for Education"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c57d4b6-3b23-47a5-9bc9-69f17b4947b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Information Protection Premium P1"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_PREMIUM2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5689bec4-755d-4753-8b61-40975025187c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Information Protection Premium P2"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "afa73018-811e-46e9-988f-f75d2b1b8430",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "cd31b152-6326-4d1b-ae1b-997b625182e6",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFORMATION_BARRIERS",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Barriers"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ContentExplorer_Standard",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2b815d45-56e4-4e3a-b65c-66cb9175b560",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb0351d-3b08-4503-993d-383af8de41e3",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MTP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf28f719-7844-4079-9c78-c1307898e192",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Phone System"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2e2ddb96-6af9-4b1d-a3f0-d6ecfd22edb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Cloud App Security"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_FACULTY",
+ "GUID": "e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "eec0eb4f-6444-4f95-aba0-50c24d67f998",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P2"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_DISCOVERY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Cloud App Security Discovery"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "28b0fa46-c39a-4188-89e2-58e979a6b014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P3"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Content_Explorer",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d9fa6af4-e046-4c89-9226-729a0786685d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection and Governance Analytics – Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "da24caf9-af8e-485c-b7c8-e73336da2693",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Intune for Education"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MTP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf28f719-7844-4079-9c78-c1307898e192",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Defender"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
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+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2e2ddb96-6af9-4b1d-a3f0-d6ecfd22edb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Cloud App Security"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATA",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "14ab5db5-e6c4-4b20-b4bc-13e36fd2227f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Identity"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "THREAT_INTELLIGENCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8e0c0a52-6a6c-4d40-8370-dd62790dcd70",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9b5de886-f035-4ff2-b3d8-c9127bea3620",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_A",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c1ec4a95-1f05-45b3-a911-aa3fa01094f5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Intune"
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+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0898bdbb-73b0-471a-81e5-20f1fe4dd66e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4c246bbc-f513-4311-beff-eba54c353256",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Minecraft Education Edition"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SAFEDOCS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf6f5520-59e3-4f82-974b-7dbbc4fd27c7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 SafeDocs"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b21a6b06-1988-436e-a07b-51ec6d9f52ad",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E5)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "UNIVERSAL_PRINT_NO_SEEDING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b67adbaf-a096-42c9-967e-5a84edbe0086",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Universal Print Without Seeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4a51bca5-1eff-43f5-878c-177680f191af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 for students use benefit",
+ "String_Id": "M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT",
+ "GUID": "31d57bc7-3a05-4867-ab53-97a17835a411",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_PREMIUM_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "eec0eb4f-6444-4f95-aba0-50c24d67f998",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Premium P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "28b0fa46-c39a-4188-89e2-58e979a6b014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Content_Explorer",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d9fa6af4-e046-4c89-9226-729a0786685d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection and Governance Analytics - Premium)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "da24caf9-af8e-485c-b7c8-e73336da2693",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Intune for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MTP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf28f719-7844-4079-9c78-c1307898e192",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Defender"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MFA_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2e2ddb96-6af9-4b1d-a3f0-d6ecfd22edb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Cloud App Security"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATA",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "14ab5db5-e6c4-4b20-b4bc-13e36fd2227f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Identity"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "THREAT_INTELLIGENCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8e0c0a52-6a6c-4d40-8370-dd62790dcd70",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9b5de886-f035-4ff2-b3d8-c9127bea3620",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_A",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c1ec4a95-1f05-45b3-a911-aa3fa01094f5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Intune"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0898bdbb-73b0-471a-81e5-20f1fe4dd66e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4c246bbc-f513-4311-beff-eba54c353256",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Minecraft Education Edition"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SAFEDOCS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf6f5520-59e3-4f82-974b-7dbbc4fd27c7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 SafeDocs"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b21a6b06-1988-436e-a07b-51ec6d9f52ad",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E5)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "UNIVERSAL_PRINT_NO_SEEDING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b67adbaf-a096-42c9-967e-5a84edbe0086",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Universal Print Without Seeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4a51bca5-1eff-43f5-878c-177680f191af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for students use benefit",
+ "GUID": "81441ae1-0b31-4185-a6c0-32b6b84d419f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "cdd28e44-67e3-425e-be4c-737fab2899d3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "159f4cd6-e380-449f-a816-af1a9ef76344",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "cdd28e44-67e3-425e-be4c-737fab2899d3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_BUSINESS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "094e7854-93fc-4d55-b2c0-3ab5369ebdc1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE 365 BUSINESS"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "cdd28e44-67e3-425e-be4c-737fab2899d3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "13696edf-5a08-49f6-8134-03083ed8ba30",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "cdd28e44-67e3-425e-be4c-737fab2899d3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "cdd28e44-67e3-425e-be4c-737fab2899d3",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "SMB_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "b214fe43-f5a3-4703-beeb-fa97188220fc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "159f4cd6-e380-449f-a816-af1a9ef76344",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E1)"
+ },
+ {
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+ "String_Id": "SMB_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "b214fe43-f5a3-4703-beeb-fa97188220fc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_BUSINESS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "094e7854-93fc-4d55-b2c0-3ab5369ebdc1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE 365 BUSINESS"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "b214fe43-f5a3-4703-beeb-fa97188220fc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "SMB_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "b214fe43-f5a3-4703-beeb-fa97188220fc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
+ {
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+ "String_Id": "SMB_BUSINESS",
+ "GUID": "b214fe43-f5a3-4703-beeb-fa97188220fc",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR ENTERPRISE",
+ "GUID": "c2273bd0-dff7-4215-9ef5-2c7bcfb06425",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "159f4cd6-e380-449f-a816-af1a9ef76344",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR ENTERPRISE",
+ "GUID": "c2273bd0-dff7-4215-9ef5-2c7bcfb06425",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION"
+ },
+ {
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+ "GUID": "c2273bd0-dff7-4215-9ef5-2c7bcfb06425",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "13696edf-5a08-49f6-8134-03083ed8ba30",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "ONEDRIVESTANDARD"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR ENTERPRISE",
+ "GUID": "c2273bd0-dff7-4215-9ef5-2c7bcfb06425",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 APPS FOR ENTERPRISE",
+ "GUID": "c2273bd0-dff7-4215-9ef5-2c7bcfb06425",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "2d3091c7-0712-488b-b3d8-6b97bde6a1f5",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "922ba911-5694-4e99-a794-73aed9bfeec8",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION FOR GOVERNMENT"
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+ "GUID": "2d3091c7-0712-488b-b3d8-6b97bde6a1f5",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f544b08d-1645-4287-82de-8d91f37c02a1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT 365 AUDIO CONFERENCING FOR GOVERNMENT"
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+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
+ "GUID": "3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5e62787c-c316-451f-b873-1d05acd4d12c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
+ "GUID": "3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9aaf7827-d63c-4b61-89c3-182f06f82e5c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
+ "GUID": "3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0f9b09cb-62d1-4ff4-9129-43f4996f83f4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR OFFICE 365"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
+ "GUID": "3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "159f4cd6-e380-449f-a816-af1a9ef76344",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
+ "GUID": "3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC",
+ "String_Id": "O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
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+ "GUID": "dab7782a-93b1-4074-8bb1-0e61318bea0b",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
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+ "GUID": "cbdc14ab-d96c-4c30-b9f4-6ada7cdc1d46",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5bfe124c-bbdc-4494-8835-f1297d457d79",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "92f7a6f3-b89b-4bbd-8c30-809e6da5ad1c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR OFFICE 365"
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+ "String_Id": "SPB",
+ "GUID": "cbdc14ab-d96c-4c30-b9f4-6ada7cdc1d46",
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+ "GUID": "11dee6af-eca8-419f-8061-6864517c1875",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOPSTN5",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT 365 DOMESTIC CALLING PLAN (120 min)"
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+ "String_Id": "MCOPSTN_1_GOV",
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+ "GUID": "05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965",
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+ "GUID": "05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965",
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+ "GUID": "05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965",
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+ "GUID": "05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965",
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+ "GUID": "05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
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+ "String_Id": "SPE_E3_RPA1",
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+ "String_Id": "SPE_E3_RPA1",
+ "GUID": "c2ac2ee4-9bb1-47e4-8541-d689c7e83371",
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+ "GUID": "d61d61cc-f992-433f-a577-5bd016037eeb",
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+ "String_Id": "SPE_E3_USGOV_DOD",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
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+ "GUID": "d61d61cc-f992-433f-a577-5bd016037eeb",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
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+ "String_Id": "SPE_E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c57d4b6-3b23-47a5-9bc9-69f17b4947b3",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "GUID": "2347355b-4e81-41a4-9c22-55057a399791",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "cca845f9-fd51-4df6-b563-976a37c56ce0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT BUSINESS CENTER"
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+ "GUID": "df845ce7-05f9-4894-b5f2-11bbfbcfd2b6",
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+ "GUID": "111046dd-295b-4d6d-9724-d52ac90bd1f2",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR ENDPOINT"
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+ "GUID": "56a59ffb-9df1-421b-9e61-8b568583474d",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT TEAMS EXPLORATORY",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT TEAMS"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT TEAMS EXPLORATORY",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "MICROSOFT TEAMS EXPLORATORY",
+ "GUID": "710779e8-3d4a-4c88-adb9-386c958d1fdf",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWER APPS FOR OFFICE 365"
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWER AUTOMATE FOR OFFICE 365"
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0683001c-0492-4d59-9515-d9a6426b5813",
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+ "GUID": "710779e8-3d4a-4c88-adb9-386c958d1fdf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c7699d2e-19aa-44de-8edf-1736da088ca1",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5e62787c-c316-451f-b873-1d05acd4d12c",
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+ "GUID": "710779e8-3d4a-4c88-adb9-386c958d1fdf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b8afc642-032e-4de5-8c0a-507a7bba7e5d",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
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+ "GUID": "6070a4c8-34c6-4937-8dfb-39bbc6397a60",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Phone System"
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+ "String_Id": "MEETING_ROOM",
+ "GUID": "6070a4c8-34c6-4937-8dfb-39bbc6397a60",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
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+ "GUID": "74fbf1bb-47c6-4796-9623-77dc7371723b",
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+ "String_Id": "MS_TEAMS_IW",
+ "GUID": "74fbf1bb-47c6-4796-9623-77dc7371723b",
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+ "String_Id": "MS_TEAMS_IW",
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+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
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+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "aebd3021-9f8f-4bf8-bbe3-0ed2f4f047a1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala Pro Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "041fe683-03e4-45b6-b1af-c0cdc516daee",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Virtual Agents for Office 365 P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "31b4e2fc-4cd6-4e7d-9c1b-41407303bd66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94a54592-cd8b-425e-87c6-97868b000b91",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "e578b273-6db4-4691-bba0-8d691f4da603",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4ff01e01-1ba7-4d71-8cf8-ce96c3bbcf14",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "95b76021-6a53-4741-ab8b-1d1f3d66a95a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Teams_P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MYANALYTICS_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "33c4f319-9bdd-48d6-9c4d-410b750a4a5a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Insights by MyAnalytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "199a5c09-e0ca-4e37-8f7c-b05d533e1ea2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Bookings"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9b5de886-f035-4ff2-b3d8-c9127bea3620",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "aebd3021-9f8f-4bf8-bbe3-0ed2f4f047a1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala Pro Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the Web for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "041fe683-03e4-45b6-b1af-c0cdc516daee",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Virtual Agents for Office 365 P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "31b4e2fc-4cd6-4e7d-9c1b-41407303bd66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint (Plan 2) for Education"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94a54592-cd8b-425e-87c6-97868b000b91",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A3 for students",
+ "GUID": "98b6e773-24d4-4c0d-a968-6e787a1f8204",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Rights Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Customer Lockbox"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "07699545-9485-468e-95b6-2fca3738be01",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFORMATION_BARRIERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c4801e8a-cb58-4c35-aca6-f2dcc106f287",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Barriers"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb0351d-3b08-4503-993d-383af8de41e3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 - Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 - Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "M365_ADVANCED_AUDITING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2f442157-a11c-46b9-ae5b-6e39ff4e5849",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Advanced Auditing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOEV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Phone System"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "199a5c09-e0ca-4e37-8f7c-b05d533e1ea2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Bookings"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41fcdd7d-4733-4863-9cf4-c65b83ce2df4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications Compliance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "COMMUNICATIONS_DLP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6dc145d6-95dd-4191-b9c3-185575ee6f6b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications DLP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CUSTOMER_KEY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6db1f1db-2b46-403f-be40-e39395f08dbb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Customer Key"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DATA_INVESTIGATIONS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "46129a58-a698-46f0-aa5b-17f6586297d9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Data Investigations"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "96c1e14a-ef43-418d-b115-9636cdaa8eed",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFO_GOVERNANCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e26c2fcc-ab91-4a61-b35c-03cdc8dddf66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Information Governance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0898bdbb-73b0-471a-81e5-20f1fe4dd66e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "34c0d7a0-a70f-4668-9238-47f9fc208882",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft MyAnalytics (Full)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RECORDS_MANAGEMENT",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "65cc641f-cccd-4643-97e0-a17e3045e541",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Records Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E5 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4de31727-a228-4ec3-a5bf-8e45b5ca48cc",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "THREAT_INTELLIGENCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8e0c0a52-6a6c-4d40-8370-dd62790dcd70",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PAM_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Privileged Access Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 ProPlus"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9c0dab89-a30c-4117-86e7-97bda240acd2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PowerApps for Office 365 Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PREMIUM_ENCRYPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "617b097b-4b93-4ede-83de-5f075bb5fb2f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Premium Encryption in Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4a51bca5-1eff-43f5-878c-177680f191af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for faculty",
+ "GUID": "a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "AAD_BASIC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d0f309f-fdf9-4b2a-9ae7-9c48b91f1426",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Azure Rights Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Customer Lockbox"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EducationAnalyticsP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a9b86446-fa4e-498f-a92a-41b447e03337",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Education Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "07699545-9485-468e-95b6-2fca3738be01",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFORMATION_BARRIERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c4801e8a-cb58-4c35-aca6-f2dcc106f287",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Barriers"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb0351d-3b08-4503-993d-383af8de41e3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 - Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 - Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "M365_ADVANCED_AUDITING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2f442157-a11c-46b9-ae5b-6e39ff4e5849",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Advanced Auditing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOEV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Phone System"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "199a5c09-e0ca-4e37-8f7c-b05d533e1ea2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Bookings"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41fcdd7d-4733-4863-9cf4-c65b83ce2df4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications Compliance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "COMMUNICATIONS_DLP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6dc145d6-95dd-4191-b9c3-185575ee6f6b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications DLP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CUSTOMER_KEY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6db1f1db-2b46-403f-be40-e39395f08dbb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Customer Key"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DATA_INVESTIGATIONS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "46129a58-a698-46f0-aa5b-17f6586297d9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Data Investigations"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "96c1e14a-ef43-418d-b115-9636cdaa8eed",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFO_GOVERNANCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e26c2fcc-ab91-4a61-b35c-03cdc8dddf66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Information Governance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0898bdbb-73b0-471a-81e5-20f1fe4dd66e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "34c0d7a0-a70f-4668-9238-47f9fc208882",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft MyAnalytics (Full)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RECORDS_MANAGEMENT",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "65cc641f-cccd-4643-97e0-a17e3045e541",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Records Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E5 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4de31727-a228-4ec3-a5bf-8e45b5ca48cc",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "THREAT_INTELLIGENCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8e0c0a52-6a6c-4d40-8370-dd62790dcd70",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PAM_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Privileged Access Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 ProPlus"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e03c7e47-402c-463c-ab25-949079bedb21",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web (Education)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9c0dab89-a30c-4117-86e7-97bda240acd2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PowerApps for Office 365 Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PREMIUM_ENCRYPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "617b097b-4b93-4ede-83de-5f075bb5fb2f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Premium Encryption in Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SCHOOL_DATA_SYNC_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "500b6a2a-7a50-4f40-b5f9-160e5b8c2f48",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "School Data Sync (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "63038b2c-28d0-45f6-bc36-33062963b498",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Plan 2 for EDU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 3)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4a51bca5-1eff-43f5-878c-177680f191af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 A5 for students",
+ "GUID": "ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_EDU",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2078e8df-cff6-4290-98cb-5408261a760a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer for Academic"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Customer Lockbox"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFORMATION_BARRIERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c4801e8a-cb58-4c35-aca6-f2dcc106f287",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Barriers"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb0351d-3b08-4503-993d-383af8de41e3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 - Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4de31727-a228-4ec3-a5bf-8e45b5ca48cc",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PAM_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Privileged Access Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Advanced Compliance",
+ "GUID": "1b1b1f7a-8355-43b6-829f-336cfccb744c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PREMIUM_ENCRYPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "617b097b-4b93-4ede-83de-5f075bb5fb2f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Premium Encryption in Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)",
+ "String_Id": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "GUID": "4ef96642-f096-40de-a3e9-d83fb2f90211",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Extra File Storage for GCC",
+ "GUID": "e5788282-6381-469f-84f0-3d7d4021d34d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION_GOV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "922ba911-5694-4e99-a794-73aed9bfeec8",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION_GOV"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 Extra File Storage for GCC",
+ "GUID": "e5788282-6381-469f-84f0-3d7d4021d34d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTSTORAGE_GOV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e5bb877f-6ac9-4461-9e43-ca581543ab16",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINTSTORAGE_GOV"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_O365_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bed136c6-b799-4462-824d-fc045d3a9d25",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Teams_P1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "159f4cd6-e380-449f-a816-af1a9ef76344",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan E1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "743dd19e-1ce3-4c62-a3ad-49ba8f63a2f6",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E1 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCO_TEAMS_IW",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "42a3ec34-28ba-46b6-992f-db53a675ac5b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
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+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "92f7a6f3-b89b-4bbd-8c30-809e6da5ad1c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0f9b09cb-62d1-4ff4-9129-43f4996f83f4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0683001c-0492-4d59-9515-d9a6426b5813",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Virtual Agents for Office 365 P1"
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+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "902b47e5-dcb2-4fdc-858b-c63a90a2bdb9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Kiosk"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b8afc642-032e-4de5-8c0a-507a7bba7e5d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 1)"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud",
+ "GUID": "29a2f828-8f39-4837-b8ff-c957e86abe3c",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
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+ "String_Id": "ADALLOM_O365",
+ "GUID": "84d5f90f-cd0d-4864-b90b-1c7ba63b4808",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
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+ "GUID": "99049c9c-6011-4908-bf17-15f496e6519d",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "be5a7ed5-c598-4fcd-a061-5e6724c68a58",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Extra File Storage"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E1",
+ "String_Id": "STANDARDPACK",
+ "GUID": "18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E1",
+ "String_Id": "STANDARDPACK",
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+ "String_Id": "STANDARDPACK",
+ "GUID": "18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e",
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+ "GUID": "18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e",
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+ "String_Id": "STANDARDPACK",
+ "GUID": "18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICEMOBILE_SUBSCRIPTION"
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+ "String_Id": "STANDARDPACK",
+ "GUID": "18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "92f7a6f3-b89b-4bbd-8c30-809e6da5ad1c",
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR OFFICE 36"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT PLANNE"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINT_S_DEVELOPER",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a361d6e2-509e-4e25-a8ad-950060064ef4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT FOR DEVELOPER"
+ },
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+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "527f7cdd-0e86-4c47-b879-f5fd357a3ac6",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE FOR DEVELOPER"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT STREAM FOR O365 E5 SKU"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E3 DEVELOPER",
+ "String_Id": "DEVELOPERPACK",
+ "GUID": "189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "TEAMS1"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "fd500458-c24c-478e-856c-a6067a8376cd",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams for DOD (AR)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 ProPlus"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office Online"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_DOD",
+ "GUID": "b107e5a3-3e60-4c0d-a184-a7e4395eb44c",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9953b155-8aef-4c56-92f3-72b0487fce41",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams for GCCHigh (AR)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 ProPlus"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office Online"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E3_USGOV_GCCHIGH",
+ "GUID": "aea38a85-9bd5-4981-aa00-616b411205bf",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "BPOS_S_TODO_2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT STAFFHUB"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR OFFICE 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2789c901-c14e-48ab-a76a-be334d9d793a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOVOICECONF",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "27216c54-caf8-4d0d-97e2-517afb5c08f6",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE (PLAN 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR OFFICE 36"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT PLANNE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY RIGHTS"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT STREAM FOR O365 E3 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "TEAMS1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E4",
+ "GUID": "1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7547a3fe-08ee-4ccb-b430-5077c5041653",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "YAMMER_ENTERPRISE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "28b0fa46-c39a-4188-89e2-58e979a6b014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - O365 P3"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "afa73018-811e-46e9-988f-f75d2b1b8430",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Teams_P3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Customer Lockbox"
+ },
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_Exchange",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "cd31b152-6326-4d1b-ae1b-997b625182e6",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Graph Connectors Search with Index"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFORMATION_BARRIERS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c4801e8a-cb58-4c35-aca6-f2dcc106f287",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Barriers"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d9fa6af4-e046-4c89-9226-729a0786685d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection and Governance Analytics – Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ContentExplorer_Standard",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2b815d45-56e4-4e3a-b65c-66cb9175b560",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection and Governance Analytics – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb0351d-3b08-4503-993d-383af8de41e3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Premium"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MIP_S_CLP1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5136a095-5cf0-4aff-bec3-e84448b38ea5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Information Protection for Office 365 – Standard"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MYANALYTICS_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "33c4f319-9bdd-48d6-9c4d-410b750a4a5a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Insights by MyAnalytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a413a9ff-720c-4822-98ef-2f37c2a21f4c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "M365 Communication Compliance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "M365_ADVANCED_AUDITING",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2f442157-a11c-46b9-ae5b-6e39ff4e5849",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Advanced Auditing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOMEETADV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3e26ee1f-8a5f-4d52-aee2-b81ce45c8f40",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MTP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bf28f719-7844-4079-9c78-c1307898e192",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Defender"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOEV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft 365 Phone System"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Rights"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFTBOOKINGS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "199a5c09-e0ca-4e37-8f7c-b05d533e1ea2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Bookings"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "COMMUNICATIONS_DLP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6dc145d6-95dd-4191-b9c3-185575ee6f6b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications DLP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CUSTOMER_KEY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6db1f1db-2b46-403f-be40-e39395f08dbb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Customer Key"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DATA_INVESTIGATIONS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "46129a58-a698-46f0-aa5b-17f6586297d9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Data Investigations"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ATP_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f20fedf3-f3c3-43c3-8267-2bfdd51c0939",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 1)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "THREAT_INTELLIGENCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8e0c0a52-6a6c-4d40-8370-dd62790dcd70",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCEL_PREMIUM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "531ee2f8-b1cb-453b-9c21-d2180d014ca5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Excel Advanced Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e212cbc7-0961-4c40-9825-01117710dcb1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Forms (Plan E5)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INFO_GOVERNANCE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e26c2fcc-ab91-4a61-b35c-03cdc8dddf66",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Information Governance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "KAIZALA_STANDALONE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0898bdbb-73b0-471a-81e5-20f1fe4dd66e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Kaizala"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "34c0d7a0-a70f-4668-9238-47f9fc208882",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft MyAnalytics (Full)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Planner"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RECORDS_MANAGEMENT",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "65cc641f-cccd-4643-97e0-a17e3045e541",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Records Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MICROSOFT_SEARCH",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Search"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft StaffHub"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Stream for O365 E5 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Teams"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Mobile Device Management for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4de31727-a228-4ec3-a5bf-8e45b5ca48cc",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Advanced Security Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PAM_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office 365 Privileged Access Management"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Office for the web"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "07699545-9485-468e-95b6-2fca3738be01",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWER_VIRTUAL_AGENTS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "ded3d325-1bdc-453e-8432-5bac26d7a014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Virtual Agents for Office 365 P3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9c0dab89-a30c-4117-86e7-97bda240acd2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PowerApps for Office 365 Plan 3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PREMIUM_ENCRYPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "617b097b-4b93-4ede-83de-5f075bb5fb2f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Premium Encryption in Office 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PROJECT_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b21a6b06-1988-436e-a07b-51ec6d9f52ad",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Project for Office (Plan E5)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "41fcdd7d-4733-4863-9cf4-c65b83ce2df4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Communications Compliance"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SharePoint (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Skype for Business Online (Plan 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Sway"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "To-Do (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WHITEBOARD_PLAN3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4a51bca5-1eff-43f5-878c-177680f191af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Whiteboard (Plan 3)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 E5",
+ "GUID": "c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "YAMMER_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7547a3fe-08ee-4ccb-b430-5077c5041653",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Yammer Enterprise"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ADALLOM_S_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c098270-9dd4-4350-9b30-ba4703f3b36b",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE 365 CLOUD APP SECURITY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWER BI PRO"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BPOS_S_TODO_3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "BPOS_S_TODO_3"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Deskless",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8c7d2df8-86f0-4902-b2ed-a0458298f3b3",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT STAFFHUB"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4de31727-a228-4ec3-a5bf-8e45b5ca48cc",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE 365 ADVANCED EDISCOVERY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "34c0d7a0-a70f-4668-9238-47f9fc208882",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE_ANALYTICS"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "efb87545-963c-4e0d-99df-69c6916d9eb0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "07699545-9485-468e-95b6-2fca3738be01",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "FLOW FOR OFFICE 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FORMS_PLAN_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e212cbc7-0961-4c40-9825-01117710dcb1",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT FORMS (PLAN E5)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOEV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PHONE SYSTEM"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "MCOSTANDARD",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0feaeb32-d00e-4d66-bd5a-43b5b83db82c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "43de0ff5-c92c-492b-9116-175376d08c38",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9c0dab89-a30c-4117-86e7-97bda240acd2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "POWERAPPS FOR OFFICE 365"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b737dad2-2f6c-4c65-90e3-ca563267e8b9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT PLANNE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "bea4c11e-220a-4e6d-8eb8-8ea15d019f90",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY RIGHTS"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5dbe027f-2339-4123-9542-606e4d348a72",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SHAREPOINTWAC",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE ONLINE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "STREAM_O365_E5",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT STREAM FOR O365 E5 SKU"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SWAY",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a23b959c-7ce8-4e57-9140-b90eb88a9e97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "SWAY"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "TEAMS1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "TEAMS1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 E5 WITHOUT AUDIO CONFERENCING",
+ "GUID": "26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128",
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+ "GUID": "4b585984-651b-448a-9e53-3b10f069cf7f",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94065c59-bc8e-4e8b-89e5-5138d471eaff",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_O365_S1",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps for Office 365 F3"
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+ "String_Id": "DESKLESSPACK",
+ "GUID": "4b585984-651b-448a-9e53-3b10f069cf7f",
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+ "String_Id": "DESKLESSPACK",
+ "GUID": "4b585984-651b-448a-9e53-3b10f069cf7f",
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+ "String_Id": "DESKLESSPACK",
+ "GUID": "4b585984-651b-448a-9e53-3b10f069cf7f",
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+ "String_Id": "DESKLESSPACK",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "24af5f65-d0f3-467b-9f78-ea798c4aeffc",
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+ "GUID": "535a3a29-c5f0-42fe-8215-d3b9e1f38c4a",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "d9fa6af4-e046-4c89-9226-729a0786685d",
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+ "GUID": "535a3a29-c5f0-42fe-8215-d3b9e1f38c4a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "ContentExplorer_Standard",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2b815d45-56e4-4e3a-b65c-66cb9175b560",
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+ "GUID": "535a3a29-c5f0-42fe-8215-d3b9e1f38c4a",
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+ "GUID": "535a3a29-c5f0-42fe-8215-d3b9e1f38c4a",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "INTUNE_O365",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee03664b117",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENT FOR OFFICE 365"
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "8f9f0f3b-ca90-406c-a842-95579171f8ec",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "OFFICE FOR THE WEB (GOVERNMENT)"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "OFFICE 365 G3 GCC",
+ "GUID": "535a3a29-c5f0-42fe-8215-d3b9e1f38c4a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_O365_P2_GOV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c537f360-6a00-4ace-a7f5-9128d0ac1e4b",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a31ef4a2-f787-435e-8335-e47eb0cafc94",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6a76346d-5d6e-4051-9fe3-ed3f312b5597",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE_GOV"
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+ "Product_Display_Name": "Office 365 G5 GCC",
+ "GUID": "8900a2c0-edba-4079-bdf3-b276e293b6a8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a7d3fb37-b6df-4085-b509-50810d991a39",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE_GOV",
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+ "GUID": "8900a2c0-edba-4079-bdf3-b276e293b6a8",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_PER_APP_IWTRIAL",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "94a669d1-84d5-4e54-8462-53b0ae2c8be5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "CDS Per app baseline access"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "PowerApps per app baseline access",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP_IW",
+ "GUID": "bf666882-9c9b-4b2e-aa2f-4789b0a52ba2",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Flow_Per_APP_IWTRIAL",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "dd14867e-8d31-4779-a595-304405f5ad39",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow per app baseline access"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "PowerApps per app baseline access",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP_IW",
+ "GUID": "bf666882-9c9b-4b2e-aa2f-4789b0a52ba2",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP_IWTRIAL",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "35122886-cef5-44a3-ab36-97134eabd9ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "PowerApps per app baseline access"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per app plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP",
+ "GUID": "a8ad7d2b-b8cf-49d6-b25a-69094a0be206",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_PER_APP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9f2f00ad-21ae-4ceb-994b-d8bc7be90999",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "CDS PowerApps per app plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per app plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP",
+ "GUID": "a8ad7d2b-b8cf-49d6-b25a-69094a0be206",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per app plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP",
+ "GUID": "a8ad7d2b-b8cf-49d6-b25a-69094a0be206",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b4f657ff-d83e-4053-909d-baa2b595ec97",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps per App Plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per app plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_APP",
+ "GUID": "a8ad7d2b-b8cf-49d6-b25a-69094a0be206",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Flow_Per_APP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c539fa36-a64e-479a-82e1-e40ff2aa83ee",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Power Apps per App Plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "b30411f5-fea1-4a59-9ad9-3db7c7ead579",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6ea4c1ef-c259-46df-bce2-943342cd3cb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "b30411f5-fea1-4a59-9ad9-3db7c7ead579",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "b30411f5-fea1-4a59-9ad9-3db7c7ead579",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "POWERAPPS_PER_USER",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "ea2cf03b-ac60-46ae-9c1d-eeaeb63cec86",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Apps per User Plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Apps per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "POWERAPPS_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "b30411f5-fea1-4a59-9ad9-3db7c7ead579",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Flow_PowerApps_PerUser",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "dc789ed8-0170-4b65-a415-eb77d5bb350a",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Power Apps per User Plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per flow plan",
+ "GUID": "b3a42176-0a8c-4c3f-ba4e-f2b37fe5be6b",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_Flow_Business_Process",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c84e52ae-1906-4947-ac4d-6fb3e5bf7c2e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common data service for Flow per business process plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per flow plan",
+ "GUID": "b3a42176-0a8c-4c3f-ba4e-f2b37fe5be6b",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per flow plan",
+ "GUID": "b3a42176-0a8c-4c3f-ba4e-f2b37fe5be6b",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_BUSINESS_PROCESS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7e017b61-a6e0-4bdc-861a-932846591f6e",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow per business process plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "4a51bf65-409c-4a91-b845-1121b571cc9d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6ea4c1ef-c259-46df-bce2-943342cd3cb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "4a51bf65-409c-4a91-b845-1121b571cc9d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "4a51bf65-409c-4a91-b845-1121b571cc9d",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_PER_USER",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c5002c70-f725-4367-b409-f0eff4fee6c0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow per user plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan dept",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER_DEPT",
+ "GUID": "d80a4c5d-8f05-4b64-9926-6574b9e6aee4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "6ea4c1ef-c259-46df-bce2-943342cd3cb2",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service - P2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan dept",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER_DEPT",
+ "GUID": "d80a4c5d-8f05-4b64-9926-6574b9e6aee4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user plan dept",
+ "String_Id": "FLOW_PER_USER_DEPT",
+ "GUID": "d80a4c5d-8f05-4b64-9926-6574b9e6aee4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_PER_USER",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "c5002c70-f725-4367-b409-f0eff4fee6c0",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow per user plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan",
+ "GUID": "eda1941c-3c4f-4995-b5eb-e85a42175ab9",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_ATTENDED_RPA",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "3da2fd4c-1bee-4b61-a17f-94c31e5cab93",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service Attended RPA"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan",
+ "GUID": "eda1941c-3c4f-4995-b5eb-e85a42175ab9",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan",
+ "GUID": "eda1941c-3c4f-4995-b5eb-e85a42175ab9",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "375cd0ad-c407-49fd-866a-0bff4f8a9a4d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate RPA Attended"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate unattended RPA add-on",
+ "GUID": "3539d28c-6e35-4a30-b3a9-cd43d5d3e0e2",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_UNATTENDED_RPA",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b475952f-128a-4a44-b82a-0b98a45ca7fb",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service Unattended RPA"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate unattended RPA add-on",
+ "GUID": "3539d28c-6e35-4a30-b3a9-cd43d5d3e0e2",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Automate unattended RPA add-on",
+ "GUID": "3539d28c-6e35-4a30-b3a9-cd43d5d3e0e2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0d373a98-a27a-426f-8993-f9a425ae99c5",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate Unattended RPA add-on"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI",
+ "GUID": "e2767865-c3c9-4f09-9f99-6eee6eef861a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI",
+ "GUID": "e2767865-c3c9-4f09-9f99-6eee6eef861a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SQL_IS_SSIM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "fc0a60aa-feee-4746-a0e3-aecfe81a38dd",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Power BI Information Services Plan 1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI",
+ "GUID": "e2767865-c3c9-4f09-9f99-6eee6eef861a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2125cfd7-2110-4567-83c4-c1cd5275163d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Power BI Reporting and Analytics Plan 1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI (free)",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_STANDARD",
+ "GUID": "a403ebcc-fae0-4ca2-8c8c-7a907fd6c235",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI (free)",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_STANDARD",
+ "GUID": "a403ebcc-fae0-4ca2-8c8c-7a907fd6c235",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P0",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2049e525-b859-401b-b2a0-e0a31c4b1fe4",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI (free)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "POWER BI FOR OFFICE 365 ADD-ON",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_ADDON",
+ "GUID": "45bc2c81-6072-436a-9b0b-3b12eefbc402",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P1",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "2125cfd7-2110-4567-83c4-c1cd5275163d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT POWER BI REPORTING AND ANALYTICS PLAN 1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "POWER BI FOR OFFICE 365 ADD-ON",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_ADDON",
+ "GUID": "45bc2c81-6072-436a-9b0b-3b12eefbc402",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "SQL_IS_SSIM",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "fc0a60aa-feee-4746-a0e3-aecfe81a38dd",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "MICROSOFT POWER BI INFORMATION SERVICES PLAN "
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium P1",
+ "String_Id": "PBI_PREMIUM_P1_ADDON",
+ "GUID": "7b26f5ab-a763-4c00-a1ac-f6c4b5506945",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium P1",
+ "String_Id": "PBI_PREMIUM_P1_ADDON",
+ "GUID": "7b26f5ab-a763-4c00-a1ac-f6c4b5506945",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "PBI_PREMIUM_P1_ADDON",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "9da49a6d-707a-48a1-b44a-53dcde5267f8",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Premium P"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User",
+ "String_Id": "PBI_PREMIUM_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "c1d032e0-5619-4761-9b5c-75b6831e1711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User",
+ "String_Id": "PBI_PREMIUM_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "c1d032e0-5619-4761-9b5c-75b6831e1711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0bf3c642-7bb5-4ccc-884e-59d09df0266c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Premium Per User"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User",
+ "String_Id": "PBI_PREMIUM_PER_USER",
+ "GUID": "c1d032e0-5619-4761-9b5c-75b6831e1711",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User Add-On",
+ "GUID": "de376a03-6e5b-42ec-855f-093fb50b8ca5",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0bf3c642-7bb5-4ccc-884e-59d09df0266c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Premium Per User"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User Dept",
+ "GUID": "f168a3fb-7bcf-4a27-98c3-c235ea4b78b4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User Dept",
+ "GUID": "f168a3fb-7bcf-4a27-98c3-c235ea4b78b4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P3",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0bf3c642-7bb5-4ccc-884e-59d09df0266c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Premium Per User"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Premium Per User Dept",
+ "GUID": "f168a3fb-7bcf-4a27-98c3-c235ea4b78b4",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO",
+ "GUID": "f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO",
+ "GUID": "f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro CE",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO_CE",
+ "GUID": "420af87e-8177-4146-a780-3786adaffbca",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro CE",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO_CE",
+ "GUID": "420af87e-8177-4146-a780-3786adaffbca",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro Dept",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO_DEPT",
+ "GUID": "3a6a908c-09c5-406a-8170-8ebb63c42882",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power BI Pro Dept",
+ "String_Id": "POWER_BI_PRO_DEPT",
+ "GUID": "3a6a908c-09c5-406a-8170-8ebb63c42882",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "BI_AZURE_P2",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "70d33638-9c74-4d01-bfd3-562de28bd4ba",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power BI Pro"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agent",
+ "String_Id": "VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "GUID": "e4e55366-9635-46f4-a907-fc8c3b5ec81f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CDS_VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "0a0a23fa-fea1-4195-bb89-b4789cb12f7f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for Virtual Agent Base"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agent",
+ "String_Id": "VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "GUID": "e4e55366-9635-46f4-a907-fc8c3b5ec81f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "4b81a949-69a1-4409-ad34-9791a6ec88aa",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Power Automate for Virtual Agent"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agent",
+ "String_Id": "VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "GUID": "e4e55366-9635-46f4-a907-fc8c3b5ec81f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "VIRTUAL_AGENT_BASE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f6934f16-83d3-4f3b-ad27-c6e9c187b260",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Virtual Agent Base"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agents Viral Trial",
+ "GUID": "606b54a9-78d8-4298-ad8b-df6ef4481c80",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "DYN365_CDS_CCI_BOTS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "cf7034ed-348f-42eb-8bbd-dddeea43ee81",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Common Data Service for CCI Bots"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agents Viral Trial",
+ "GUID": "606b54a9-78d8-4298-ad8b-df6ef4481c80",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CCIBOTS_PRIVPREV_VIRAL",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "ce312d15-8fdf-44c0-9974-a25a177125ee",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Dynamics 365 AI for Customer Service Virtual Agents Viral"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Power Virtual Agents Viral Trial",
+ "GUID": "606b54a9-78d8-4298-ad8b-df6ef4481c80",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "FLOW_CCI_BOTS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "5d798708-6473-48ad-9776-3acc301c40af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Flow for CCI Bots"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "PROJECT FOR OFFICE 365",
+ "String_Id": "PROJECTCLIENT",
+ "GUID": "a10d5e58-74da-4312-95c8-76be4e5b75a0",
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+ "String_Id": "PROJECT_PLAN1_DEPT",
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+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
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+ "GUID": "53818b1b-4a27-454b-8896-0dba576410e6",
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+ "GUID": "53818b1b-4a27-454b-8896-0dba576410e6",
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+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e95bec33-7c88-4a70-8e19-b10bd9d0c014",
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+ "Service_Plan_Name": "UNIVERSAL_PRINT_01",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "795f6fe0-cc4d-4773-b050-5dde4dc704c9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "UNIVERSAL PRINT"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "WINDOWS 10 ENTERPRISE E3",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E3",
+ "GUID": "6a0f6da5-0b87-4190-a6ae-9bb5a2b9546a",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "WINDOWS 10 ENTERPRISE (NEW)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "WINDOWS 10 ENTERPRISE E3",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E3",
+ "GUID": "6a0f6da5-0b87-4190-a6ae-9bb5a2b9546a",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7bf960f6-2cd9-443a-8046-5dbff9558365",
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E5",
+ "GUID": "488ba24a-39a9-4473-8ee5-19291e71b002",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E5",
+ "GUID": "488ba24a-39a9-4473-8ee5-19291e71b002",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WINDEFATP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "871d91ec-ec1a-452b-a83f-bd76c7d770ef",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender For Endpoint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E5",
+ "GUID": "488ba24a-39a9-4473-8ee5-19291e71b002",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "UNIVERSAL_PRINT_01",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "795f6fe0-cc4d-4773-b050-5dde4dc704c9",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Universal Print"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E5",
+ "GUID": "488ba24a-39a9-4473-8ee5-19291e71b002",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
+ "String_Id": "WIN10_VDA_E5",
+ "GUID": "488ba24a-39a9-4473-8ee5-19291e71b002",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "7bf960f6-2cd9-443a-8046-5dbff9558365",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows Update for Business Deployment Service"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5 Commercial (GCC Compatible)",
+ "String_Id": "WINE5_GCC_COMPAT",
+ "GUID": "938fd547-d794-42a4-996c-1cc206619580",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION_GOV",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "922ba911-5694-4e99-a794-73aed9bfeec8",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation for Government"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5 Commercial (GCC Compatible)",
+ "String_Id": "WINE5_GCC_COMPAT",
+ "GUID": "938fd547-d794-42a4-996c-1cc206619580",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WINDEFATP",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "871d91ec-ec1a-452b-a83f-bd76c7d770ef",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Defender For Endpoint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5 Commercial (GCC Compatible)",
+ "String_Id": "WINE5_GCC_COMPAT",
+ "GUID": "938fd547-d794-42a4-996c-1cc206619580",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "Virtualization \tRights \tfor \tWindows \t10 \t(E3/E5+VDA)",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "e7c91390-7625-45be-94e0-e16907e03118",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 10 Enterprise (New)"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_B_2C_4RAM_64GB",
+ "GUID": "42e6818f-8966-444b-b7ac-0027c83fa8b5",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_B_2C_4RAM_64GB",
+ "GUID": "42e6818f-8966-444b-b7ac-0027c83fa8b5",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CPC_B_2C_4RAM_64GB",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a790cd6e-a153-4461-83c7-e127037830b6",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 365 Business 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU 16 GB 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit)",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_B_4C_16RAM_128GB_WHB",
+ "GUID": "439ac253-bfbc-49c7-acc0-6b951407b5ef",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU 16 GB 128 GB (with Windows Hybrid Benefit)",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_B_4C_16RAM_128GB_WHB",
+ "GUID": "439ac253-bfbc-49c7-acc0-6b951407b5ef",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CPC_B_4C_16RAM_128GB",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "1d4f75d3-a19b-49aa-88cb-f1ea1690b550",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 365 Business 4 vCPU 16 GB 128 GB"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_E_2C_4GB_64GB",
+ "GUID": "7bb14422-3b90-4389-a7be-f1b745fc037f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Exchange Foundation"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB",
+ "String_Id": "CPC_E_2C_4GB_64GB",
+ "GUID": "7bb14422-3b90-4389-a7be-f1b745fc037f",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "CPC_E_2C_4GB_64GB",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "23a25099-1b2f-4e07-84bd-b84606109438",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU 4 GB 64 GB"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "WINDOWS STORE FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "WINDOWS_STORE",
+ "GUID": "6470687e-a428-4b7a-bef2-8a291ad947c9",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "EXCHANGE FOUNDATION"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "WINDOWS STORE FOR BUSINESS",
+ "String_Id": "WINDOWS_STORE",
+ "GUID": "6470687e-a428-4b7a-bef2-8a291ad947c9",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WINDOWS_STORE",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "a420f25f-a7b3-4ff5-a9d0-5d58f73b537d",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "WINDOWS STORE SERVICE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics",
+ "GUID": "3d957427-ecdc-4df2-aacd-01cc9d519da8",
+ "Service_Plan_Name": "WORKPLACE_ANALYTICS",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "f477b0f0-3bb1-4890-940c-40fcee6ce05f",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics",
+ "GUID": "3d957427-ecdc-4df2-aacd-01cc9d519da8",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "ff7b261f-d98b-415b-827c-42a3fdf015af",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics Insights Backend"
+ },
+ {
+ "Product_Display_Name": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics",
+ "GUID": "3d957427-ecdc-4df2-aacd-01cc9d519da8",
+ "Service_Plan_Id": "b622badb-1b45-48d5-920f-4b27a2c0996c",
+ "Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names": "Microsoft Workplace Analytics Insights User"
+ }
diff --git a/src/data/standards.json b/src/data/standards.json
index 50e671286608..48d8f9aff018 100644
--- a/src/data/standards.json
+++ b/src/data/standards.json
@@ -85,17 +85,6 @@
"addedComponent": null,
"label": "Enable LAPs on the tenant"
- {
- "name": "standards.intuneDeviceReg.Enabled",
- "cat": "AAD",
- "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
- "addedComponent": {
- "type": "input",
- "name": "standards.intuneDeviceReg.max",
- "label": "Maximum devices (Enter 2147483647 for unlimited.)"
- },
- "label": "Set Maximum Number of Devices per user"
- },
"name": "standards.PWnumberMatchingRequiredState",
"cat": "AAD",
@@ -110,6 +99,27 @@
"addedComponent": null,
"label": "Enable Passwordless with Location information and Number Matching"
+ {
+ "cat": "AAD",
+ "name": "standards.PWcompanionAppAllowedState.Enabled",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": {
+ "type": "Select",
+ "label": "Select value",
+ "name": "standards.PWcompanionAppAllowedState.state",
+ "values": [
+ {
+ "label": "Enabled",
+ "value": "enabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Disabled",
+ "value": "disabled"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "label": "Set Authenticator Lite state"
+ },
"cat": "AAD",
"name": "standards.TAP.Enabled",
@@ -356,6 +366,28 @@
"label": "Set Sharing Level for Default calendar"
+ {
+ "name": "standards.intuneDeviceReg.Enabled",
+ "cat": "Intune",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": {
+ "type": "input",
+ "name": "standards.intuneDeviceReg.max",
+ "label": "Maximum devices (Enter 2147483647 for unlimited.)"
+ },
+ "label": "Set Maximum Number of Devices per user"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.intuneDeviceRetirementDays.Enabled",
+ "cat": "Intune",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": {
+ "type": "input",
+ "name": "standards.intuneDeviceRetirementDays.days",
+ "label": "Maximum days (0 equals disabled)"
+ },
+ "label": "Set inactive device retirement days"
+ },
"name": "standards.sharingCapability.Enabled",
"cat": "SharePoint",
@@ -430,5 +462,40 @@
"helpText": "This is the default helptext",
"addedComponent": null,
"label": "Only allow users to sync OneDrive from AAD joined devices"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.IntuneTemplate.enabled",
+ "cat": "templates",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": null,
+ "label": "Intune Templates"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.GroupTemplate.enabled",
+ "cat": "templates",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": null,
+ "label": "Group Templates"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.ExConnector.enabled",
+ "cat": "templates",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": null,
+ "label": "Exchange Connector Templates"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.ConditionalAccess.enabled",
+ "cat": "templates",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": null,
+ "label": "Conditional Access Templates"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "standards.TransportRuleTemplate.enabled",
+ "cat": "templates",
+ "helpText": "This is the default helptext",
+ "addedComponent": null,
+ "label": "Transport Rule Templates"
diff --git a/src/routes.js b/src/routes.js
index b0a689c0a112..b687ff1e4332 100644
--- a/src/routes.js
+++ b/src/routes.js
@@ -116,12 +116,7 @@ const AutopilotListStatusPages = React.lazy(() =>
const IntuneListPolicies = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/endpoint/intune/MEMListPolicies'))
const MEMEditPolicy = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/endpoint/intune/MEMEditPolicy'))
-const EditAutopilotProfile = React.lazy(() =>
- import('src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditProfile'),
-const EditAutopilotStatusPage = React.lazy(() =>
- import('src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditStatusPage'),
const IntuneCAPolicies = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/endpoint/intune/MEMCAPolicies'))
const IntuneAddPolicy = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/endpoint/intune/MEMAddPolicy'))
const MEMAddPolicyTemplate = React.lazy(() =>
@@ -221,6 +216,10 @@ const SecurityComplianceIncidents = React.lazy(() =>
const License = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/pages/license/License'))
const ServiceHealth = React.lazy(() => import('src/views/tenant/administration/ServiceHealth'))
+const EnterpriseApplications = React.lazy(() =>
+ import('src/views/tenant/administration/ListEnterpriseApps'),
const routes = [
// { path: '/', exact: true, name: 'Home' },
{ path: '/home', name: 'Home', component: Home },
@@ -308,6 +307,11 @@ const routes = [
name: 'Service Health',
component: ServiceHealth,
+ {
+ path: '/tenant/administration/enterprise-apps',
+ name: 'Enterprise Applications',
+ component: EnterpriseApplications,
+ },
path: '/tenant/conditional/list-policies',
name: 'Conditional Access',
@@ -423,16 +427,6 @@ const routes = [
name: 'List Status Pages',
component: AutopilotListStatusPages,
- {
- path: '/endpoint/autopilot/edit-autopilot-profiles',
- name: 'Edit Autopilot Profiles',
- component: EditAutopilotProfile,
- },
- {
- path: '/endpoint/autopilot/edit-autopilot-status-page',
- name: 'Edit Autopilot Status Page',
- component: EditAutopilotStatusPage,
- },
{ path: '/endpoint/MEM', name: 'MEM' },
{ path: '/endpoint/MEM/list-policies', name: 'List MEM Policies', component: IntuneListPolicies },
{ path: '/endpoint/MEM/edit-policy', name: 'Edit MEM Policy', component: MEMEditPolicy },
diff --git a/src/store/api/app.js b/src/store/api/app.js
index a7242f850eb6..5f366d65ee93 100644
--- a/src/store/api/app.js
+++ b/src/store/api/app.js
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export const appApi = baseApi.injectEndpoints({
+ sendtoIntegration,
}) => ({
path: '/api/ExecNotificationConfig',
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ export const appApi = baseApi.injectEndpoints({
addChocoApp: addChocoApp,
onePerTenant: onePerTenant,
logsToInclude: logsToInclude,
+ sendtoIntegration: sendtoIntegration,
method: 'post',
diff --git a/src/store/middleware/errorMiddleware.js b/src/store/middleware/errorMiddleware.js
index 4adfce059a6a..740027f89dc3 100644
--- a/src/store/middleware/errorMiddleware.js
+++ b/src/store/middleware/errorMiddleware.js
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ export const errorMiddleware =
'The Azure Function has taken too long to respond. Try selecting a different report or a single tenant instead'
const message = action.payload?.data || 'A generic error has occurred.'
+ if (message.length > 240) {
+ message = message.substring(0, 240) + '...'
+ }
const toastError = action.payload
diff --git a/src/views/cipp/CIPPSettings.js b/src/views/cipp/CIPPSettings.js
index c29575f64b76..931ecdb7ea4c 100644
--- a/src/views/cipp/CIPPSettings.js
+++ b/src/views/cipp/CIPPSettings.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import {
+ CCardText,
} from '@coreui/react'
import {
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ import CippListOffcanvas from 'src/components/utilities/CippListOffcanvas'
import { TitleButton } from 'src/components/buttons'
import Skeleton from 'react-loading-skeleton'
import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
+import Extensions from 'src/data/Extensions.json'
const CIPPSettings = () => {
const [active, setActive] = useState(1)
@@ -101,6 +103,12 @@ const CIPPSettings = () => {
setActive(6)} href="#">
+ setActive(7)} href="#">
+ Extensions
+ setActive(8)} href="#">
+ Extension Mappings
@@ -121,6 +129,12 @@ const CIPPSettings = () => {
@@ -1025,6 +1039,13 @@ const NotificationsSettings = () => {
Set Notification Settings
@@ -1265,6 +1286,249 @@ const DNSSettings = () => {
+const ExtensionsTab = () => {
+ const [listBackend, listBackendResult] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const inputRef = useRef(null)
+ const [setExtensionconfig, extensionConfigResult] = useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery()
+ const [execTestExtension, listExtensionTestResult] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [execSyncExtension, listSyncExtensionResult] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const onSubmitTest = (integrationName) => {
+ execTestExtension({
+ path: 'api/ExecExtensionTest?extensionName=' + integrationName,
+ })
+ }
+ const onSubmit = (values) => {
+ setExtensionconfig({
+ path: 'api/ExecExtensionsConfig',
+ values: values,
+ })
+ }
+ return (
+ {listBackendResult.isUninitialized && listBackend({ path: 'api/ListExtensionsConfig' })}
+ <>
+ {(listBackendResult.isFetching ||
+ extensionConfigResult.isFetching ||
+ listExtensionTestResult.isFetching ||
+ listSyncExtensionResult.isFetching) &&
+ {listSyncExtensionResult.isSuccess && (
+ Results
+ <>
+ {listSyncExtensionResult.data.Results}
+ >
+ )}
+ {listExtensionTestResult.isSuccess && (
+ Results
+ <>
+ {listExtensionTestResult.data.Results}
+ >
+ )}
+ {extensionConfigResult.isSuccess && (
+ Results
+ <>
+ {extensionConfigResult.data.Results}
+ >
+ )}
+ {Extensions.map((integration) => (
+ {integration.name}
+ {integration.helpText}
+ ))}
+ >
+ )
+const MappingsTab = () => {
+ const [listBackend, listBackendResult] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [setExtensionconfig, extensionConfigResult] = useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery()
+ const onSubmit = (values) => {
+ setExtensionconfig({
+ path: 'api/ExecExtensionMapping?AddMapping=true',
+ values: { mappings: values },
+ })
+ }
+ return (
+ {listBackendResult.isUninitialized &&
+ listBackend({ path: 'api/ExecExtensionMapping?List=true' })}
+ <>
+ HaloPSA Mapping Table
+ {listBackendResult.isFetching ? (
+ ) : (
+ >
+ )
const Maintenance = () => {
const [selectedScript, setSelectedScript] = useState()
const [listBackend, listBackendResult] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
diff --git a/src/views/email-exchange/administration/EditMailboxPermissions.js b/src/views/email-exchange/administration/EditMailboxPermissions.js
index 317ecc1358ef..0d935683f332 100644
--- a/src/views/email-exchange/administration/EditMailboxPermissions.js
+++ b/src/views/email-exchange/administration/EditMailboxPermissions.js
@@ -7,23 +7,75 @@ import {
+ CNav,
+ CNavItem,
+ CTabContent,
+ CTabPane,
} from '@coreui/react'
import useQuery from 'src/hooks/useQuery'
+import { CippPage, CippPageList, CippMasonry, CippMasonryItem } from 'src/components/layout'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
-import { Form } from 'react-final-form'
-import { RFFSelectSearch } from 'src/components/forms'
+import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form'
+import { RFFSelectSearch, RFFCFormSelect, RFFCFormCheck, RFFCFormInput } from 'src/components/forms'
import { useListUsersQuery } from 'src/store/api/users'
import { ModalService } from 'src/components/utilities'
-import { useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery } from 'src/store/api/app'
+import { useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery, useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery } from 'src/store/api/app'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { faCircleNotch } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
-import { useListMailboxPermissionsQuery } from 'src/store/api/mailbox'
+import {
+ useListMailboxPermissionsQuery,
+ useListMailboxesQuery,
+ useListCalendarPermissionsQuery,
+} from 'src/store/api/mailbox'
import { CippTable } from 'src/components/tables'
+import { useListMailboxDetailsQuery } from 'src/store/api/mailbox'
+import { CellBoolean } from 'src/components/tables'
+const formatter = (cell, warning = false, reverse = false, colourless = false) =>
+ CellBoolean({ cell, warning, reverse, colourless })
+const MailboxSettings = () => {
+ const [active, setActive] = useState(1)
+ return (
+ setActive(1)} href="#">
+ Mailbox Permissions
+ setActive(2)} href="#">
+ Calendar Permissions
+ setActive(3)} href="#">
+ Mailbox Forwarding
+ )
+export default MailboxSettings
-const EditMailboxPermission = () => {
+const MailboxPermissions = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
let query = useQuery()
const userId = query.get('userId')
@@ -251,4 +303,465 @@ const EditMailboxPermission = () => {
-export default EditMailboxPermission
+const columns = [
+ {
+ name: 'User',
+ selector: (row) => row['User'],
+ sortable: true,
+ wrap: true,
+ cell: (row) => row['User'],
+ exportSelector: 'User',
+ maxWidth: '150px',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'AccessRights',
+ selector: (row) => row['AccessRights'],
+ sortable: true,
+ wrap: true,
+ cell: (row) => row['AccessRights'],
+ exportSelector: 'AccessRights',
+ maxWidth: '150px',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Identity',
+ selector: (row) => row['Identity'],
+ sortable: true,
+ wrap: true,
+ cell: (row) => row['Identity'],
+ exportSelector: 'Identity',
+ maxWidth: '150px',
+ },
+const CalendarPermissions = () => {
+ const dispatch = useDispatch()
+ let query = useQuery()
+ const userId = query.get('userId')
+ const tenantDomain = query.get('tenantDomain')
+ const [queryError, setQueryError] = useState(false)
+ const {
+ data: user = {},
+ isFetching: userIsFetching,
+ error: userError,
+ } = useListCalendarPermissionsQuery({ tenantDomain, userId })
+ const {
+ data: users = [],
+ isFetching: usersIsFetching,
+ error: usersError,
+ } = useListMailboxesQuery({ tenantDomain })
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!userId || !tenantDomain) {
+ ModalService.open({
+ body: 'Error invalid request, could not load requested user.',
+ title: 'Invalid Request',
+ })
+ setQueryError(true)
+ } else {
+ setQueryError(false)
+ }
+ }, [userId, tenantDomain, dispatch])
+ const [genericPostRequest, postResults] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const onSubmit = (values) => {
+ const shippedValues = {
+ FolderName: user[0].FolderName,
+ userid: userId,
+ tenantFilter: tenantDomain,
+ Permissions: values.Permissions ? values.Permissions.value : '',
+ UserToGetPermissions: values.UserToGetPermissions ? values.UserToGetPermissions.value : '',
+ RemoveAccess: values.RemoveAccess ? values.RemoveAccess.value : '',
+ }
+ //window.alert(JSON.stringify(shippedValues))
+ genericPostRequest({ path: '/api/ExecEditCalendarPermissions', params: shippedValues })
+ }
+ const initialState = {}
+ // this is dumb
+ const formDisabled = queryError === true
+ const UsersMapped = users?.map((user) => ({
+ value: `${user.primarySmtpAddress}`,
+ name: `${user.displayName} - (${user.primarySmtpAddress})`,
+ }))
+ UsersMapped.unshift({ value: 'Default', name: 'Default' })
+ return (
+ {!queryError && (
+ <>
+ {postResults.isSuccess && (
+ {postResults.data?.Results}
+ )}
+ {queryError && (
+ {/* @todo add more descriptive help message here */}
+ Failed to load user
+ )}
+ Account Details
+ {userIsFetching && }
+ {userError && Error loading user}
+ {!userIsFetching && (
+ Current Permissions
+ {userIsFetching && }
+ {!userIsFetching && (
+ <>
+ {user.length > 0 && (
+ )}
+ >
+ )}
+ >
+ )}
+ )
+const MailboxForwarding = () => {
+ const dispatch = useDispatch()
+ let query = useQuery()
+ const userId = query.get('userId')
+ const tenantDomain = query.get('tenantDomain')
+ const [queryError, setQueryError] = useState(false)
+ //const [EditMailboxPermission, { error: EditMailboxPermissionError, isFetching: EditMailboxPermissionIsFetching }] = useEditMailboxPermissionMutation()
+ const [genericPostRequest, postResults] = useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery()
+ const {
+ data: user = {},
+ isFetching: userIsFetching,
+ error: userError,
+ refetch: refetchPermissions,
+ } = useListMailboxPermissionsQuery({ tenantDomain, userId })
+ const {
+ data: users = [],
+ isFetching: usersIsFetching,
+ error: usersError,
+ } = useListUsersQuery({ tenantDomain })
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (postResults.isSuccess) {
+ refetchPermissions()
+ }
+ if (!userId || !tenantDomain) {
+ ModalService.open({
+ body: 'Error invalid request, could not load requested user.',
+ title: 'Invalid Request',
+ })
+ setQueryError(true)
+ } else {
+ setQueryError(false)
+ }
+ }, [userId, tenantDomain, dispatch, postResults, refetchPermissions])
+ const onSubmit = (values) => {
+ const shippedValues = {
+ userid: userId,
+ tenantFilter: tenantDomain,
+ ForwardInternal: values.ForwardInternal ? values.ForwardInternal : '',
+ ForwardExternal: values.ForwardExternal ? values.ForwardExternal : '',
+ KeepCopy: values.KeepCopy ? true : false,
+ disableForwarding: values.forwardOption === 'disabled',
+ }
+ //window.alert(JSON.stringify(shippedValues))
+ genericPostRequest({ path: '/api/ExecEmailForward', values: shippedValues })
+ }
+ const initialState = {
+ ...user,
+ }
+ const columns = [
+ {
+ name: 'User',
+ selector: (row) => row.User,
+ sortable: true,
+ wrap: true,
+ exportSelector: 'User',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Permissions',
+ selector: (row) => row['Permissions'],
+ sortable: true,
+ wrap: true,
+ exportSelector: 'Permissions',
+ },
+ ]
+ const formDisabled = queryError === true
+ return (
+ {!queryError && (
+ <>
+ {queryError && (
+ {/* @todo add more descriptive help message here */}
+ Failed to load user
+ )}
+ Account Details - {userId}
+ {usersIsFetching && }
+ {userError && Error loading user}
+ {!usersIsFetching && (
+ Account Details - {userId}
+ >
+ )}
+ )
+const ForwardingSettings = () => {
+ const query = useQuery()
+ const userId = query.get('userId')
+ const tenantDomain = query.get('tenantDomain')
+ const { data: details, isFetching, error } = useListMailboxDetailsQuery({ userId, tenantDomain })
+ const content = [
+ {
+ heading: 'Forward and Deliver',
+ body: formatter(details?.ForwardAndDeliver, false, false, true),
+ },
+ {
+ heading: 'Forwarding Address',
+ body: details?.ForwardingAddress ? details?.ForwardingAddress : 'N/A',
+ },
+ ]
+ return (
+ {content.map((item, index) => (
+ ))}
+ )
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddDevice.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddDevice.js
index 80e28426fdef..0496ea4e1acc 100644
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddDevice.js
+++ b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddDevice.js
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ const AddAPDevice = () => {
+ const valbutton = (value) =>
+ autopilotData ? undefined : 'You must add at least one device. Did you forget to click add?'
const handleOnDrop = (data) => {
const importdata = data.map((item) => {
const normalizedData = {}
@@ -209,6 +210,14 @@ const AddAPDevice = () => {
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddPolicyTemplate.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddPolicyTemplate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4172564964e..000000000000
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddPolicyTemplate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-const AutopilotAddPolicyTemplate = (props) => {
- return (
- )
-export default AutopilotAddPolicyTemplate
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddProfile.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddProfile.js
index 7ab5e5ef7630..4247ea12a19c 100644
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddProfile.js
+++ b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddProfile.js
@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ const ApplyStandard = () => {
{!postResults.isSuccess && (
{(props) => {
- /* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
return (
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddStatusPage.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddStatusPage.js
index d1845cb59e20..516ee21de8be 100644
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddStatusPage.js
+++ b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotAddStatusPage.js
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ const ApplyStandard = () => {
{!postResults.isSuccess && (
{(props) => {
- /* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
return (
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditProfile.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditProfile.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1872007188a6..000000000000
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditProfile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-const EditAutopilotProfile = (props) => {
- return (
Edit Profile
- )
-export default EditAutopilotProfile
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditStatusPage.js b/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditStatusPage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e391683991..000000000000
--- a/src/views/endpoint/autopilot/AutopilotEditStatusPage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-const EditAutopilotStatusPage = (props) => {
- return (
Edit Status Page
- )
-export default EditAutopilotStatusPage
diff --git a/src/views/endpoint/intune/Devices.js b/src/views/endpoint/intune/Devices.js
index 06d28a18c558..85111eab9967 100644
--- a/src/views/endpoint/intune/Devices.js
+++ b/src/views/endpoint/intune/Devices.js
@@ -132,18 +132,38 @@ const Offcanvas = (row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
color: 'danger',
modal: true,
modalType: 'POST',
- modalBody: { keepUserData: 'false', keepEnrollmentData: 'true' },
+ modalBody: { keepUserData: false, keepEnrollmentData: true },
+ modalUrl: `/api/ExecDeviceAction?TenantFilter=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&GUID=${row.id}&Action=cleanWindowsDevice`,
+ modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device, and retain enrollment data?',
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Wipe Device, remove enrollment data',
+ color: 'danger',
+ modal: true,
+ modalType: 'POST',
+ modalBody: { keepUserData: false, keepEnrollmentData: false },
modalUrl: `/api/ExecDeviceAction?TenantFilter=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&GUID=${row.id}&Action=cleanWindowsDevice`,
- modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device',
+ modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device, and remove enrollment data?',
- label: 'Wipe Device and continue at powerloss',
+ label: 'Wipe Device, keep enrollment data, and continue at powerloss',
+ color: 'danger',
+ modal: true,
+ modalType: 'POST',
+ modalBody: { keepEnrollmentData: true, keepUserData: false, useProtectedWipe: true },
+ modalUrl: `/api/ExecDeviceAction?TenantFilter=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&GUID=${row.id}&Action=cleanWindowsDevice`,
+ modalMessage:
+ 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device? This will retain enrollment data. Continuing at powerloss may cause boot issues if wipe is interrupted.',
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Wipe Device, remove enrollment data, and continue at powerloss',
color: 'danger',
modal: true,
modalType: 'POST',
modalBody: { keepEnrollmentData: false, keepUserData: false, useProtectedWipe: true },
modalUrl: `/api/ExecDeviceAction?TenantFilter=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&GUID=${row.id}&Action=cleanWindowsDevice`,
- modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device',
+ modalMessage:
+ 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device? This will also remove enrollment data. Continuing at powerloss may cause boot issues if wipe is interrupted.',
label: 'Autopilot Reset',
@@ -152,7 +172,7 @@ const Offcanvas = (row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
modalType: 'POST',
modalBody: { keepUserData: 'false', keepEnrollmentData: 'true' },
modalUrl: `/api/ExecDeviceAction?TenantFilter=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&GUID=${row.id}&Action=wipe`,
- modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to wipe this device',
+ modalMessage: 'Are you sure you want to Autopilot Reset this device?',
label: 'Retire device',
diff --git a/src/views/home/Home.js b/src/views/home/Home.js
index df7e05d94be5..957c36d4e933 100644
--- a/src/views/home/Home.js
+++ b/src/views/home/Home.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import {
- faEnvelope,
@@ -24,11 +23,7 @@ import Skeleton from 'react-loading-skeleton'
import { UniversalSearch } from 'src/components/utilities/UniversalSearch'
import { ActionContentCard } from 'src/components/contentcards'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
-import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
import allStandardsList from 'src/data/standards'
-import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en.json'
import ReactTimeAgo from 'react-time-ago'
const Home = () => {
@@ -53,6 +48,16 @@ const Home = () => {
params: { tenantFilter: currentTenant.defaultDomainName },
+ const {
+ data: sharepoint,
+ isLoading: isLoadingSPQuota,
+ isSuccess: issuccessSPQuota,
+ isFetching: isFetchingSPQuota,
+ } = useGenericGetRequestQuery({
+ path: '/api/ListSharepointQuota',
+ params: { tenantFilter: currentTenant.defaultDomainName },
+ })
const {
data: standards,
isLoading: isLoadingStandards,
@@ -63,30 +68,49 @@ const Home = () => {
params: {},
+ const {
+ data: partners,
+ isLoading: isLoadingPartners,
+ isSuccess: issuccessPartners,
+ isFetching: isFetchingPartners,
+ } = useGenericGetRequestQuery({
+ path: '/api/ListGraphRequest',
+ params: {
+ Endpoint: 'policies/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners',
+ tenantFilter: currentTenant.defaultDomainName,
+ ReverseTenantLookup: true,
+ },
+ })
const actions1 = [
label: 'M365 Admin',
link: `https://portal.office.com/Partner/BeginClientSession.aspx?CTID=${currentTenant.customerId}&CSDEST=o365admincenter`,
+ target: '_blank',
icon: faCog,
label: 'Exchange',
link: `https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/?landingpage=homepage&form=mac_sidebar&delegatedOrg=${currentTenant.defaultDomainName}#`,
+ target: '_blank',
icon: faMailBulk,
label: 'Intune',
link: `https://intune.microsoft.com/${currentTenant.defaultDomainName}`,
+ target: '_blank',
icon: faLaptopCode,
label: 'Entra',
link: `https://entra.microsoft.com/${currentTenant.defaultDomainName}`,
+ target: '_blank',
icon: faUsers,
label: 'Security',
link: `https://security.microsoft.com/?tid=${currentTenant.customerId}`,
+ target: '_blank',
icon: faShieldAlt,
@@ -117,6 +141,11 @@ const Home = () => {
link: `/identity/administration/groups?customerId=${currentTenant.customerId}`,
icon: faUsers,
+ {
+ label: 'List Devices',
+ link: `/endpoint/reports/devices?customerId=${currentTenant.customerId}`,
+ icon: faLaptopCode,
+ },
label: 'Create User',
link: `/identity/administration/users/add?customerId=${currentTenant.customerId}`,
@@ -253,6 +282,11 @@ const Home = () => {
+ Sharepoint Quota
+ {(isLoadingSPQuota || isFetchingSPQuota) && }
+ {sharepoint && !isFetchingSPQuota && sharepoint?.Dashboard}
Applied Standards
{(isLoadingStandards || isFetchingStandards) && }
@@ -277,6 +311,21 @@ const Home = () => {
+ Partner Relationships
+ {(isLoadingPartners || isFetchingPartners) && }
+ {issuccessPartners &&
+ !isFetchingPartners &&
+ partners.map((partner) => {
+ if (partner.TenantInfo) {
+ return (
+ {partner.TenantInfo.displayName} ({partner.TenantInfo.defaultDomainName})
+ )
+ }
+ })}
diff --git a/src/views/identity/administration/EditGroup.js b/src/views/identity/administration/EditGroup.js
index bc27feebc675..9ea8160b396a 100644
--- a/src/views/identity/administration/EditGroup.js
+++ b/src/views/identity/administration/EditGroup.js
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ const EditGroup = () => {
- Group Details
+ Group Details {group[0] && `- ${group[0].displayName}`}
{isFetching && }
diff --git a/src/views/identity/administration/Users.js b/src/views/identity/administration/Users.js
index 9409f8230b35..7cf8eda1368b 100644
--- a/src/views/identity/administration/Users.js
+++ b/src/views/identity/administration/Users.js
@@ -8,12 +8,26 @@ import { cellBooleanFormatter, CellTip } from 'src/components/tables'
import { CippPageList } from 'src/components/layout'
import { TitleButton } from 'src/components/buttons'
import { CippActionsOffcanvas } from 'src/components/utilities'
+import { cellLicenseFormatter, CellLicense } from 'src/components/tables/CellLicense'
+import M365Licenses from 'src/data/M365Licenses'
const Offcanvas = (row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
const tenant = useSelector((state) => state.app.currentTenant)
const [ocVisible, setOCVisible] = useState(false)
const viewLink = `/identity/administration/users/view?userId=${row.id}&tenantDomain=${tenant.defaultDomainName}&userEmail=${row.userPrincipalName}`
const editLink = `/identity/administration/users/edit?userId=${row.id}&tenantDomain=${tenant.defaultDomainName}`
+ let licenses = []
+ row.assignedLicenses?.map((licenseAssignment, idx) => {
+ for (var x = 0; x < M365Licenses.length; x++) {
+ if (licenseAssignment.skuId == M365Licenses[x].GUID) {
+ licenses.push(M365Licenses[x].Product_Display_Name)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ var licJoined = licenses.join(', ')
return (
@@ -38,7 +52,7 @@ const Offcanvas = (row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
{ label: 'Given Name', value: `${row.givenName ?? ' '}` },
{ label: 'Surname', value: `${row.surname ?? ' '}` },
{ label: 'Job Title', value: `${row.jobTitle ?? ' '}` },
- { label: 'Licenses', value: `${row.LicJoined ?? ' '}` },
+ { label: 'Licenses', value: `${licJoined ?? ' '}` },
{ label: 'Business Phone', value: `${row.businessPhones ?? ' '}` },
{ label: 'Mobile Phone', value: `${row.mobilePhone ?? ' '}` },
{ label: 'Mail', value: `${row.mail ?? ' '}` },
@@ -260,8 +274,10 @@ const Users = (row) => {
name: 'Licenses',
- selector: (row) => row['LicJoined'],
- exportSelector: 'LicJoined',
+ selector: (row) => row['assignedLicenses'],
+ exportSelector: 'assignedLicenses',
+ exportFormatter: CellLicense,
+ cell: cellLicenseFormatter(),
sortable: true,
grow: 5,
wrap: true,
@@ -318,11 +334,23 @@ const Users = (row) => {
filter: 'assignedLicenses/$count ne 0',
graphFilter: true,
+ {
+ filterName: 'Users with a license & Enabled (Graph)',
+ filter: 'assignedLicenses/$count ne 0 and accountEnabled eq true',
+ graphFilter: true,
+ },
- path: '/api/ListUsers',
+ path: '/api/ListGraphRequest',
reportName: `${tenant?.defaultDomainName}-Users`,
- params: { TenantFilter: tenant?.defaultDomainName },
+ params: {
+ TenantFilter: tenant?.defaultDomainName,
+ Endpoint: 'users',
+ $select:
+ 'id,accountEnabled,businessPhones,city,createdDateTime,companyName,country,department,displayName,faxNumber,givenName,isResourceAccount,jobTitle,mail,mailNickname,mobilePhone,onPremisesDistinguishedName,officeLocation,onPremisesLastSyncDateTime,otherMails,postalCode,preferredDataLocation,preferredLanguage,proxyAddresses,showInAddressList,state,streetAddress,surname,usageLocation,userPrincipalName,userType,assignedLicenses,onPremisesSyncEnabled',
+ $count: true,
+ $orderby: 'displayName',
+ },
tableProps: {
selectableRows: true,
actionsList: [
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/administration/AlertWizard.js b/src/views/tenant/administration/AlertWizard.js
index 65bee4412323..54b42e424dd2 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/administration/AlertWizard.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/administration/AlertWizard.js
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ const AlertWizard = () => {
@@ -253,6 +257,14 @@ const AlertWizard = () => {
icon={props.values.NoCAConfig ? faCheck : faTimes}
+ Alert on Security Defaults automatic enablement
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/administration/ListAlertsQueue.js b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListAlertsQueue.js
index 485c11b5444c..bd05c3f1b51b 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/administration/ListAlertsQueue.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListAlertsQueue.js
@@ -135,6 +135,13 @@ const ListAlertsQueue = () => {
exportSelector: 'NoCAConfig',
cell: cellBooleanFormatter(),
+ {
+ name: 'Sec Defaults Auto-Enable',
+ selector: (row) => row['SecDefaultsUpsell'],
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'SecDefaultsUpsell',
+ cell: cellBooleanFormatter(),
+ },
name: 'Actions',
cell: Actions,
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/administration/ListEnterpriseApps.js b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListEnterpriseApps.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e1a3bfa9b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListEnterpriseApps.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import { CButton } from '@coreui/react'
+import { faEllipsisV, faTrashAlt } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
+import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
+import { CippPageList } from 'src/components/layout'
+import { cellDateFormatter, cellNullTextFormatter } from 'src/components/tables'
+import { CippActionsOffcanvas } from 'src/components/utilities'
+import { cellLogoFormatter } from 'src/components/tables/CellLogo'
+import { CellTip } from 'src/components/tables/CellGenericFormat'
+const EnterpriseApplications = () => {
+ const [tenantColumnSet, setTenantColumn] = useState(true)
+ const tenant = useSelector((state) => state.app.currentTenant)
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (tenant.defaultDomainName === 'AllTenants') {
+ setTenantColumn(false)
+ }
+ if (tenant.defaultDomainName !== 'AllTenants') {
+ setTenantColumn(true)
+ }
+ }, [tenantColumnSet])
+ const columns = [
+ {
+ name: 'Tenant',
+ selector: (row) => row['Tenant'],
+ sortable: true,
+ cell: (row) => CellTip(row['Tenant']),
+ exportSelector: 'Tenant',
+ omit: tenantColumnSet,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Retrieval Status',
+ selector: (row) => row['CippStatus'],
+ sortable: true,
+ cell: (row) => CellTip(row['CippStatus']),
+ exportSelector: 'CippStatus',
+ omit: tenantColumnSet,
+ },
+ {
+ name: '',
+ selector: (row) => row.info,
+ cell: cellLogoFormatter(),
+ maxWidth: '1px',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Application Name',
+ selector: (row) => row.displayName,
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'displayName',
+ cell: cellNullTextFormatter(),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Application Id',
+ selector: (row) => row.appId,
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'appId',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Created',
+ selector: (row) => row.createdDateTime,
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'createdDateTime',
+ cell: cellDateFormatter({ format: 'short' }),
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Publisher',
+ selector: (row) => row.publisherName,
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'publisherName',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Homepage',
+ selector: (row) => row.homepage,
+ sortable: true,
+ exportSelector: 'homepage',
+ cell: cellDateFormatter({ format: 'short' }),
+ },
+ ]
+ return (
+ )
+export default EnterpriseApplications
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/administration/ListGDAPRelationships.js b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListGDAPRelationships.js
index f44b5da4d144..ae40d66ddd40 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/administration/ListGDAPRelationships.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/administration/ListGDAPRelationships.js
@@ -6,19 +6,33 @@ import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { CippPageList } from 'src/components/layout'
import { cellDateFormatter, cellNullTextFormatter } from 'src/components/tables'
import { CippActionsOffcanvas } from 'src/components/utilities'
+import GDAPRoles from 'src/data/GDAPRoles'
const Actions = (row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
const [ocVisible, setOCVisible] = useState(false)
const tenant = useSelector((state) => state.app.currentTenant)
+ var extendedInfo = []
+ row?.accessDetails.unifiedRoles.map((role) => {
+ for (var x = 0; x < GDAPRoles.length; x++) {
+ if (GDAPRoles[x].ObjectId == role.roleDefinitionId) {
+ extendedInfo.push({
+ label: GDAPRoles[x].Name,
+ value: GDAPRoles[x].Description,
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ })
return (
name: 'Tenant',
selector: (row) => row.customer?.displayName,
sortable: true,
- exportSelector: 'customer',
+ exportSelector: 'customer/displayName',
cell: cellNullTextFormatter(),
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/administration/Tenants.js b/src/views/tenant/administration/Tenants.js
index a181ae12a798..f3431c1a8eb7 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/administration/Tenants.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/administration/Tenants.js
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ const TenantsList = () => {
- name: 'AAD Portal',
+ name: 'Entra Portal',
omit: columnOmits,
selector: (row) => row['defaultDomainName'],
center: true,
cell: (row) => (
center: true,
cell: (row) => (
@@ -37,6 +43,12 @@ function getDeepKeys(obj) {
const ApplyStandard = () => {
const [genericPostRequest, postResults] = useLazyGenericPostRequestQuery()
+ const [intuneGetRequest, intuneTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [transportGetRequest, transportTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [exConnectorGetRequest, exConnectorTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [caGetRequest, caTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [groupGetRequest, groupTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
const handleSubmit = async (values) => {
// @todo: clean this up api sided so we don't need to perform weird tricks.
Object.keys(values.standards).filter(function (x) {
@@ -225,6 +237,45 @@ const ApplyStandard = () => {
+ Step 5
+ Select Standards
+ {allStandardsList
+ .filter((obj) => obj.cat === 'Intune')
+ .map((item, key) => (
+ <>
+ {item.addedComponent && (
+ {item.addedComponent.type === 'Select' ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ )}
+ >
+ ))}
+ Step 7
+ Select Default Templates to apply
+ Attention: Selected options below will run every 3 hours and overwrite any previously set
+ policy by the same name. This will keep the policy exactly in the state as defined by the
+ template.
+ {intuneTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ intuneGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListIntuneTemplates' })}
+ {intuneTemplates.isSuccess && (
+ ({
+ value: template.GUID,
+ name: template.Displayname,
+ }))}
+ placeholder="Select a template"
+ label="Choose your intune templates to apply"
+ />
+ )}
+ {transportTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ transportGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListTransportRulesTemplates' })}
+ {transportTemplates.isSuccess && (
+ ({
+ value: template.GUID,
+ name: template.name,
+ }))}
+ placeholder="Select a template"
+ label="Choose your Transport Rule templates to apply"
+ />
+ )}
+ {caTemplates.isUninitialized && caGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListCAtemplates' })}
+ {caTemplates.isSuccess && (
+ ({
+ value: template.GUID,
+ name: template.displayName,
+ }))}
+ placeholder="Select a template"
+ label="Choose your intune templates to apply"
+ />
+ )}
+ {exConnectorTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ exConnectorGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListExConnectorTemplates' })}
+ {exConnectorTemplates.isSuccess && (
+ ({
+ value: template.GUID,
+ name: template.name,
+ }))}
+ placeholder="Select a template"
+ label="Choose your intune templates to apply"
+ />
+ )}
+ {groupTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ groupGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListGroupTemplates' })}
+ {groupTemplates.isSuccess && (
+ ({
+ value: template.GUID,
+ name: template.Displayname,
+ }))}
+ placeholder="Select a template"
+ label="Choose your intune templates to apply"
+ />
+ )}
Step 6
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/standards/BestPracticeAnalyser.js b/src/views/tenant/standards/BestPracticeAnalyser.js
index 826b8633e1d5..3361dad1b699 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/standards/BestPracticeAnalyser.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/standards/BestPracticeAnalyser.js
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ const BestPracticeAnalyser = () => {
name: 'Privacy in Reports Enabled',
selector: (row) => row['PrivacyEnabled'],
- cell: cellBooleanFormatter({ reverse: true, warning: true }),
+ cell: cellBooleanFormatter({ reverse: false, warning: false }),
sortable: true,
exportSelector: 'PrivacyEnabled',
minWidth: '150px',
diff --git a/src/views/tenant/standards/ListAppliedStandards.js b/src/views/tenant/standards/ListAppliedStandards.js
index 541bebacfd00..ebb248fe2da2 100644
--- a/src/views/tenant/standards/ListAppliedStandards.js
+++ b/src/views/tenant/standards/ListAppliedStandards.js
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
import React from 'react'
import { CButton, CCallout, CCol, CForm, CRow, CSpinner } from '@coreui/react'
import { Form } from 'react-final-form'
-import { Condition, RFFCFormInput, RFFCFormSelect, RFFCFormSwitch } from 'src/components/forms'
+import {
+ Condition,
+ RFFCFormInput,
+ RFFCFormSelect,
+ RFFCFormSwitch,
+ RFFSelectSearch,
+} from 'src/components/forms'
import {
@@ -15,7 +21,6 @@ import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import Skeleton from 'react-loading-skeleton'
import { CippTable } from 'src/components/tables'
import allStandardsList from 'src/data/standards'
-import { CellTip } from 'src/components/tables/CellGenericFormat'
const RefreshAction = () => {
const [execStandards, execStandardsResults] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
@@ -120,7 +125,13 @@ const ListAppliedStandards = () => {
exportSelector: 'StandardsExport',
+ const [intuneGetRequest, intuneTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [transportGetRequest, transportTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [exConnectorGetRequest, exConnectorTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [caGetRequest, caTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const [groupGetRequest, groupTemplates] = useLazyGenericGetRequestQuery()
+ const initialValues = listStandardResults[0]
+ console.log(initialValues)
return (
@@ -136,9 +147,18 @@ const ListAppliedStandards = () => {
title="List and edit standard"
{isFetching && }
+ {intuneTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ intuneGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListIntuneTemplates' })}
+ {transportTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ transportGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListTransportRulesTemplates' })}
+ {caTemplates.isUninitialized && caGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListCAtemplates' })}
+ {exConnectorTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ exConnectorGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListExConnectorTemplates' })}
+ {groupTemplates.isUninitialized &&
+ groupGetRequest({ path: 'api/ListGroupTemplates' })}
{isSuccess && !isFetching && (