Releases: RoderickQiu/wnr
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 添加了预设任务功能。
- 添加了只对休息或工作时禁止暂停的功能。
- 重新设计了MacOS上的图标,使之符合最新规范。
- 优化了其它数个功能。
- 由于我比预想中更忙,一些预定要上线的功能暂时还没做。
- 修复了MacOS上MINI模式和全屏专心模式的衔接问题。
- 修复了统计功能工作不正常的问题。
- 增加了MacOS上的不在计时提示。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Added reserved tasks feature.
- Added setting to only ban pausing when working or resting.
- Redesigned icon on macOS to follow Big Sur rules.
- Optimized & bugs fixed.
- Because I was actually buuuussssy recently, some granted features hadn't been finished.
Recently Updated:
- Fixed MINI mode on macOS.
- Fixed statistics bugs related to pausing.
- Added not timing tip for macOS.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 修复了MacOS上MINI模式和全屏专心模式的衔接问题。
- 修复了统计功能工作不正常的问题。
- 增加了MacOS上的不在计时提示。
- 我们正在花许多时间构建许多令人激动的功能。
- 新的快捷键系统,提供更多快捷键可供设置。
- 新的“单纯计时”模式,支持无干扰反复运行一个任务。
- 在全屏专心时屏幕不熄灭。
- 修复宽松的全屏模式有时不正常的问题。
- 进行各种综合性优化和问题修复,提升用户体验,还升级到了Electron11。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Fixed MINI mode on macOS.
- Fixed statistics bugs related to pausing.
- Added not timing tip for macOS.
- We are currently spending time making some brilliant new features.
Recently Updated:
- A new hotkey system.
- A new "Just Timing" mode.
- Now wnr keeps the display on when fullscreen timing.
- Fixed the bug that loose fullscreen mode sometimes behaviors badly.
- Other general improvements and bug fixes & update to Electron 11.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 新的快捷键系统,提供更多快捷键可供设置。
- 新的“单纯计时”模式,支持无干扰反复运行一个任务。
- 在全屏专心时屏幕不熄灭。
- 修复宽松的全屏模式有时不正常的问题。
- 进行各种综合性优化和问题修复,提升用户体验,还升级到了Electron11。
- 我们已经定好了中文名,将在一个月之后公布。
- 支持长度一分钟以内的任务。
- 修复暗黑模式判断逻辑。
- 升级Electron支持库版本到10,提升运行速度。
- 正计时模式推出。
- 重新设计了长时间未使用软件时的提示。
- 优化计时中断后的处理逻辑。
- 优化使用体验,修复漏洞。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- A new hotkey system.
- A new "Just Timing" mode.
- Now wnr keeps the display on when fullscreen timing.
- Fixed the bug that loose fullscreen mode sometimes behaviors badly.
- Other general improvements and bug fixes & update to Electron 11.
Recently Updated:
- Now supports tasks less than 1 minute.
- Fixed dark mode detecting logic.
- Updated to Electron 10 for better performance.
- New liberal timing mode.
- Redesigned the long-time-no-see notice.
- Optimized the timer-restore logic.
- User interaction improved, with other general problems fixed.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 支持长度一分钟以内的任务。
- 修复暗黑模式判断逻辑。
- 升级Electron支持库版本到10,提升运行速度。
- 正计时模式推出。
- 重新设计了长时间未使用软件时的提示。
- 优化计时中断后的处理逻辑。
- 优化使用体验,修复漏洞。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Now supports tasks less than 1 minute.
- Fixed dark mode detecting logic.
- Updated to Electron 10 for better performance.
Recently Updated:
- New liberal timing mode.
- Redesigned the long-time-no-see notice.
- Optimized the timer-restore logic.
- User interaction improved, with other general problems fixed.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 正计时模式推出。
- 重新设计了长时间未使用软件时的提示。
- 优化计时中断后的处理逻辑。
- 优化使用体验,修复漏洞。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- New liberal timing mode.
- Redesigned the long-time-no-see notice.
- Optimized the timer-restore logic.
- User interaction improved, with other general problems fixed.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 修复了开启MINI模式后有时不能直接开始全屏专心的问题。
- UI设计优化,如优化确认框的样式等。
- 优化性能,修复漏洞。
- 目前正在制作黑名单功能,尚未完工,敬请期待。
- 允许改变窗口大小。
- 为macOS系统优化,包括在设置里关闭信息显示,窗口关闭逻辑,外接屏幕处理逻辑,托盘菜单显示,MINI模式使用逻辑和系统触发关机后的反应方面的优化。
- 为Windows系统优化,主要包括修复了MINI模式的几个问题,托盘菜单显示和暗黑模式自动切换逻辑优化。
- 添加了循环次数显示的功能。
- 增加“禁止暂停”功能。
- 重新设计了关于页面。
- 改善UI的暗黑模式和跨平台使用体验。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Fixed MINI mode with fullscreen focus mode on.
- UI improved, with better dialog boxes etc.
- Other general problems fixed.
- I've been working on the black list feature, and it's not yet finished.
Recently Updated:
- Window resize available.
- Optimized for macOS on several things.
- Optimized for Windows.
- Loop count feature added.
- "Disable Pausing" feature added.
- About page redesigned.
- Improved UI for dark mode etc.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 允许改变窗口大小。
- 为macOS系统顶栏体验优化,现在可以在设置里关闭信息显示。
- 为Windows系统优化,主要是修复了MINI模式的几个问题。
- 优化性能,修复漏洞。
- 为macOS系统优化,包括窗口关闭逻辑,外接屏幕处理逻辑,托盘菜单显示,MINI模式使用逻辑和系统触发关机后的反应方面的优化。
- 为Windows系统优化,主要包括托盘菜单显示和暗黑模式自动切换逻辑优化。
- 添加了循环次数显示的功能。
- 增加“禁止暂停”功能。
- 重新设计了关于页面。
- 改善UI的暗黑模式和跨平台使用体验。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Window resize available.
- Optimized for macOS so that you can disable showing info on the top bar.
- Optimized for Windows for the mini mode.
- Bugs fixed and generally improved.
Recently Updated:
- Optimized for macOS on several things, includes windows closing strategy, multiscreen strategy, tray strategy, mini mode strategy and behavior after system shutdowns.
- Optimized for Windows on dark mode's auto switch feature.
- Loop count feature added.
- "Disable Pausing" feature added.
- About page redesigned.
- Improved UI for dark mode etc.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 为macOS系统优化,包括窗口关闭逻辑,外接屏幕处理逻辑,托盘菜单显示,MINI模式使用逻辑和系统触发关机后的反应方面的优化。
- 为Windows系统优化,主要包括托盘菜单显示和暗黑模式自动切换逻辑优化。
- 添加了循环次数显示的功能。
- 优化性能,修复漏洞。
- 增加“禁止暂停”功能。
- 重新设计了关于页面。
- 改善UI的暗黑模式和跨平台使用体验。
- 优化性能,修复漏洞。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- Optimized for macOS on several things, includes windows closing strategy, multiscreen strategy, tray strategy, mini mode strategy and behavior after system shutdowns.
- Optimized for Windows on dark mode's auto switch feature.
- Bugs fixed and a typo fix (#25).
- Loop count feature added.
Recently Updated:
- "Disable Pausing" feature added.
- About page redesigned.
- Improved UI for dark mode etc.
- Optimized and had bugs fixed.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
中文部分 | English Things Below
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 增加“禁止暂停”功能。
- 重新设计了关于页面。
- 改善UI的暗黑模式和跨平台使用体验。
- 优化性能,修复漏洞。
- 添加”仅休息“模式,便捷操作。
- 优化了Portable版本。
- 由于性能问题删去原有基于NSIS的
。 - 替代方案是
,经过优化,目前已经实现完全便携化 (如果你此前也使用-Portable
版本,你可能需要把原有数据导出到新版本中)。 - 对于32位用户开始提供
- 由于性能问题删去原有基于NSIS的
- 修复了数个问题。
- 改善触摸屏使用体验,尤其是对于设置页面和Mini模式。
- 修复并升级更新组件,现在可以在应用程序内查看更新日志。
- 添加时间统计功能,并允许统计的导入导出。
- 整体优化并提升运行速度。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
English Part
Updated For:
- "Disable Pausing" feature added.
- About page redesigned.
- Improved UI for dark mode etc.
- Optimized and had bugs fixed.
Recently Updated:
- "Only Rest" mode added.
- Standardlized portable versions.
- The former
was deleted. - The former
has been optimized so that it's now fully portable (data import is required to transfer to new version). - Added
for ia32/x86 users.
- The former
- Bugs fixed, including one on macOS that could cause notifications failed to be sent.
- Mini mode exprience improved for touchscreen.
- Updater optimized and now allows users to directly see release notes inside the software.
- Statistics feature added.
- Optimized.
Contact Me:
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.
对于中文用户:(English things below)
如果你是Windows 8/8.1/10用户且没有关闭Windows Defender Smartscreen,你有可能需要在打开应用后的Smartscreen拦截框中点击“更多信息”->“仍然允许”来运行wnr。原因很简单:取消这个拦截需要我们花费数百美刀购买证书。
如果你是Windows 7用户,且你在使用时出现wnr黑屏的情况,请为wnr打开 “Vista兼容模式” (找到wnr的快捷方式,在右键菜单中找到“属性”,在“兼容性”->“兼容模式”的下拉菜单中选择“Windows Vista”)。
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
- 优化增强暗黑模式等。
- 添加”仅休息“模式,便捷操作。
- 修复了几个小问题。
- 优化了Portable版本。
- 由于性能问题删去原有基于NSIS的
。 - 替代方案是
,经过优化,目前已经实现完全便携化 (如果你此前也使用-Portable
版本,你可能需要把原有数据导出到新版本中)。 - 对于32位用户开始提供
- 由于性能问题删去原有基于NSIS的
- 修复了数个问题。
- 改善触摸屏使用体验,尤其是对于设置页面和Mini模式。
- 修复并升级更新组件,现在可以在应用程序内查看更新日志。
- 添加时间统计功能,并允许统计的导入导出。
- 整体优化并提升运行速度。
如果有任何功能建议或者疑问,请发邮件到[email protected]。
Things below are all English:
Updated For:
- "Only Rest" mode added.
- Dark mode optimized.
- Bugs fixed.
Recently Updated:
- Standardlized portable versions.
- The former
was deleted. - The former
has been optimized so that it's now fully portable (data import is required to transfer to new version). - Added
for ia32/x86 users.
- The former
- Bugs fixed, including one on macOS that could cause notifications failed to be sent.
- Mini mode exprience improved for touchscreen.
- Updater optimized and now allows users to directly see release notes inside the software.
- Statistics feature added.
- Optimized.
In case you have any suggestion or question, drop me a line at [email protected].
Tips for Windows Users:
Please note that if you've turned on Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may need to click [more info] and then [still allow] to run it, or to click [run anyway] for Windows 8. The situation is here because we cannot afford to buy a signing certificate which costs [hundreds of dollars].
If you are using Windows 7 and the application isn't working properly, please apply for the "Vista Compatibility Mode".
Tip for macOS Users:
- Please note that the macOS version is unsigned, so you may need to follow this guide in order to use. This software is clean and safe, I promise.
GitHub Release
Scoop (Windows)
scoop bucket add sushi
scoop install sushi/wnr
If it's too slow to download, try Motrix, my preferred downloader. The file size is little bit big because we are using Electron as the basic framework.