All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Option to switch to the page you want instead of going from one to one.
- Code improvements and cleanup.
- Remove unnecessary dependencies.
- UI/UX improvements.
- Now the webpage only scrap this countries: ES, RU, AR, CN, SE, AM, NO and BR.
- Fixed GOG extracted games, due a GOG API limitation the number of countries had been limited to 7.
- Added select to show Sales or All games ordered by discount range
- Now you can view the percentage discount of game with regard to the visitor's country even if it's not discounted
- Now you can view the percentage discount of game with regard to the visitor's country
- Added first and last button to pagination.
- Now are fetched all contries to compare prices instead of regions.
- Now only displayed the four cheapest countries and the locale country.
- Fixed pagination when an empty string is searched
- Now all different prices are shown.
- Prices are shorted from cheaper to more expensive.
- Added support to compare price for all regions in GOG.
- Now the licence is GNU AGPLv3.
- Search funcionality.
- Compare price between Spain and Russia.