- Added static exexutables compiled with gcc 4.7.0 and 5.3.0 .
- Implemented --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdenticalNotMulti option, which (unlike the UniqueIdentical optipon) will NOT mark multi-mappers as duplicates.
- For --bamRemoveDuplicatesType UniqueIdentical, the unmmapped reads are no longer marked as duplicates.
- Fixed a problem with --outSAMmultNmax 1 not working for transcriptomic output.
- Fixed a bug with chimeric BAM output for --chimOutType WithinBAM option.
- Fixed a bug that could cause non-stable BAM sorting if the gcc qsort is unstable.
- Fixed a bug with causing seg-faults when combining --twopassMode Basic --outSAMorder PairedKeepInputOrder .
- Fixed a problem with SAM header in cases where reference sequences are added at the mapping stage.
- Fixed the "GstrandBit" problem.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 2.5.1a that caused problems with single-end alignments output in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that can cause STARlong seg-faults in rare cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused output of unmapped mates for single end alignments even with --outSAMunmapped None .
- Implemented --winReadCoverageRelativeMin and --winReadCoverageBasesMin to control coverage of the alignment windows for STARlong.
- Implemented --outSAMfilter KeepAllAddedReferences option which will keep all alignments to the added references.
- Implemented --alignEndsProtrude option to control output of alignments with protruding ends.
- Implemented --outTmpKeep All option to keep the temporary files.
- Implemented --alignEndsType Extend5pOfReads12 option for full extension of 5' ends of both mates.
- Fixed a bug in signal generation with --outWigType introduced in 2.5.1a
- Fixed a bug in --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM that prevented output to Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam of the reads mapped to the very last annotated transcript.
- Cleaned up the code to remove compilation warnings (thanks to github.com/yhoogstrate).
- Implemented --outSAMunmapped Within KeepPairs option to record unmapped mate adjacent to the mapped one, in case single-end alignments are allowed. For multi-mappers, the unmapped mate will be recored mulitple times adjacent to the mappet mate of each alignment.
- Implemented --genomeSuffixLengthMax option to control max suffix length at the genome generation step.
- Fixed a bug that caused genome generation stalling in some cases.
- In Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam (--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM), non-primary SAM flag is assigned to all but one randomly selected alignment in Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam .
- Fixed a bug that filtered out some chimeric junctions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented chimeric output for some of the "circular" configurations.
Bug-fix release:
- Fixed a problem with non-primary alignment flags with --outSAMmultNmax option.
- Added counting of chimeric reads into Log.final.out .
- Fixed a bug in --outSAMfilter KeepOnlyAddedReferences.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused rare seg-faults.
- Fixed a minor bug in STARlong extension at the ends of the read.
- Fixed a seg-fault that occurred when non-default value of --genomeChrBinNbits was used.
- Fixed a seg-fault that occurred when junctions where inserted after inserting reference sequences.
STAR now uses essential c++11 features and requires gcc 4.7.0 or later.
- Implemented on the fly insertion of the extra sequences into the genome indexes.
- Implemented --outSAMmultNmax parameter to limit the number of output alignments for multimappers.
- Implemented --outMultimapperOrder Random option to output multiple alignments in random order. This also randomizes the choice of the primary alignment. Parameter --runRNGseed can be used to set the random generator seed. With this option, the ordering of multi-mapping alignments of each read, and the choice of the primary alignment will vary from run to run, unless only one thread is used and the seed is kept constant.
- Implemented --outSAMattrIHstart parameter. Setting it to 0 may be required for compatibility with downstream software such as Cufflinks or StringTie.
- Implemented --outSAMfilter KeepOnlyAddedReferences option.
- Implemented --help option - thanks to @yhoogstrate for the code.
- Implemented --alignEndsType Extend3pOfRead1 option for full extension of the 3' end of read 1.
- Implemented --alignSJstitchMismatchNmax option to allow for mismatches around non-canonical junctions.
- Implemented --chimSegmentReadGapMax parameter which defines the maximum gap in the read sequence between chimeric segments. By default it is set to 0 to replicate the behavior of the previous STAR versions.
- Implemented --chimFilter banGenomicN | None options to prohibit or allow the N characters in the vicinity of the chimeric junctions. By default, they are prohibited - the same behavior as in the previous versions.
- For STARlong, increased compilation-time max read length to 500000 and max number of exons to 1000
- Fixed a bug which caused problems in some cases of genome generation without annotations.
- Fixed a bug in the --alignEndsType Extend5pOfRead1 option.
- Improved compilation flags handling in Makefile - thanks to Christian Krause for the code.
- Improved treatment of the streams and files - thanks to Alex Finkel for the code.
- Merged pull request from Nathan S. Watson-Haigh: Makefile for manual;Travis-CI automated build; Update STAR-Fusion submodule to v0.3.1
- Merged pull request from Alex Finkel to allow 'parameter=value' option formatting, e.g. --runThreadN=8.
- Implemented --quantMode GeneCounts option for counting number of reads per gene, similar to htseq-count.
- STARlong: fixed --outFilterIntronMotifs and --outSAMstrandField options.
- Yet another fix for --sjdbOverhang logic.
- Error message when shared memory and on the fly junction insertion are used together.
- Fixed a bug causing unnecessary 1 base soft-clipping in rare cases with sparse suffix array.
- Fixed a bug that caused problems with junction motifs in rare cases. Very few alignments affected, <1 per million.
- Fixed problems with --sjdbOverhang default and user-defined values.
- Fixed problems with occasional non-adjacent output of multiple alignments into the unsorted BAM file and transcriptome BAM file.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults when shared memory options in --genomeLoad are used with --outStd SAM.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults for small values of --limitIObufferSize.
- Added STAR long pre-compiled executables.
- Fixed very minor issues with filtering into SJ.out.tab .
- Fixed some bugs in STARlong mapping algorithm.
- Fixed --outFilter BySJout filtering for STARlong.
- Fixed XS attrbutes in STARlong.
- Added --runDirPerm option for permissions of run-time directories.
- Added latest version of STAR-Fusion as a separate directory.
- Fixed some compilation problems introduced in 2.4.1b.
- Added Mac executable.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 2.4.1a causing serious problems for genomes generated without annotations. If you generated a genome without annotations with 2.4.1a please re-generate it.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults when generating genomes with a large (>500k) number of junctions.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults with --chimOutType WithinBAM for single-end reads.
- Fixed a bug with required --sjdbOverhang at the mapping step.
- The annotations can now be included on the fly at the mapping step, without including them at the genome generation step.
- New option to activate on the fly "per sample" 2-pass method: "--twopassMode Basic".
- 2-pass mode can now be used with annotations, which can be included either at the run-time, or at the genome generation step.
- Included link (submodule) to Brian Haas' STAR-Fusion code for detecting fusion transcript from STAR chimeric output: https://github.com/STAR-Fusion/STAR-Fusion
- Included Gery Vessere's shared memory implementation for POSIX and SysV. To compile STAR with POSIX shared memory, use
- New option "--chimOutType WithinBAM" to include chimeric alignments together with normal alignments in the main (sorted or unsorted) BAM file(s).
- New option "--quantTranscriptomeBan Singleend" allows insertions, deletions ans soft-clips in the transcriptomic alignments, which are allowed by some expression quantification software (e.g. eXpress).
- New option "--alignEndsTypeExtension Extend5pOfRead1" to enforce full extension of the 5p of the read1, while all other ends undergo local alignment and may be soft-clipped.
- Implemented new BAM sorting algorithm that reduces significantly the required RAM.
- Fixed a problem with scoring alignments for STARlong. STARlong alignments are slightly modified.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 2.4.0i that dropped a large number of aligmnents for --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM. Transcriptome alignments are now the same as in version 2.4.0h.
- Fixed a problem with lower case read sequences for --outSAMtype BAM options.
- Fixed a bug preventing parameter value to be "-".
- Fixed --genomeLoad LoadAndRemove option.
- Fixed a bug with the _STARtmp temporary directory name for the 2-pass runs.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults for genome generation.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults for --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM
- Fixed the problem causing Ubuntu error: "sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number".
- Added --quantTranscriptomeBAMcompression option.
- Add newline at the end of STAR_VERSION string (contributed by Daniel Nicorici).
- Fixed a bug with parsing the last line of paired FASTA files (contributed by Alex Rolfe).
- Fixed a bug with output score (AS attribute) of some chimeric alignments.
- Added --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds No option which prevents soft clipping of alignments at the reference (chromosome) ends, for compatibility with Cufflinks/Cuffmerge.
- Fixed wrong output of chimeric junctions boundaries in the Chimeric.out.junction file.
- Added --outSAMflagOR, --outSAMflagAND options to set specific bits of the SAM FLAG.
- --sjdbFileChrStartEnd can now accept multiple files which will be concatenated.
- Fixed the header of the Log.progress.out .
- Fixed a bug that prevented output of transcriptomic alignments (--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM) with 1 base junction overhangs.
- Added --sysShell option to specify path to bash, in cases where bash is not the default shell.
- --outBAMcompression default changed to 1, which apparently does not change deflation ratio, but is much faster.
- Added --outBAMsortingThreadN option to specify number of threads for BAM sorting. By default (0) it's equal to min(6,runThreadN).
- Added read group (RG) BAM attributes to transcriptome BAM (contributed by https://github.com/godotgildor).
- Fixed a bug with double ID field in the RG header line (contributed by https://github.com/godotgildor).
- Fixed a bug in the 2-pass method (--twopass1readsN).
- Fixed a problem with RAM allocation for BAM sorting.
- Added manual in PDF.
- New sub-directories: source, bin, doc.
- Output more information about read files into Log.out.
- Fixed some issues that may have caused dropping of multiple reads files.
- Added more thorough error checking for genome generation.
- Fixed a bug causing seg-faults with single-mate alignments for BAM sorting.
- Fixed some compilation issues on Mac OS X. Note that the default Clang lacks openMP support which is required for STAR compilation.
- Added Mac OS X executable.
- Added .gitignore.
- Fixed the problem with 2nd field in the read name shorter than 3 bases (non-Illumina fastq).
- Added --outBAMcompression option.
- Added --bamRemoveDuplicatesType and --bamRemoveDuplicatesMate2basesN options.
- Added --outWigType wiggle read1_5p read2 options.
- Added --outWigNorm option.
- Automated git version.
- Fixed a problem with overflowing SJ buffer.
- Implemented options --twopass1readsN, --twopassSJlimit, --readMapNumber.
- Fixed problems with spaces in --outFilePrefixName.
- Fixed version information.
- Implemented --outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax option for a more consistent control of mismatches.
2.3.1z16 08/05/2014
Implemented --outWigReferencesPrefix option to filter references in the signal output. Implemented --runMode inputAlignmentsFromBAM --inputBAMfile
Implemented --outWigType bedGraph read1_5p option.
Fixed a problem with chimeric alignments with overlapping segments.
Fixed a problem with processing of fasta read input.
2.3.1z14 07/24/2014 Implemented 0x200 SAM flag for reads that did not pass Illumina filtering (i.e. contain “Y” as the 3rd character in the second field of the read name) Implemented comma-separated lists in the --outSAMattrRGline read groups that will assign different read groups to multiple comma-separated read files in --readFilesIn
2.3.1z13 07/04/2014 Fixed problems with STARlong.
2.3.1z12 06/30/2014 Fixed problems with SAM/BAM output to stdout.
2.3.1z11 06/27/2014 Switched to htslib samtools library. Fixed problem with indel near known splice junctions. Fixed problem with FASTA reads input.
2.3.1z10 06/20/2014 Fixed problem with compilation, samtools/ZLIB related.
2.3.1z9 06/19/2014 2.3.1z8 2.3.1z7 Fixed problems with transcriptomic output. Changed --sjdbFileChrStartEnd importing to allow direct import from SJ.out.tab
2.3.1z6 05/30/2014 2.3.1z5 05/30/2014 Fixed a bug causing problems with multiple zipped input files. Preliminary release of BAM sorting and wiggle output
2.3.1z4 05/06/2014 Preliminary release with transcriptome output.
2.3.1z2 04/29/2014 Fixed a bug causing problems in some chimeric alignments. Fixed a bug causing overflowing of SAM ISIZE. Fixed chimeric output problems with --outFilterType BySJout option Added extra Log.out messages for multi-threaded jobs.
2.3.1z1 03/13/2014 SAM header changes: removed "cl:" attribute from the @PG line, output it as a separate comment line added --outSAMheaderHD, --outSAMheaderPG, --outSAMheaderCommentFile options Added --outTmpDir, which set the path forSTAr temporary directory independent of --outFileNamePrefix
2.3.1z 02/05/2014 Fixed the incorrect behavior of --genomeLoad LoadAndRemove option.
2.3.1y 01/24/2014 Added read group sam attribute via --outSAMattrRGline parameter. Fixed gcc 4.7.0. compilation problem. Correct reverse complementarity of all IUPAC nucleotide codes in the SAM output.
2.3.1x 01/08/2014 Fixed a bug with --alignEndsType EndToEnd.
2.3.1v 12/21/2013 Added --alignEndsType EndToEnd option to align reads end-to-end, i.e. prohibit soft-clipping. --outSAMattributes now allows to specify the SAM attributes in the desired combination and order. Implemented standard (samtools-like) NM and MD tags. Added --outSAMmapqUnique parameter (=255 by default), MAPQ value for unique mappers.
2.3.1u 11/23/2013 Added --outSAMreadID={Standard,Number} parameter to output read numbered read IDs. Aded --outSAMmode NoQS option to suppress output of quality scores.
2.3.1t 11/20/2013 Fixed a bug that prevented alignment to the very beginning of the first reference.
2.3.1s 11/06/2013 Fixed a bug that produced incorrect placement of short deletions.
2.3.1r 10/01/2013 Compilation option to output "local alignment chanins". Compilation option to output suffix array as a text file.
2.3.1q 08/15/2013 Fixed a problem with junction overhang in SJ.out.tab file for overlapping mates.
2.3.1p 04/13/2013 Fixed GCC 4.7 compatibility problems. Changed min memory requirement for genome generation.
2.3.1o 04/13/2013 Fixed a bug with comma separated lists of input files.
2.3.1n 04/30/2013 Replaced incorretly released 2.3.1m.
2.3.1m 04/24/2013 Fixed a bug which in some cases caused problems with long reads.
2.3.1l 04/15/2013 Fixed a problem with --readFilesCommand.
2.3.1k 04/15/2013 Fixed chimeric output for single-end reads. Fixed a problem with --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0 settings.
2.3.1j 04/11/2013 Allowed spaces in paths: paths that contain spaces should be quoted with " ". Thanks for Tyler Hyndman for suggesting this patch.
2.3.1i 04/10/2013 Fixed problems with overflowing SJ buffer, new input parameters: --limitOutSJcollapsed, --limitOutSJoneRead.
2.3.1h 04/02/2013 Prevent output of strangely overlapping mates as chimeras. Report error if --sjdbOverhang=0 with set --sjdbFileChrStartEnd or --sjdbGTFfile.
2.3.1g 03/29/2013 Implemented detection of proximal same-strand chimeras. Now it is possible to detect circular RNA (conisdered "chimeric"). More accurate treatment of overlapping mates.
2.3.1f 03/21/2013 New option --outSAMorder PairedKeepInputOrder to output alignments in the same order as they appear in the input FASTQ/A files.
2.3.1e 03/18/2013 Fixed possible problems with multi-threaded runs for small files which could have caused empty Chimeric.* and Unmapped.* output on some systems.
2.3.1d 03/17/2013 New option --outSAMprimaryFlag AllBestScore for marking all alignments with the best score as primary. New parameter --limitOutSAMoneReadBytes 100000, limits the size of one SAM entry - important when a large number of multimappers is recorded. Fixed a possible problem with Unmapped.* and Chimeric.* output which could generate empty or truncated output on some systems. Coded a safer removal of the temporary directory _tmp which could have failed on some systems. Fixed a bug which resulted in unexpected behavior for alignIntronMax < 7.
2.3.1c 03/01/2013 Fixed a bug which duplicated output in Chimeric.* and Unmapped.* when --outFilterType BySJout option is used.
2.3.1b 02/28/2013 Fixed possible issue which in some cases could have resulted in empty Chimeric.out.*
2.3.1a 02/25/2013 Fixed incorrect processing of --sjdbGTFchrPrefix.