Build with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
Check Dockerfile for building requirements on Linux
Can be built on Windows using docker:
docker build -t inav-hitl-build .
docker run --rm -it -u root -v //d/Github/inav/INAV-X-Plane-HITL-Plugin/INAV-X-Plane-HITL/:/trunk inav-hitl-build
Plugin communicates with FC using MSP protocol.
Existing MSP commands should not be changed.
Whole simulator communication should be done using single MSP_SIMULATOR
is not set, the behaviour of INAV should not change at all.
For now, plugin supports platforms "Airplane" only.
INAV can handle 100 MSP commands per second. By the way, this is the reason why whole symulation communication should be done using single MSP command.
X-Plane renders 40-100 FPS ( physics and rendering ) per second.
We send new MSP_SIMULATOR command every frame, but not earlier than 10us from the last command. This allows to have update rate similar to FPS.
Datarefs are available under inav_hitl/ node.
To enable Dataref editor, download plugin from
8 debug variables from INAV (debug[]) are reflected as debug[N] datarefs in X-Plane as int32_t. Update rate is 1/8 of MSG_SIMULATOR
command rate.
Configure INAV to update debug[] array with debug_mode=... command, or fill in your code:
set debug_mode = ALTITUDE
Search INAV code to find out how debug[] array is filled in selected mode:
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 0, posEstimator.est.pos.z); // Position estimate
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 1, posEstimator.est.vel.z); // Vertical speed estimate
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 2, imuMeasuredAccelBF.z); // Baro altitude
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 3, posEstimator.imu.accelNEU.z); // Vertical acceleration on earth frame
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 4, posEstimator.gps.pos.z); // GPS altitude
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 5, posEstimator.gps.vel.z); // GPS vertical speed
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 6, accGetVibrationLevel()); // Vibration level
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, 7, accGetClipCount()); // Clip count
Check inav sources main\build\debug.h', 'debugType_e
for more modes.
INAV serial logging ( see ) messages are output to Developer console with "INAVHITL: " prefix:
Note: Please keep rate below ~100 characters per second, otherwise FC will freeze. For high frequencly output, use debug[] array.
Plugin can draw a number of graphs for debugging:
- Updates period: First graph shows period between updates from FC in ms. Second graph shows number of updates per second.
- Attitude estimation: First 3 graphs: real Yaw/Pitch/Roll angles. Next 3 graphs: attitude estimated by FC. In "Attitude: Copy From X-Plane" mode, angles are equal.
- Attitude, output: First 3 graphs: Yaw/Pitch/Roll. Next 3 graphs: "Output Yaw/Pitch/Roll" = "Stabilized Yaw/Pitch/Roll" outputs from FC. Graph is usefull for PID tuning.
- Accelerometer: Simulated Accelerometer readings
- Gyroscope: Simulated Gyroscope readings
- "debug_mode = altitude:" Visualize debug[] array in this mode
- "debug[8] array: Graph of debug[] values. Automatic scale. Values are shown as int32_t.
Hint: To reset automatic scale, select graph in menu again.
Assistance required to implement some tasks. Pelase check Issues tab. Please leave a note in the issue if you are working on this task to avoid collisions. Please provide timing.