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AVR-like Instruction set simulator

Starting with Rust programming, simple UAL.

Concepts learned:

patern matching
data collection
error handling
conditions ...

On-going development(it's my First Rust program so I for sure have made mistakes.

Can we run DOOM on it?

fn main() {
    println!("Sure, DOOM runs on everything :)");


  • Add conditional jump ( branche if not equal, jump, ...)
  • Store multiple u8 data in the u32 memory space, not a single u8
  • Add logical and arithmetical operation
  • Use the last 1/2 byte of the instruction in order to manipulate values > 0xff
  • Better parse system to read instruction like this :
    00000000 <app_name>:
        0:       1120           add      r0,     r1
        1:       3420           mov      r3,     r1
        2:       1120           add      r0,     r1
        3:       1120           add      r0,     r1
        ...           ...           ...         ...
        ff:      1120           add      r0,     r1


cargo run application/prog.S 

prog.S (note \n at the end of each line, including _start and _end lines)

0x8190; ldi r0, 0x09
0xBB10; st  0x0B, r0
0x92B0; lds r1, 0x0B

std output

AVR-like Instruction Set simulator
Memory Map 
Address (u8) 		 Value (u32) 
9 	 => 		 0
15 	 => 		 0
8 	 => 		 0
6 	 => 		 37552
1 	 => 		 0
3 	 => 		 0
11 	 => 		 9
12 	 => 		 0
13 	 => 		 0
2 	 => 		 0
7 	 => 		 0
0 	 => 		 0
10 	 => 		 0
14 	 => 		 0
5 	 => 		 47888
4 	 => 		 33168
Register name) 		 Value (u8) 
r9 	 => 		 0
r1 	 => 		 9
LR 	 => 		 0
r11 	 => 		 0
PSR 	 => 		 0
r6 	 => 		 0
r10 	 => 		 0
r7 	 => 		 0
r2 	 => 		 0
r12 	 => 		 0
r3 	 => 		 0
r0 	 => 		 9
r5 	 => 		 0
r8 	 => 		 0
SP 	 => 		 0
r4 	 => 		 0

Memory dump after loading a program 1

test program

     0  0x8190; ldi r0, 0x09
     1  0xBB10; st  0x0B, r0
     2  0x92B0; lds r1, 0x0B

Memory Map and register Map (register r0 and r1 have their new content

Memory Map 
Address (u8) 		 Value (u32) 
2 	 => 		 0
0 	 => 		 0
1 	 => 		 0
13 	 => 		 0
7 	 => 		 0
5 	 => 		 47888
12 	 => 		 0
3 	 => 		 0
4 	 => 		 33168
11 	 => 		 9
14 	 => 		 0
8 	 => 		 0
9 	 => 		 0
6 	 => 		 37552
10 	 => 		 0
15 	 => 		 0
Register name) 		 Value (u8) 
SP 	 => 		 0
r4 	 => 		 0
r10 	 => 		 0
r11 	 => 		 0
r9 	 => 		 0
r3 	 => 		 0
r1 	 => 		 9
r2 	 => 		 0
r7 	 => 		 0
LR 	 => 		 0
PSR 	 => 		 0
r5 	 => 		 0
r6 	 => 		 0
r12 	 => 		 0
r8 	 => 		 0
r0 	 => 		 9

Memory dump after loading a program 2

test program

     0   0x1120; add r0, r1
     1   0xA510; mov r4, r0
     2   0x8150; ldi r0, 5
     3   0x9210; lds r1, 0x01
     4   0x4520; and r4, r1
     5   0x3510; or r4, r0

Memory Map

Program start at address 0x04 in memory, so 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09 are modified with their respective machine code.

Memory Map 
Address (u8) 		        Value (u32) 
9 	        => 		 13584
10 	        => 		 0
2 	        => 		 0
13 	        => 		 0
6 	        => 		 33104
14 	        => 		 0
5 	        => 		 42256
3 	        => 		 0
15 	        => 		 0
1 	        => 		 0
0 	        => 		 0
12 	        => 		 0
4 	        => 		 4384
11 	        => 		 0
7 	        => 		 37392
8 	        => 		 17696

Processor architecture

  • 16 register from r0 to r15
  • 16 memory blocks divided into program and data each block has 32 bits total 512 bits or 64 bytes

Register (16)

Register addr Register addr
r0 0x01 r8 0x09
r1 0x02 r9 0x0A
r2 0x03 r10 0x0B
r3 0x04 r11 0x0C
r4 0x05 r12 0x0D
r5 0x06 PSR 0x0E
r6 0x07 SP 0x0F
r7 0x08 LR 0x10

(to add more)

Instruction Set :: Control (0, 5, 6)

op operands binary operands comment
nop -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 nop operation, cpu does onothing
push sp? 0101 0000 0000 0000 push to the stack pointer
pop sp? 0110 0000 0000 0000 pop the stack pointer

Instruction Set :: Logic (1-4)

op operands binary operands comment
add rd, rs 0001 rd rd rd rd rs rs rs rs 0000 add rs to rd and return rd
sub rd ,rs 0010 rd rd rd rd rs rs rs rs 0000 substract rs to rd and return rd
or rd, rs 0011 rd rd rd rd rs rs rs rs 0000 logical or, rs to rd and return rd
and rd, rs 0100 rd rd rd rd rs rs rs rs 0000 logical and, rs to rd and return rd

Instruction Set :: Change flow (7)

op operands binary operands comment
jmp addr 0111 adr adr adr adr adr adr adr adr 0000 jump to address addr

Instruction Set :: Data transfer (8-10)

op operands binary operands comment
ldi rd, K 1000 rd rd rd rd K K K K 0000 Load Immediate the literal K to register rd
lds rd, k 1001 rd rd rd rd k k k k 0000 Load Direct from Data Space at addresse k to register rd
mov rd, rs 1010 rd rd rd rd rs rs rs rs 0000 move rs to rd and return rd
st k, rs 1011 k k k k rs rs rs rs 0000 Sore direct the content of rs into the memory address k

Memory Map (512 bits)

Addresse (1 byte) Value (4 bytes) Addresse (1 byte) Value (4 bytes)
0x00 0x0000_0000 0x08 0x0000_0000
0x01 0x0000_0000 0x09 0x0000_0000
0x02 0x0000_0000 0x0A 0x0000_0000
0x03 0x0000_0000 0x0B 0x0000_0000
0x04 0x0000_0000 0x0C 0x0000_0000
0x05 0x0000_0000 0x0D 0x0000_0000
0x06 0x0000_0000 0x0E 0x0000_0000
0x07 0x0000_0000 0x0F 0x0000_0000

Example of Instruction execution

r2 is register 0011, r3 is register 0100, remaining unused

1010 0011 0100 0000; machine code

;same as 
    0   0xA340 ; MOV r2, r3 move content of r3 into r2