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File metadata and controls

56 lines (46 loc) · 2.36 KB


This tool extracts data about Alerts and Mitigations from Sightline via its APIs and loads it into a postgres database. Grafana is used to visualize that data. The tool uses docker compose to create three docker containers:

  1. sp-ingest - Python code that extracts data from Sightline and loads it into PostgreSQL
  2. postgres - PostgreSQL database for storage
  3. grafana - Grafana for visualizing the data


  1. Install git
  2. Install docker

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo -
  2. Go into top level directory of this repo - cd sp-api-reporting
  3. Edit .env file and add the SP DNS/IP and API token
  4. Start up - docker compose up -d
  5. Initial extract could take a while - many minutes to an hour - depending on the amount of data. Wait for sp-ingest to perform the initial extract.
  6. Log into grafana - [http://localhost:3000] - default creds are admin/admin
  7. Click on the Dashboards icon on the left (four squares), and select the Sightline: Alert EVENT - Statistics dashboard (Under the General folder)

Generate an API Token

Instructions can be found via the following:

  1. Log into Sightline
  2. Go to Administration --> Sightline REST API Documentation
  3. Click on Generating and managing REST API tokens link and follow instructions

Wait for initial extract

Type docker compose logs -f sp-ingest to follow the logs and wait until you see a log message:

api-reporting-sp-ingest-1  | INFO:root:DONE
api-reporting-sp-ingest-1  | INFO:root:## Sleeping for 86400 seconds

Type Ctrl+C to exit from following the logs.

Cheat Sheet

NOTE: All commands should be run at the top level of this repository.

Create and start tool

docker compose up -d

Stop the tool

docker compose stop

Start the tool back up

docker compose start

View the sp-ingest log

docker compose logs sp-ingest

Connect to postgres database

docker compose exec -it postgres psql -U postgres

Stop the tool and delete the data

NOTE: Running this command will delete ALL of the data in postgres. It will NOT delete any data from Sightline

docker compose down

More Info