#Eloquent Ruby
Here are some quick wins achievable in Ruby from the Eloquent Ruby book!
#fancy if/else
#if morning is true then 'good morning', else 'good evening'
morning = true
greetings = morning ? 'Good morning!' : 'Good Evening!'
puts greetings
##Collections ###Quick String Array
words = %w{ this is a quick way to create an array of strings!}
words.each { |word| puts word }
###Find Index Returns the index at which the 'word' was found
words = %w{ this is a quick way to create an array of strings!}
words.index( "quick" ) #returns 3
puts words.find_index { |this_word| 'create' == this_word}
int_array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
int_array.index(3) #returns 2 (it's index!)
###Map Map block returns a separate array 'words' array does not get affected
words = %w{ this is a quick way to create an array of strings!}
puts words.map { |word| word.size }
puts words.map { |word| word.upcase }
###Inject Inject accepts a parameter, the return of inject will be passed into the next loop until it has ran out of elements
words = %w{ this is a quick way to create an array of strings!}
puts words.inject(0.0){ |result, word| word.size + result }
###Sort Remember, the Ruby convention is that an exclamation point at the end of a method name indicates that the method is the dangerous or surprising version of a pair of methods
words = %w{ this is a quick way to create an array of strings!}
words.sort #this will not change the array, but will return a sorted version of it
words.sort!#this will actually change the array!
Allows for punctuation without the need of escaping (/) you can also use {} or () or <> or [] and any other special characters such as
str = %q{"stop", she said, "I can't live without 's and s."}
#uppercase Q equates to "" allowing #{foo}
foo = 'john'
str = %Q{"Hi" he said, "my name is #{foo}. What is your name?"}
###Multi-line Able to create strings with a new line by using the return key (becareful of indentations that will equal to whitespace)
a_multiline_string = "a multi-line
puts another_one = %q{another multi-line
###Here Document Couldn't get this one to work
heres_one = <<EOF
This is the beginning of my here document.
And this is the end.
###Strip Takes off any whitespace at the start and end of the string
' hello '.strip #will return 'hello'
###Chomp Take off the return character at the end of a string (useful for user input)
"hello\n".chomp #will return "hello"
###Sub Substitute the first instance of a string with another string
'It is warm outside'.sub( 'warm', 'cold') #will return 'It is cold outside'
###GSub Substitute all instances of a string with another string
'yes yes'.gsub( 'yes', 'no' ) #will return 'no no'
###Split Returns an array with elements of word as strings
'It was a dark and storm night'.split
'Bill:Shakespeare:Playwright:Globe'.split( ':' )
###Exlaimation Point Will change the original string instead of returning an instance of it
title = 'It was a dark and stormy night'
title.sub!( 'dark', 'bright' )
title.sub!( 'stormy', 'clear' )
puts title #'It was a bright and clear night'
###Each Iterates through a string returning each char
author = 'Clarke'
author.each_char { |c| puts c }
###Ranges Return more then one char in a string using index
"abcde"[3] #returns 'd'
"abcde"[3..4] #returns 'de'