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File metadata and controls

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Unity Catalog Docker Images

This project provides the Docker images for running Unity Catalog Server and CLI.


Before you can build the Docker image, install the following tools:

Building Unity Catalog Server Image


On Mac computers with Apple silicon, you may want to change DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM environment variable before building the images as follows:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

build-uc-server-docker builds the Docker image of Unity Catalog Localhost Reference Server.



build-uc-server-docker runs sbt server/package build while creating the Docker image. That gives all the required jars files part of the image.

build-uc-server-docker creates an image named unitycatalog with the version from version.sbt.

docker images unitycatalog
REPOSITORY     TAG              IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
unitycatalog   0.2.0-SNAPSHOT   5771da356693   7 minutes ago   2.58GB

Running Unity Catalog Server Container

Once the Docker image of Unity Catalog's Localhost Reference Server is built, you can start it up using start-uc-server-docker script.

❤️ Starting unitycatalog:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
💡 Use Ctrl+C to stop and remove the container.
#  _    _       _ _            _____      _        _              #
# | |  | |     (_) |          / ____|    | |      | |             #
# | |  | |_ __  _| |_ _   _  | |     __ _| |_ __ _| | ___   __ _  #
# | |  | | '_ \| | __| | | | | |    / _` | __/ _` | |/ _ \ / _` | #
# | |__| | | | | | |_| |_| | | |___| (_| | || (_| | | (_) | (_| | #
#  \____/|_| |_|_|\__|\__, |  \_____\__,_|\__\__,_|_|\___/ \__, | #
#                      __/ |                                __/ | #
#                     |___/               v0.2.0-SNAPSHOT  |___/  #

start-uc-server-docker starts the Unity Catalog server.

In another terminal, execute the following command to learn more about the container.

docker container ls --filter name=unitycatalog --no-trunc --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Command}}\t{{.Ports}}'
CONTAINER ID                                                       IMAGE                         COMMAND                           PORTS
1e15b648d6c2669eb83ac12991323ca288e27d9201c4ecbc8dc15ea2bfa6c389   unitycatalog:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT   "/bin/bash bin/start-uc-server">8080-8081/tcp

Use the regular non-dockerized Unity Catalog CLI to access the server and list the catalogs.

./bin/uc catalog list
│NAME │  COMMENT   │PROPERTIES│ CREATED_AT  │UPDATED_AT│                 ID                 │
│unity│Main catalog│{}        │1721241605334│null      │f029b870-9468-4f10-badc-630b41e5690d│

Building Unity Catalog CLI Image

build-uc-cli-docker builds the Docker image of Unity Catalog CLI.


build-uc-cli-docker creates an image named unitycatalog-cli with the version from version.sbt.

docker images unitycatalog-cli
REPOSITORY         TAG              IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
unitycatalog-cli   0.2.0-SNAPSHOT   c13a37c4e91e   13 seconds ago   1.62GB

Access Unity Catalog Server

start-uc-cli-docker uses the unitycatalog-cli image to run Unity Catalog CLI in a Docker container.


You've already started the Unity Catalog server in a Docker container in Running Unity Catalog Server Container step.


localhost inside a Docker container is different from the local machine's localhost.

./docker/bin/start-uc-cli-docker catalog list --server http://host.docker.internal:8081
│NAME │  COMMENT   │PROPERTIES│ CREATED_AT  │UPDATED_AT│                 ID                 │
│unity│Main catalog│{}        │1721241605334│null      │f029b870-9468-4f10-badc-630b41e5690d│

Testing Unity Catalog

This project provides several examples using curl commands to interact with the Unity Catalog API and demonstrate basic functionalities.


If you wish to use the CLI to test the catalog, run a docker CLI instance and follow the instructions from the repositories main readme.

Store the Catalog Endpoint

The examples use a variable unitycatalog_endpoint to store the catalog's URL. Update this variable with the actual address based on your network configuration.



Make sure you run the above command in your bash session before proceeding to the examples. Otherwise your examples will not run correctly.


Because the default run script runs the script on a network called unitycatalog_network, if you want to test the catalog you need to make sure you application is running in the same network. For instance, you will not be able to test the API from your machine directly using Postman, wget or cUrl unless you run them with the catalog on the same network, or you change the catalog's network to run on the Host network. This is OS specific, therefore we opted for the most generic option, which is to create a docker network, but feel free to change those configurations to suit your needs.

Create Catalog

This example demonstrates creating a new catalog named "MyCatalog" with a description and properties:

  "name": "MyCatalog",
  "comment": "An example of how to create your first catalog",
  "properties": {
    "Project": "Unity Catalog Demo",
    "Environment": "Development",
    "Access": "Public"

create_catalog_request=$(printf "curl -s -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d '%s' \
  %s/catalogs" "$create_catalog_request_body" "$unitycatalog_endpoint")

docker run --rm --network unitycatalog_network alpine/curl sh -c "$create_catalog_request" | jq .

List Catalogs

This example lists all available catalogs:

list_catalog_request_body="curl -s --location '$unitycatalog_endpoint/catalogs' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'"

docker run --rm --network unitycatalog_network alpine/curl sh -c "$list_catalog_request_body" | jq .

Create a Schema

This example creates a new schema named "Schema_A" within the "MyCatalog" catalog:

  "name": "Schema_A",
  "catalog_name": "MyCatalog",
  "comment": "Schema A in catalog MyCatalog",
  "properties": {
    "Project": "Unity Catalog Demo",
    "Environment": "Development",
    "Access": "Public",
    "Type": "Schema"

create_schema_a_request=$(printf "curl -s \
--location '%s/schemas' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '%s'" "$unitycatalog_endpoint" "$create_schema_a_request_body")

docker run --rm --network unitycatalog_network alpine/curl sh -c "$create_schema_a_request" | jq .

List Schemas

This example lists all schemas within the "MyCatalog" catalog:

list_schemas_request="curl -s --location '$unitycatalog_endpoint/schemas?catalog_name=MyCatalog' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'"

echo $list_schemas_request

docker run --rm --network unitycatalog_network alpine/curl sh -c "$list_schemas_request" | jq .

Create an External Table

This example demonstrates creating an external table named "Table_B" within the "Schema_A" schema of the "MyCatalog" catalog. An external table points to existing data stored outside of Unity Catalog.

Prepare Data

First, you'll need to create a CSV file containing the data for the table. This example creates a file named test.csv within the container's /opt/unitycatalog/external_data directory:

docker exec -it  unitycatalog /bin/bash
cd /opt/unitycatalog
mkdir external_data
cd external_data
printf '"ID", "FirstName", "LastName"
"1", "Jean", "Boutros"
"2", "Eddy", "Stone"
"3", "Paul", "Clark"\n' > test.csv

Define Table

Now, define the external table using a curl command. The storage_location property points to the CSV file location within the container:

    "name": "Table_B",
    "catalog_name": "MyCatalog",
    "schema_name": "Schema_A",
    "table_type": "EXTERNAL",
    "data_source_format": "CSV",
    "columns": [
            "name": "ID",
            "type_name": "LONG",
            "comment": "The unique ID of the person",
            "nullable": "false"
            "name": "FirstName",
            "type_name": "STRING",
            "comment": "The persons official first name",
            "nullable": "false"
            "name": "LastName",
            "type_name": "STRING",
            "comment": "The persons official last name",
            "nullable": "false"
    "storage_location": "/opt/unitycatalog/external_data/test.csv",
    "comment": "No comments",
    "properties": {
      "Project": "Unity Catalog Demo",
	    "Environment": "Development",
	    "Access": "Public",
	    "Type": "External Table",
	    "Stage": "RAW"

create_table_b_request=$(printf "curl -s \
--location '%s/tables' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '%s'" "$unitycatalog_endpoint" "$create_table_b_request_body")

docker run --rm --network unitycatalog_network alpine/curl sh -c "$create_table_b_request" | jq .