create product table :
create table product(prod_file VARCHAR(50) , prod_name VARCHAR(50) , mainFrame VARCHAR(30) , categories VARCHAR(50) , id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , PRIMARY KEY (id));
create categories table :
create table categories(category VARCHAR(100));
create email table :
create table emails(email VARCHAR(50));
create user '[username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '[username]'@'localhost';
sudo chown -R www-data <foldername>
- create database in your local machine using
present backend folder (just run than file in localhost)
[NOTE : before that , don't forget to give your sql credentials in loginfo.php file]
- First on old server , to copy all tables in a database - > (run this commands as root)
mysqldump -u root -p [database-name] > [database-name].sql
- Now , create a database on the second server with name you want. Then using file generated above -> (run following command as root)
mysql -u root -p [new-database-name] < [database-name].sql
This will copy all data from previous server to new one including all entries in table
sudo a2enmod rewrite
go to
and add this commands in file : -
(otherwise you can put it in apache2.conf)
<Directory "/var/www/html"> AllowOverride All </Directory>
then restart apache server (sudo service apache2 restart)
useful link -> StachOverFlow
also before checking in you local machine , change path in
tag present in header in show.php to your assets folder containing css (relative to root dir)