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Sysbackup - is a free backup software with clusterization capabilities.

If you have a bunch of servers it can be useful to use Sysbackup. This software allows you keep backup files in different places and makes it easy to manage backup strategies.


  • Clusterizations
  • Multi-backup, thread
  • Security
  • Managing all your backups from different places
  • Backup hosts don’t have access to the server
  • Manage frequency of backups
  • Multiple copies of backups


Sysbackup is a cluster backup software based on rsync.

Backup server or node is a server-executed backup. It has backup storage and installed Sysbackup software.
Hosts are servers which have to be backed up.
Master database is a MongoDB database which stores backup logic.
sbd is a daemon for backing the host up
sbctl is a CLI for configuring sbd, logic and behaviour.
sbc is a client on a host server, required only for backing up the MySQL database and managing this server. sbc can also configure its own backup logic. It can be useful in case you don’t want to go to the backup server to make some changes.

Sysbackup is configured by using its own client program sbctl

Minimal architecture

Minimal architecture requires one a backup daemon (sysbackup) and master database (MongoDB), plus one or more host servers which need to be backed up.

Cluster architecture

Cluster architecture requires two or more backup servers and a bunch of host servers. In this case, daemons (sysbackup) have access to the same databases.

Step 1: Installation

Install on Debian/Ubuntu
To install the dependencies just execute the commands below:

apt update
apt install mongodb -y
apt install git -y

If you didn’t get any errors your server ready to install sysbackup

git clone
cd sysbackup

The output should look like this:

	|->  Your server IP: default [ ]:                    - you can change your IP address
	|->  You cluster name: default [ sysbackup cluster ]: test       - you can change your cluster name
	|->  You node name: default [ ]:                   - name of your backup server 

Start installing the server backup 
Install sbd
install sbctl
create systemd unit

Sysbackup has been installed. You can start and stop by using systemd; systemctl status sbd
Configuration file: /etc/sbd/sbd.ini
Your configuration parameters
# Backup cluster name
NameCluster: sysbackup cluster
# Name node
# Mongo connect
MongoConnect: localhost:27017
# Mongo database
DBs: sysbackup
# security authorization
# If your MongoDB is started with access control you have to set the next three parameters
# AuthMechanism, DBUser and DBUserPass.
# authorization mechanism ( for MongoDB 3.0 or later )
# SCRAM-SHA-1 is the default authentication mechanism for authentication with MongoDB 3.0 or later.
# Before MongoDB 3.0 the default authentication mechanism was MONGODB-CR.
# If your MongoDB is using another authentication mechanism you have to use the corresponding method.
AuthMechanism: MONGODB-CR
# Mongo user 
DBUser: sysbackup
# Mongo user's password
DBUserPass: mypass
# Number of threads of backup
Num_thread: 2
# Backup directory on server
DirBackup: /var/backup
# Pid file
Pidfile: /var/run/
# tmp directory 
tmp: /tmp/sbd
# Log directory 
LogDir: /var/log/sbd
# Log file
Log: /var/log/sbd/sbd.log
# Error log file
LogError: /var/log/sbd/sbd.error.log
# Listen IP address and port
ListenPort: 29029
# Timeout
TimeCheck: 3600
# Public key 
PublicKey: /root/.ssh/

Sysbackup has been installed

Step 2: Configuration

Backup server has configuration file placed in /etc/sbd/sbd.ini; we have to configure it before using it.

Configuring MongoDB

For more security you have to use authentication; for more information you can refer to the official documentation.

Adding admin user and password for MongoDB:

# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.11
connecting to: test
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.createUser(
... {
... user: "root",
... pwd: "test",
... roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]
... }
... )

You should get this output:
Successfully added user: {
	"user" : "root",
	"roles" : [
			"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
			"db" : "admin"

Configuring the MongoDB file:

By using the editor open the /etc/mongodb.conf file and change the following parameters: Uncommit or add:

auth = true

Change it if you want to use the cluster backup architecture

bind_ip = to bind_ip =

Note: Don’t forget about firewall. Your firewall has to allow traffic to the 27017 port for your hosts and forbid for others.

Restart MongoDB by following this command:

systemctl restart mongodb.service

Add MongoDB user for our database

Note: In our example we have installed MongoDB version 3.2

Go to the MongoDB Shell by using the admin password

mongo  --port 27017  -u "root" -p  --authenticationDatabase "admin"

>  use sysbackup
switched to db sysbackup
> db.createUser(
...   {
...     user: "sysbackup",
...     pwd: "test",
...    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "sysbackup" },
...             { role: "read", db: "reporting" } ]
...   }
... )

You should get output like this:

Successfully added user: {
	"user" : "sysbackup",
	"roles" : [
			"role" : "readWrite",
			"db" : "sysbackup"
			"role" : "read",
			"db" : "reporting"

Configuring Sysbackup daemon

Using your favorite editor open the configuration file and edit it. It my example I use vim

vim /etc/sbd/sbd.ini 

I have MongoDB version 3.2 and changed their default authentication mechanism:

AuthMechanism: to SCRAM-SHA-1

I have to change the password and backup directory for the daemon (sdb). The sbd will create the directory when it first starts.

Check your configuration:

grep AuthMechanism /etc/sbd/sbd.ini
# AuthMechanism, DBUser and DBUserPass.
AuthMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-1

Step 3: Start and check daemon

To start the daemon just execute the following command:

systemctl start sbd

Then you can check sbd:

systemctl status  sbd
● sbd.service - Start sbd
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sbd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-03-22 22:16:17 CET; 15s ago
 Main PID: 16041 (sbd)
    Tasks: 7 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 21.5M
      CPU: 235ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/sbd.service
           ├─16041 /usr/sbin/sbd start
           └─16042 /usr/sbin/sbd start

Mar 22 22:16:17 systemd[1]: Started Start sbd.

Add sbd to default start

systemctl enable sbd

Congratulations! You have installed sysbackup!

Step 4: Configuring and adding host

To add and configure a host you should use the sbctl.
You can see all sbctl’s functions by executing the following command:


Version :0.4.12
Help function: Basic Usage:
    	add or addhost 	- Add host to backup
    	l or list     		- List all hosts
    	lmy or  list-my     	- List the backup hosts for only my node
    	se or search   		- Search for the host name,. For example: sbctl search
    	re or reconf   		- Reconfiguration of backup settings. For example: sbctl reconf
    	rm or remove   		- Remove host. For example: sbctl remove
    	ho or host     		- Send command to remote host. For example: sbctl host "ls -al /var/backup"
    	backup         		- Start backup. For example: sbctl backup
    	update-sbcl    		- Update client. For example: sbctl update-sbcl
    	status         		- Status update. For example: sbctl status Done/Disabled/needbackup
    	status all     		- Update status for all nodes. For example: sbctl status all Done/Disabled/needbackup
    	   status Done         	- Backup is done
    	   status Disabled     	- Turn backup off
    	   status needbackup   	- Need to backup
    	find           		- List the hosts matching parameters. For example: sbctl find Status "rsync error"
    	find-not       		- List the hosts invert-matching parameters. For example: sbctl find-not Chmy YES
    	find-regex     		- Use regular expression to find the hosts on their parameter. For example: sbctl find-regex Status error 
    	find help     		- List all parameter keys. For example: sbctl find help 

	Using find/find-not/find-regex with keys
    	Server name: 	Name
    	Server IP: 	ServerIP
    	User:		User
    	Server ssh port: 	ServerPort
    	Priority: 		Priv

        sync options: 	RsyncOpt
    	Status: 		Status
    	Last backup start time: 	DateStart
    	Last backup end time:       DateEnd 
    	Backup directories:     	Dirs
        Backup frequency, hours: 	Frequency
    	Backup server cleaning frequency, days: CleanDate
    	Back up MySQL: Chmy
    	Mysqldump directory: 	DirsInc
    	Excluded databases: 	DBex
    	Mysqldump options:      MyDumpOpt
    	Mysqldump ready:        MysqlReady
    	MysqlLog file:          MysqlLog
    	Mysqldump start localtime: 	DateStartMysql
    	Mysqldump stop localtime: 	DateStopMySQL
    	list all servers with status rsync error: sbctl find Status "rsync error"
    	list all servers with "Backup mysql: NO": sbctl find Chmy NO
    	node         - Print the nodes of your cluster
    	node name    - Print information for just one node, example: sbctl node mynode
    	rm-node      - Remove node
    	move-host    - Move host to node, example: sbctl move-host Host New_Server_Node_Name
    	help         - Help

Let’s add a host by executing the following command and answering the setup questions

# sbctl add
Note that rsync must be installed on your remote server.
If you use mysql backup, please, check that mysqldump is installed and the local configuration file ~/.my.cnf is configured
Is rsync installed on your remote server ? ['yes' or 'no']: yes

Server name:
Server IP:
Server ssh port: [default: 22 ]
Options of rsync: [default:-av]
Priority: [default: 20 ]

Backup directories example[/etc,/var] : /etc,/root
Exclude Directories example[/etc/ssh,/var/log] :
Backup frequency, hours: [default: 24]
Backup server cleaning frequency, days: [default 7]
Are these data correct ? yes|no: yes
To add sshkey, please, prepare to enter a password for a remote server when you connect for the first time
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:vehuLBL+2B9b6aORgnpNpj0FrKzW4/j9VX8CLXVKuKY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
sbcl                                                                                                                100% 4242KB   9.8MB/s   00:00
sbcl.ini                                                                                                            100%  176    12.2KB/s   00:00
Do you want to backup MySQL? yes|no: yes
Is the file ~/.my.cnf configured ?  ['yes' or 'no']: yes
Result of "df -h" on your remote server
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md126               1,8T  536G  1,2T  32% /
devtmpfs                  48G     0   48G   0% /dev
tmpfs                     48G  772K   48G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                     48G  4,1G   44G   9% /run
tmpfs                     48G     0   48G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vgssd1-ssd1  459G  173G  263G  40% /ssd1
/dev/md125               2,0G  147M  1,7G   8% /boot
/dev/mapper/vgssd2-ssd2  459G  130G  308G  30% /ssd2
tmpfs                    9,5G     0  9,5G   0% /run/user/0
Mysqldump directory: [default is your hostname] :/var/backup-mysql
Do you want to exclude any databases? yes|no: yes
Your databases:

Exclude databases: [default: information_schema,performance_schema]: mysql,performance_schema,information_schema
MySQL dump options:  you can add --ignore-table=db.table [default: --opt  --routines ]:
Add a job in /etc/crontab, default: [ 0 0    * * * root /usr/sbin/sbcl mysqldump ] You can add another job and change the syntaxes in the crontab file : 0 0    * * * root /usr/sbin/sbcl mysqldump
Description :my4 database server
Backup node name:  [default is your hostname ]:
A client for backing up MySQL has been installed to the remote host, sbcl

Server name:
Server IP:

User: root
Server ssh port:  22
Priority:  20
Options of rsync: -av
Status: Never
Directory :/etc,/root
Exclude directory :
Frequency of backup, hours: 24
Clean the backup server, days:  7         ****************
Backup mysql:  YES
Mysqldump directory: /var/backup-mysql
Exclude databases: mysql,performance_schema,information_schema
MySQL dump options: --opt  --routines
MySQLdump ready: Empty
Mysqldump start localtime:
Mysqldump stop localtime:

Description :my4 database server
Backup node name:
##########################    number of servers  1

If you see this read message, it means we don’t have any information about Mysqldump start/end times. It will change after sbcl starts on your host (the server which we have added before). You can go to the host server and check your crontab file to be sure that sbcl is configured properly.

[email protected]~ # cat /etc/crontab

# For details see man 4 crontabs

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed
0 0    * * * root /usr/sbin/sbcl mysqldump

How to use sbctl List of your servers

#Sbctl l
Server name:
Server IP:

User: root
Server ssh port:  22
Priority:  20
Options of rsync: -av
Status: Never
Directory :/etc,/usr/local/etc,/var/lib
Exclude directory :
Frequency of backup, hours: 24
Clean the backup server, days:  7
Backup mysql:  NO
Description :Mysql
Backup node name:
##########################    number of servers  1

Add sysbackup node In order to add an additional backup server you should just install sysbackup and configure its configuration file /etc/sbd/sbd.ini Open the file by using your favorite editor and change parameters: MongoConnect: -- IP address for your MongoDB database AuthMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-1 -- for our example for MongoDB version 3.2 DBUser: sysbackup -- User database DBUserPass: test -- password for database

Node: Please, check all parameters and make changes if you needs to, for example: DirBackup (store directory)

Check your cluster by executing the following command:

sbctl node
Version :0.4.12
Cluster :sysbackup cluster
Hosts of node :
number of hosts  3

Hosts of node :
number of hosts  1

number of nodes  2

Start backup now

sbdctl start

How to change host status to backup. The backup process will start after the timeout which is assigned to the configuration file (TimeCheck)

sbctl status needbackup

The most common commands: sbctl add - add host sbctl l - list of configuration of hosts sbctl se - search host Example:

sbctl se mysql


Server name:
Server IP:

User: root
Server ssh port:  22
Priority:  20
Options of rsync: -av
Status: Done
Last backup start time: 2018-03-24T02:44:30.256300
Last backup finish time: 2018-03-24T02:44:33.538740
Directory :/etc
Exclude directory :
Frequency of backup, hours: 24
Clean the backup server, days:  60
Backup mysql:  NO
Description :
Backup node name:
##########################    number of servers  1

You can see all of sbctl’s functionality when you execute sbctl or sbctl help. You can also execute on a host sbcl to get more information about its functionality.