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- Meta-currency (and benefits)
- SP (every turn taken = 1 step)
- Assignable behaviors & more behavior types
- More starting equipment (unlock certain starting equipment tiers)
- Temporary enchantments, blessings, uncursings, etc (spent in the meta, apply to current game only)
- Better tombstones (per character)
- More border style choices (style = character[s] + color)
- Higher SP multiplier
- Game speed slider
- KP (monsters are worth different amounts of points)
- Stronger monsters (ie, their stats are overall better)
- Expand item drop variety (ie, their starting equipment is better)
- Higher KP multiplier
- VP (you get points for surviving the dungeon, your conduct is worth lots of points)
- More floor types (caves, mines, towns, etc) (see here for possible branch types)
- Better items generated on the floor
- Possibly unlock a dungeon editor (you can rearrange what floors are in what order, and how many of them spawn)
- Guaranteed N artifact generations
- Higher VP multiplier
- SP (every turn taken = 1 step)
- Achievements (worth VP, some worth recurring VP to a lesser extent)
- Beat game with one party member @ level X (10, 25, 50, 100)
- Beat game with one party member where dungeon size >= X (10, 25, 50, 100)
- Unlock all Y (Y = party member slots, behaviors, traits, classes, races, colors, pets, dungeon floor types, dungeon features)
- Get a dungeon of size X (10, 20, 30, 40, 50...)
- Customize a player (template slot | color | pet | tombstone)
- Deck out a player (template slot, color, pet, tombstone)
- Get an item enchanted to +5, +7, +9
- Analysis tool to make sure stats/etc are declared properly (they may need to be moved to the prototype so they can be imported)
- Assertions, unit tests, logging, general code refactoring / cleanup
- IRC bot (Selyk) to announce major events (deaths, etc)
- Track statistics (games played, monsters killed, killed by, total SP/KP/VP, features interacted with [doors opened, etc])
- Refactor / reorg / unit tests for classes
- Conventional changelog for bump/release
- Import/export savefile and reset game
- More messages! Make sure the messages line up with with the game better, ie, show:
- descend
- game over
- other special events (sitting on a throne, interacting with a fountain, etc)
- Should the number of floors and what each floor was factor into VP? Probably. Same with player level.
- Gravestones should use deaths from other players to spawn occasionally. also, they should get a death message. maybe also store deaths in the firebase
- Chests and other containers
- More intricate death messages ("while asleep" "while stunned")
- Catchable ammo, recoverable ammo
- Gems: random category, unidentifiable until the end of the game
- Scrolls: only usable by players? (ie, not the characters in the dungeon)
- Traps in the dungeon (also implement levitation)
- Deities (also, add altars as dungeon features and temples as possible rooms)
- Conflict trait
- More floor types such as this
- More victory types leading through various dungeons (similar to SelykAltar, generate a few extra floors at the bottom)
- Possibly allow people to use a slider to determine the relative generatability of room types
- Allow fountains to also spurt out pools onto the floor
- Themed rooms (Oracle room, Throne room, Bathroom, Graveyard)
- More here
- Artifact Weapons
- Reflection (and an amulet, cloak)
- Magic resistance (for some monsters, and a cloak)
- Forgetful trait - you can only know what you see, the rest you forget (ie, explored hash is useless)
- Use known healing potions or use random potions when dying (also, allow people to manually use potions)
- heavy weapons (maces, greatmaces) that have knockback on their attacks (or bonus damage if the target is against a wall)
- Random colored stars on the respawn screen
- Random dungeon afflictions/bonuses (+120% SP gain, -3 con, etc)
- Pick better spells randomly
- Potions as well (possibly, players interact with these things)
- don't always pick healing potions -- random potions if healing is not identified -- maybe some kind of weighting for situations to try new things? "danger sense"?
- implement more spellbooks and wands that incorporate buffs (possibly if you're not in combat, attempt to buff yourself, based on the buffs you have)
- Polymorph self
- Chameleons can do this
- Corrision
- -1 enchantLevel hit with a corrosionPercent chance of happening, adds "corroded" to name if < 0
- add CorrodesWhenHit and a corrosion attribute to the attack that both do the same thing. Or maybe a CorrodeOnHit behavior?
- Black Pudding
- only affects corrodable items
- Burning
- on a burn attack, everything has a chance of burning (if burnable), or explode (if explodable)
- More dungeon types
- Mines
- Town (arena with shops in it, or a digger with empty spaces/corridor spaces replaced with basic tile)
- Big Room
- Fortress
- Swamp
- Flooded
- Castle
- Lava floes
- figure out instance decorators for materials, glyphs, slotsTaken, etc