Is a set of scripts to clean raw NGS data. This was used to clean v2 NextSeq data showing a messed up GC distribution (which turned out to be due to Truseq adapter contaminations). It takes FASTQ and outputs FASTQ.
USAGE ./ <left-hand FASTQ> <right-hand FASTQ> <BLAST db>
Quaility filering is done by sub script
. Only read pairs with phred quality over 20 at over 90% of bases will be kept. Also, read length need to be 151nt.
Conversion to FASTA is done by
. Both FASTQ files will be converted to FASTA with a running number preceding the original read names. The files will be concatenated.
BLASTn against contaminants is using a blast library to be specified when running the main script (not included).
Extraction from BLAST output is done with cut
to get the first column of the BLASTn output (which contains the FASTA names' running numbers). Numbers are then sorted and duplicates removed.
Filtering the FASTQ files done with subscript
which goes through the FASTQs and write every record (counting) to a new file dropping the numbers of lines that correspond to BLAST hits.
Deletion of temp files.
, anduniq
(UNIX tools)- python2 with Biopython