This changelog provides an overview of the changes incorporated in GeoDCAT-AP 3.0.0. A complete list of the issues closed with this release is accessible on GitHub.
- Introduction: revised the introduction and context to be more up to date.
- Terminology: updated the list of prefixes.
- Formal data model presentation: introduced the notions of Main Entities, Supportive Entities and Datatypes to enhance the readability.
- Controlled Vocabularies: removed the section on licence vocabularies as there is a new section on expressing legal information.
- High-value Datasets: new section to create a reference to the guidelines for High-value Datasets.
- Annex Quick Reference of Classes and Properties: improved the HTML table making it interactive.
- New document for GeoDCAT-AP vocabulary (
- Added links to individual re-used classes and properties from DCAT-AP and DCAT for easier navigation through the profile hierarchy.
Over the public review the following editorial changes were applied:
- A.3: Supported Tooling: Add clarification on the capabilities and limitations of the XSLT.
- A.5: Additional clarification on each situation for the binding defined in GeoDCAT-AP for the RDF representation of INSPIRE metadata and the core of ISO-19115.
- A.5.1: Additional clarification on what is included in GeoDCAT-AP Core.
- A.5.1 & A.5.2: Updating both tables to improve their readability.
- Issue 82: Relaxed the cardinality of Distribution.rights.
- Issue 77: Introduction geodcat:serviceCategory, geodcat:serviceType, and geodcat:resourceType as subproperties of dct:type.
- Issue 78: Introduction of geodcat:topicCategory as subproperty of dct:subject.
- Issue 72: The properties from dcat:Dataset were added to dcat:DatasetSeries.
- Issue 99: Limit the range of vcard:hasEmail to vcard:Email. Add vcard:Email.
- Issue 88 & 103: Update usage note of Distribution.characterEncoding and CatalogueRecord.characterEncoding was dropped.
- Issue 105: Usage notes are split into definitions and usage notes.
- Issue 104: The cardinality on Location.geographicName was relaxed.
- Issue 100: Updated cardinality of spatial resolution across Distribution, Data Service, Dataset and Dataset Series to be in line with its meaning in each case.
- Issue 114: Introduction of geodcat:serviceProtocol as subproperty of dct:conformsTo on dcat:DataService.
Dataset Series are the main change for DCAT-AP 2.1.1 to DCAT-AP 3.0.0.
DCAT-AP 3.0.0 has adopted Dataset Series in a lightweight alignment: namely very few restrictions have been included. GeoDCAT-AP 3.0.0 has adopted Dataset Series in the same regard but has added the properties present on Dataset. These properties include the various roles as custodian, creator, user, etc.
Further the changes of DCAT-AP 2.1.1 to DCAT-AP 3.0.0 have been adopted in GeoDCAT-AP 3.0.0 to make both specifications fully aligned.
- Issue 9: dcat:landingPage was added to Data Service.
- Issue 71: The class dcat:DatasetSeries has been included.
- Issue 73: dcat:hasVersion and dcat:version were added.
- Issue 75: dcat:inSeries was added to the class dcat:Dataset.
- Issue 85: The definition of Agent.type was aligned with DCAT-AP 3.0.0.
- Issue 86: Update controlled vocabulary to be used for Distribution.availability.
- Issue 87: Update definition of CatalogueRecord.changetype.
- Issue 89: The range of spdx:algorithm was changed to spdx:ChecksumAlgorithm. The class spdx:ChecksumAlgorithm was added.
- Issue 90: dct:isVersionOf was deprecated and the example on foaf:PrimaryTopic was changed.
- Issue 91: Range of dcat:byteSize was changed from xsd:decimal to xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
- Issue 92: skos:notation was made mandatory for adms:Identifier and and its range was lifted to rdfs:Literal without specifying a mandatory type.
- Issue 93: Temporal Literal data type was added.
- Issue 101 & 109: All properties, including those on Standard, are optional.
- Issue 108: Usage of rdfs:label was changed to dct:description in specific cases.
- Issue 110: Deleted example on Media Type.
- Issue 112: Removal of dct:Agent in bindings overview and additional usage guides on foaf:Agent and prov:Agent.
- Issue 113: Only allow license usage with license IRIs, mapping of non-IRI rights to RightsStatements using dct:rights.
- Issue 56: The NAL Frequency code list was updated to include values ‘AS_NEEDED’ and ‘NOT_PLANNED’ and mapped to the INSPIRE Maintenance frequency code list.
- Issue 94: Introduction of geodcat:referenceSystem as subproperty of dct:conformsTo.
- Issue 95: Introduction of geodcat:spatialResolutionAsText.
These are issues that point out editorial improvements.
- Issue 6: The lack of support of CRS in GeoJSON was not explicitly mentioned.
- Issue 49: The list of controlled vocabularies (10. Controlled Vocabularies) was updated.
- Issue 76: Changed reference to draft of GeoSPARQL to latest release (1.1.0) since it has been released.
- Issue 83: Typos were corrected in ‘Resource locator - *On-line resource’ and the conformity example.
- Issue 96: Usage note of DataService.geographicalCoverage was updated.
- Issue 97: Usage note of Distribution.representationTechnique was updated.
- Issue 106: Usage note of DataService.language was updated.
- Issue 107: Usage note of dct:spatial was updated.
- Issue 98: Removed note on Kind.
- Issue 129: A section on usage of DCAT-AP for HVD in relation to GeoDCAT-AP 3.0.0 was added to the spec.
Over the public review the following bug fixes were applied:
- Change reference to DCAT-AP HVD 3.0.0 throughout the specification.
- Change reference to Core Location Vocabulary 2.1.0 and adjusted names of adminUnitL1 and adminUnitL2 accordingly (there was actually also a bug where adminUnitL1 was described as L2).
- Removal of superfluous "tab" and "newline" characters from descriptions of properties (affects mainly SHACL)
- Issue 130: Changed 'Catalogued Record' to 'Catalogued Resource' in usage note of Catalogued Resource.
- Issue 132: Changed reference to
The following changes were done to the reference XSLT implementation:
- Update mapping to DCAT Dataset Series
- Issue 56 adding mapping to 2 new concepts of the Frequency European NAL
- Issue 77, 78, 94 and 114 introducing specific subproperties of dct:conformsTo, dct:subject and dct:type
- Issue 95 mapping spatial resolution as text to geodcat:spatialResolutionAsText instead of rdfs:comment
- Issue 108 changing rdfs:label to dct:description for describing RightsStatements
- Issue 113 changing handling of free-text licence and access rights statements
- Change output prefix from geodcat to geodcatap to avoid confusion with the upcoming OGC GeoDCAT
- Accepted community pull requests