You're so close! The last step is to make sure you're prepared for the web technologies we use in the second half of the course.
RVM is a Ruby Version Manager. It lets you easily switch between versions of the Ruby programming language for different projects.
- Run the following command to install both RVM and the latest version of Ruby.
Note for August 2017 cohort ONLY: Due to a current bug in the RVM installer, you should NOT run the command below, and should instead run:
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
$ curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby --auto-dotfiles
This installation could take a few minutes, so don't panic if it's slow.
- Run
echo "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc
Close your command prompt and open a new one now.
$ gem install bundler
- Run
gem install rails
- Run
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
- We need to start the database running to finish setting it up. Run
$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql
$ sudo service postgresql start
- We need to create ourselves as a database user in order to connect to the database. Run
$ sudo su postgres # briefly become the special postgres user
$ createuser -s YOUR-USERNAME-HERE # as the postgres user, add yourself as a user
$ exit # go back to being yourself
$ createdb YOUR-USERNAME-HERE # make yourself a database
$ psql # connect to that database
Call an instructor over if any part of those directions gives an error. If you see a weird command prompt that ends in a #, you've done it correctly! Hit Ctrl-D to exit.
Thanks for coming to InstallFest, and we're excited to see you next week! Feel free to stick around and finish up Fundamentals, or head out.