##Manifest of files##
- all.yml - a Yaml file that was part of the initial stab at the project
- bootstrap.sh - the main bash script that prepares the environment for Ansible playbooks.
- bootstrap-alt.sh - the initial script, until I found superlumic and bastardized it
- config.yml - config for battleschool, no longer used
- drupal.yml - the drupal specific playbook, part of the initial attempt
- hosts - a text file with the hostnames that should be in /etc/hosts
- MANIFEST.md - this file, explaining what the others are
- mycfg.yml - Variables for Python scripts
- README.md - Github Readme
- role_update.sh - a bash script to update various roles for Ansible
- slac-sites.py - A python script that retrieves all of the relevant SLAC Drupal codebases
- ssh_keys.pdf - Guide on implmenting SSH keys
- virtualhost.sh.conf - config for virtualhost script
- virtualhost.sh - excellent bash script that creates virtualhosts and relevant hosts entries in OS-X