diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d5b08ef..7067429 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,38 +4,68 @@ Plasma is a web application designed to connect blood donors with recipients in
It facilitates the process of finding suitable donors for blood requests and allows authenticated users to request blood with proper information. The app also provides a platform for users to fulfill blood requests by donating blood.
-Plasma uses real-time database, enabling users to interact with each other in real-time.
+Plasma uses **real-time** database, enabling users to interact with each other in real-time.
## Live Link
Visit the live app at: https://plasmamec.netlify.app/
## Key Features
-- **User Authentication:** Users can create an account using their email, password, or Google account and log in securely to access the application's features.
+- **User Authentication:**
+ - Users can create an account using their email, password, or Google account and log in securely to access the application's features.
+- **Blood Requests:**
+ - Authenticated users can submit blood requests with proper information, making it easier for them to find donors who match their requirements.
+- **Donor Search:**
+ - Users can easily find donors by applying various filtration options, ensuring a quick and efficient donor-recipient match.
-- **Blood Requests:** Authenticated users can submit blood requests with proper information, making it easier for them to find donors who match their requirements.
+- **Request Filtration:**
-- **Donor Search:** Users can easily find donors by applying various filtration options, ensuring a quick and efficient donor-recipient match.
+ - Users can search for specific blood requests based on filtration criteria and fulfill those requests by donating blood.
-- **Request Filtration:** Users can search for specific blood requests based on filtration criteria and fulfill those requests by donating blood.
+- **Profile Management:**
-- **Profile Management:** Authenticated users can manage their profiles, including personal information and blood donation history.
+ - Authenticated users can manage their profiles, including personal information and blood donation history.
-- **Request Management:** Users can view and manage their blood donation requests, including editing and deleting them as needed.
+- **Request Management:**
-- **Admin Privileges:** Admins have the authority to update, delete, and manage user requests, as well as manage users on the web application.
+ - Users can view and manage their blood donation requests, including editing and deleting them as needed.
+- **Admin Privileges:**
+ - Admins have the authority to update, delete, and manage user requests, as well as manage users on the web application.
## Technology Stack
-- **React.js:** Front-end development is done using React.js, providing a fast and interactive user interface.
+- **React.js:**
+ - Front-end development is done using React.js, providing a fast and interactive user interface.
+- **React-Bootstrap:**
+ - UI components are styled using React-Bootstrap, ensuring responsive design and a consistent look.
+- **Redux:**
+ - Redux is used for state management, making it easier to manage the application's global state.
-- **React-Bootstrap:** UI components are styled using React-Bootstrap, ensuring responsive design and a consistent look.
+- **Firebase Authentication:**
-- **Redux:** Redux is used for state management, making it easier to manage the application's global state.
+ - Firebase Authentication handles user sign-in and registration securely.
-- **Firebase Authentication:** Firebase Authentication handles user sign-in and registration securely.
+- **Firestore Database:**
-- **Firestore Database:** For the purpose of a real-time database, firestore is used to store and manage data, such as user profiles and blood requests.
+ - For the purpose of a real-time database, firestore is used to store and manage data, such as user profiles and blood requests.
-- **Netlify:** Netlify is used to host the web application.
+- **Netlify:**
+ - Netlify is used to host the web application.