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608 lines (480 loc) · 21.6 KB

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608 lines (480 loc) · 21.6 KB

Developer notes

High-level API

This section describes the simple API for developers of other plugins without learning the concepts of Capital in depth.

Capital supports different ways of classifying accounts (known as schemas), e.g. multi-currency and multi-world. The good news is, you don't have to consider each schema, because Capital will figure it out. You just need to leave a place in your config.yml so that users who want to use other schemas can configure it:

# Selects the Capital account to use.
# See for more details.
selector: {}

Users can fill this selector with options like allowed-currencies etc., depending on the schema they chose.

In onEnable, store this in a class property:

use SOFe\Capital\{Capital, CapitalException, LabelSet};

class Main extends PluginBase {
  private $selector;

  protected function onEnable() : void {
    Capital::api("0.1.0", function(Capital $api) {
      $this->selector = $api->completeConfig($this->getConfig()->get("selector"));

Then you can use the stored selector in the code where you want to manipulate player money.

Take money from a player

Let's make a plugin called "ChatFee" which charges the player $5 for every chat message:

public function onChat(PlayerChatEvent $event) : void {
  $player = $event->getPlayer();

  Capital::api("0.1.0", function(Capital $api) use($player) {
      try {
        yield from $api->takeMoney(
          new LabelSet(["reason" => "chatting"]), 

        $player->sendMessage("You lost $5 for chatting");
      } catch(CapitalException $e) {
        $player->kick("You don't have money to chat");

The first "ChatFee" is your plugin name so that server admins can track which plugin gave the money. Capital will create a system account for your plugin, and the money will actually go into the ChatFee system account.

The second parameter $player tells Capital which player to take money from.

The third parameter $this->selector tells Capital which account to take money from, as we have explained in the previous section. Note: if you have multiple different scenarios of giving/taking money, consider using different selectors.

The fourth parameter 5 is the amount of money to take. This value must be an integer.

The last parameter new LabelSet(["reason" => "chatting"]) provides the labels for the transaction. Server admins can use these labels to perform analytics. You may want to let users configure these labels in the config too.

The try-catch block lets you handle the scenario where player does not have enough money to be taken. However, remember that you cannot cancel $event after the first yield, because transactions are asynchronous, which means that the event already happened by that time and it is too late to cancel.

Giving money to a player

Giving money is similar to taking money, except takeMoney becomes addMoney. Let's make a plugin called "HitReward" that gives the player money when they attack someone:

public function onDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent $event) : void {
  $player = $event->getDamager();
  if(!$player instanceof Player) {

  Capital::api("0.1.0", function(Capital $api) use($player) {
    try {
      yield from $api->addMoney(
        new LabelSet(["reason" => "attacking"]),

      $player->sendMessage("You got $5");
    } catch(CapitalException $e) {
      $player->sendMessage("You have too much money!");

Paying money from a player to another

Paying money is like taking money from one player and giving to another, but it only happens when both players have enough money and don't exceed limits. Neither player will lose or receive money if any limits are violated.

public function pay(Player $player1, Player $player2) : void {
  Capital::api("0.1.0", function(Capital $api) use($player1, $player2) {
    try {
      yield from $api->pay(
        new LabelSet(["reason" => "payment"]),

      $player1->sendMessage("You paid $5 to " . $player2->getName());
    } catch(CapitalException $e) {

All arguments are same as before, except you don't need to pass your plugin name because the money came from a player and you don't need a plugin account.

If the payer and receiver sides have different amounts (e.g. service fee), you have to use payUnequal instead. The following code makes $player1 pay $player2 $5, plus giving $3 service fee to the "ServiceFee" system account:

public function pay(Player $player1, Player $player2) : void {
  Capital::api("0.1.0", function(Capital $api) use($player1, $player2) {
    try {
      yield from $api->payUnequal(
        5 + 3, // this is the total amount that $player1 has to lose
        5, // this is the total amount that $player2 gets
        new LabelSet(["reason" => "payment"]),
        new LabelSet(["reason" => "service-fee"]), // this label set is applied on the transaction from $player1 to the system account

      $player1->sendMessage("You paid $5 to " . $player2->getName() . " and paid $3 service fee");
    } catch(CapitalException $e) {

It is also possible for player1 to pay less and player2 to pay more. In that case, player1 only pays the amount to player2, then the system account will pay the rest to player2.

Getting money for a player

If you want to check whether the player has enough money for something, use takeMoney as explained above and handle the error case.

If you just want to display player money, use InfoAPI. The default config registered the {money} info on players, but users can change this based on their config setup. Consider using InfoAPI to compute the messages and let the user set their own messages. See InfoAPI readme for usage guide.


Async functions

Capital uses await-generator, which enables asynchronous programming using generators. Functions that return Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, T> are async functions that return values of type T. There is a special phpstan-level type alias VoidPromise, which is just shorthand for Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, void>.

Generator functions must always be called with yield from instead of yield. Functions that delegate to another generator function MUST always return yield from delegate_function();, even though return delegate_function(); and return yield delegate_function(); have similar semantics. This is to ensure consistent behavior where async functions only start executing when passed to the await-generator runtime.

Module system and dependency injection

Capital is module-based. Every module containing a Mod class is a module. Each module has its independent semantic versioning line, as indicated by the API_VERSION constant. The Mod class is responsible for starting and stopping components that cannot wait to be initialized only on-demand, such as commands, event handlers and InfoAPI infos/fallbacks.

Classes that only have one useful instance in the runtime are called "singletons". To facilitate unit testing in the future, singletons do not use the traditional getInstance() style. Instead, all singletons are managed by the Di namespace. If a (singleton or non-singleton) class requires an instance of a singleton class, it can implement the Di\FromContext interface and use the Di\SingletonArgs trait, then declare all required classes in the constructor, for example:

use SOFe\Capital\Di;

class Foo implements Di\FromContext {
  use Di\SingletonArgs;

  public function __construct(
    private Bar $bar,
    private Qux $qux,

Alternatively, if initialization of the object is async (e.g. Database\Database initialization requires waiting for table creation queries), or the developer does not wish to mix initialization logic in the constructor (it is a bad practice to do anything other than field initialization and validation in the constructor), declare public static function fromSingletonArgs in a similar style. fromSingletonArgs can return either self or Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, self>.

The class can be instantiated with Foo::instantiateFromContext(Di\Context $context). Alternatively, if Foo itself is a singleton class, it can additionally implement Di\Singleton and use the trait Di\SingletonTrait, then it can be requested from another FromContext class with the same style.

All Mod classes are singleton and use Di\SingletonArgs. They are required in the Loader\Loader (this is not the main class) singleton, which is explicitly created from the main class onEnable.

The main class (Plugin\MainClass) is a singleton, although it is not initialized lazily like other FromContext classes (since it is the same instance that started loading everything). Note that, unlike many other plugins, the main class does not have any functionality by itself. It serves only to implement the Plugin interface as required by some PocketMine APIs, and is generally useless except for registering commands and event handlers.

The Di\Context is also a singleton, but similar to the main class, it is not initialized lazily. Other classes can use it to flexibly require new objects that were not requested in the constructor under special circumstances.

The await-std instance (\SOFe\AwaitStd\AwaitStd) does not implement Di\Singleton, but it is also special-cased to allow singleton-like usage.

The \Logger interface is not a singleton. However, FromContext classes can declare a parameter of type \Logger, then the DI framework will create a new logger for the class. (This logger is derived from the plugin logger, but is not equal to the plugin logger itself)


Capital implements a self-healing config manager. Each module has its own Config class to manage module-specific configuration. In addition to the singleton and FromContext interfaces, each Config class also implements Config\ConfigInterface and uses Config\ConfigTrait, implementing a parse method that reads values from a Config\Parser object into itself.

The first time parse is called, Config\Parser is in non-fail-safe mode, which means methods like expectString would throw a Config\ConfigException if the parsed config contains invalid types or data. Upon catching a Config\ConfigException, the config framework calls parse on all Config classes again, this time providing a Config\Parser in fail-safe mode, which would no longer throw Config\ConfigException. Instead, the parser will add missing fields (along with documentation) or replace incorrect fields in the config, which are saved to the config after all module configs have been parsed. Config classes can also use the failSafe method in the Config\Parser to either return a value or throw a Config\ConfigException depending on the parser mode. This strategy allows automatic config refactor when the user changes critical settings like the schema, which cascades changes to many other parts in the config.

Due to difficulties with cyclic dependencies, all Config classes must be separated listed in the Config\Raw::ALL_CONFIG constant.


Capital uses libasynql for database connection. Note that the libasynql DataConnector is exposed in the Database API, whcih means the SQL definition is part of semantic versioning. All structural changes are considered as backward-incompatible changes. The Database class also provides some low-level (although higher level than raw SQL queries) APIs to access the database. Other modules should consider using the APIs in the SOFe\Capital\Capital singleton, which provides more user-friendly and type-safe APIs than the Database class.

Raw queries are written in resources/mysql and resources/sqlite. There is a slight diversion in MySQL and SQLite queries due to different requirements; SQLite does not require any synchronization and assumes FIFO query execution. MySQL assumes there may be multiple servers using the database, plus external services (such as web servers) that may modify the data arbitrarily.


The Capital database is gameplay-agnostic. This means the database design is independent of how accounts are created. The database module does not know anything about players or currencies or worlds. Instead, each account is attached with labels (a string-to-string map), which provide information about the account and enable account searching.

Each player may have zero or more accounts, determined by the schema configured. Generally speaking, player accounts are identified by the capital/playerUuid label (or capital/playerName if username display is required); analytics modules can use this label to identify accounts associated to a player.

Capital aims to provide reproducible transactions. All account balance changes other than initial account creation should be performed through a transaction. In the case of balance change as initiated by an operator or automatic reward provided by certain gameplay (e.g. kill reward), a system account (known as an "oracle") should be used as the payer/payee. Oracles do not have player identification labels like capital/playerUuid, but they use the capital/oracle to identify themselves.

Other modules/plugins can also define other account types. As long as they have their own labels that do not collide with existing labels, they are expected to work smoothly along with other components.

Transactions can also have their own labels. At the current state, the exact usage of transaction labels is not confirmed yet. It is expected that transaction labels can be used to analyze economic activity, such as the amount of capital flow in certain industries.

The database can search accounts and transactions matching a "label selector", which is an array of label names to values. Accounts/transactions are matched by a selector if they have all the labels specified in the selector. An empty value in a label selector matches all accounts/transactions with that label name regardless of the value.


A schema abstracts the concept of labels by expressing them in more user-friendly terminology. A schema is responsible for defining the accounts for a player and parsing config into a specific account selector.

There are currently two builtin schema types:

  • basic: Each player uses the same account for everything.
  • currency: Currencies are defined in schema config, where each player has one account for each currency.

There are other planned schema types, which impose speical challenges:

  • world: Each player has one account for each world. This means accounts must be created lazily and dynamically, because new worlds may be loaded over time.
  • wallet: Accounts are bound to inventory items instead of players. Players can spend money in an account when the item associated with the account is in the player's inventory. This means the player label is mutable and requires real-time updating.

Let's explain how schemas work with a payment command and a currency schema. The default schema is configured as:

  type: currency
    coins: {...}
    gems: {...}
    tokens: {...}

The payment command is configured with a section like this:

  allowed-currencies: [coins, tokens]

This config section is passed to the default schema, which returns a new Schema object that only contains the currency subset [coins, tokens].

When a player runs the payment command (e.g. /pay SOFe 100 coins), the remaining command arguments (["coins"]) are passed to the subset schema, which decides to parse the first argument as the currency name. Since we only use the subset schema, only coins and tokens are accepted. The subset schema returns a final Schema object that knows coins have been selected. The sender and recipient are passed to the final Schema, which returns a label selector for the sender and recipient accounts. If no eligible accounts are found, the plugin tries to migrate the accounts from imported sources as specified by the schema. If no migration is eligible, it creates new accounts based on initial setup specified by the schema.


The Analytics module consists of two parts: Single and Top.

Single metrics

Analytics\Single computes single-value metrics.

The Analytics\Single\Query interface abstracts different metric types parameterized by a generic parameter P. Use CachedValue::loop to spawn a refresh loop that fetches the latest metric value. If P is Player, use PlayerInfoUpdater::registerListener() to automatically spawn refresh loops for online players.

Top metrics

Analytics\Top reports server-wide top metrics.

Due to the label-oriented mechanism, it is not possible to efficiently fetch the top accounts directly because the SQL database cannot be indexed by a specific label. To allow efficient top metric queries, the metric is first computed for each grouping label value (usually the player UUID) and cached in the capital_analytics_top_cache table.

A top metric query is defined by the following:

  • The aggregator to use. This also defines whether the query operates on accounts or transactions. Currently all aggregators are accounts-only or transactions-only, but there will be aggregators on transactions for each account in the future.
  • The label selector that filters rows. For example, if the aggregator is about number of transactions of each player, the label selector filters away non-player accounts (it is not a transaction label selector).
  • The grouping label name, where its values will be used to group rows. For queries on top players, this is AccountLabels::PLAYER_UUID.

These three values uniquely identify a top query for computation cache. These values are md5-hashed into the capital_analytics_top_cache.query column, which are reused on multiple servers. The computation takes place in batches, updating a subset of label values each time. Call Analytics\Top\Mod::runRefreshLoop() to start a refreshing loop.

Analytics\Top\DatabaseUtils::fetchTopAnalytics fetches the cached data for display. For each displayLabels label, a random label value for matching rows with the name equal to the displayLabels label is returned in the output for display.





Capital is developed on Linux. All development pipelines are stored in the Makefile.

Building the plugin

The phar output and intermediate files (such as libraries) are stored in the dev/ directory (which is git-ignored).

To build the plugin, run

make dev/Capital.phar

Static analysis

The project is strictly phpstan-compliant. To analyze the project with phpstan, run

make phpstan

Please make phpstan before every commit. If all outstanding phpstan errors should be ignored, regenerate the baseline file with

make phpstan-baseline.neon/regenerate


Please reformat the code and reorganize imports before every commit with the command

make fmt

Integration testing

An integration testing starts a clean PocketMine server with Capital installed and interacts with Capital to check if it behaves as expected. Integration tests are managed in the suitetest/ directory.

Integration testing is performed using Docker. Please install Docker first.

Each integration test case (a "test suite") is declared by a new directory under suitetest/cases/ with the following structure:

├── data
│   └── plugin_data
│       ├── Capital
│       │   └── (Capital config files...)
│       └── SuiteTester
│           └── config.php
├── expect-config.yml (optional)
├── options
│   └── skip-mysql (optional)
└── output (generated)
    ├── actual-config.yml
    ├── depgraph.svg
    └── output.json

data contains files to be mounted onto /data inside the test container running pmmp/pocketmine-mp. The files are merged with suitetest/shared/data/ to share common configuration.

If expect-config.yml is present, the suite test fails if it is not identical to the actual config.yml generated by the plugin during the test.

If options/skip-mysql is absent, the script will spawn a new MySQL container and wait for it to be ready before starting the PocketMine container.

The output directory is generated by the script after the suite test completes. output/output.json contains a JSON file reporting how many test steps passed. (and depgraph.svg if the GraphViz dot command is found) renders a dependency graph for the singleton objects and displays their initialization timestamp. actual-config.yml is the config file generated after the server stops.

To run all test suites, run

make suitetest

To run a single test suite, run

make suitetest/cases/${TEST_SUITE_NAME}

To open MySQL queries on the mysql test case, run

make debug/suite-mysql