Live Link:
Key Features:
- Login Registrion and Social Login using Firebase Auth
- Use Axios Library
- Use Transtck Query | React Query
- JWt used for Authentication
- Use Stripe for Payment Gateway
Used Packages:
- Transtack query
- Axios
- DaisyUI
- React Hook Form
- React Helmet
- React Parallax
- React Awesome Reveal
Use this boilerplate just clone this project and run
npm install
- React Route (Custom)
- Tailwind with Vite
- Daisy UI
- React Toastity
- Moment JS
- React Fast Marquee
- React Icons
- Context API [Provider: AuthProvider, ]
- Sweetalert 2
- Rechart
- React Helmet Async
- React Hook Form
React Component:
- ErrorPage
- ReactHelmet
- Home
- Header
- Footer
- Navbar[Responsive] (daisyUI with NavLink)
- useAuth