- 2x SLES15 SP3 minimal install ready for RKE
- 8 GiB RAM (minimally)
- Bridge Networking to your local network with access to the internet
- 4 CPU
- 60 GiB /
- no /home partition
- tux user created and member of docker group
- Firewall Disabled
- Containers Module installed
- yast2, docker, sudo installed
1) Obtain media and registration key from the SCC
Be sure to choose the latest update (QU1 currently)
if you don't see a Registration Code...click the Generate Registration code link
Accept additional update repositories from the Registration Server
Partitioning -> Select Expert -> Start with Current Proposal
- Accept Partitioning
- Select your Timezone and Region
- Local User
- Create a User name tux
- assign a Password
- Disable Firewall under Security
- Disable Kdump
''' ssh root@ipaddress '''
zypper in -y -t pattern yast2_basis
zypper in -y sudo nmap docker wget iputils vim apparmor-parser
systemctl enable --now docker.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
usermod -aG docker tux
hostnamectl set-hostname rke-YOURNAME-1