All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Identity Server 4.
- Health Checks in Web Api.
- Update Customer Use Case.
- End to End tests.
- Notification service that aggregates error messages.
- GitHub Actions.
- Null Object pattern.
- Register Account Use Case split in Signup, On-board and Open Account use cases.
- Domain split in Accounts, Customers and Security Bounded Contexts.
- Common project with strong typed IDs.
- Controllers are now built-in Presenters.
- FluentMediator.
- Exception thrown from Value Objects.
- Azure Pipelines.
- API Conventions.
- Test cases as it starts with a preset Customer and Account.
- Close account calls Account Cannot be Closed in case of existing funds.
- Refactoring.
- Startup instructions on
- Exchange Service.
- Variable names changed to conform with use cases.
- Value Objects removed from Input constructors.
- Test and Presenters clean up.
- Removed 1591, SA1600, SA1633, SA1602, SA1309, SA1101, SA1124, SA1625 and CA1822 Warnings.
- Nuget packages upgrade.
- Changed naming to be consistent.
- Nuget packages upgrades.
renamed toTransferUseCase
- #181 TypeScript Exception.
- NPM packages updated.
- .NET Core SDK version to 3.1.300.
- Azure pipeline changed to use .NET Core 3.1.300.
- VSCode and Rider environment variables.
- Debits and Credits transactions from List Accounts Response.
- Context.SaveChanges from CustomerRepository class. Thanks @aschle!
- .prettierignore file do ignore markdown.
- Nullable references fixed.
- Unit Tests naming.
- Directory.Build.Props to manage assembly versioning.
- CI pipeline to include code coverage report.
- Naming.
-, nuget.config.